Thanks to elevator

"Riya's point of view,"

Rachit had called me, which made me ecstatic. Did he also send me a message? It is not possible for me to read messages that are blocked. In the end, I could not access the messages I had been eagerly awaiting.

I wanted to speak with him, but it scared me that my growing friendship with him would harm my relationship with Harsh, so I did what I felt was right and avoided meeting with Rachit all day.

Because of an emergency, I had to work late today. I exited the workplace with my bag after concluding my work. I waited for the elevator door to open after the biometric punch.

Rachit was already inside the elevator when the door opened. "What had you been up to at this point in the office?" With puzzled eyes, I gazed at him. He had figured out what I was thinking. "I forgot my car key on my table," he said without prompting. "Sir, here is the key to your car," Peon told him. He thanks Peon with a smile. He stood in the elevator, waiting for me to get in.

My workplace was on the 17th floor, and getting down the stairs to the 17th floor was a big challenge for me, but my stubbornness caused me to turn around and go down the stairs, but his voice stopped me in my tracks as I was leaving. He remarked it directed your anger at me rather than at yourself. So, why are you putting yourself through this? What happened that you weren't able to stand in the elevator with me? I silently entered the elevator and stood in the corner after listening to him.

"What happened, Riya?" he questioned as he observed me standing in a corner as the lift door closed. "Why do you seem to ignore me? " I said nothing in response to what he said.

He yelled angrily, "I asked you a question. Please answer," and I stayed as silent as before.

"Tell me what happened?" he urged as he grasped my shoulder and turned to face him, his voice this time more hurt than angry. "Nothing happened," I replied. "Oh, nothing truly happened," he stated emphatically. As the elevator arrived on the 10th level, it flushed his face with wrath, and it was apparent from his red eyes that he had not slept the night before. He had my shoulder pressed up against a wall so hard that I couldn't move even if I wanted to. "What do you think of yourself?" I've been asking you this question for a long time. Why haven't you responded to me yet? "My whole body shook as soon as I heard his loud voice. But I stayed mute, my head lowered and my gaze fixed on the lift's floor. He gripped my chin with his hands and raised my face to his when the lift reached the 7th floor.

"Look at me and reply to what I'm saying." He told me to look him in the eyes and lift my head. His anxiety was visible in his expression. I demand that he give permission to leave me. "You won't be able to leave until you answer my question," he continued. His toxic eyes caught my attention first, followed by his light pink lips, which had dried up owing to his rage.

When I saw his lips, it reminded me of the same passion, but I couldn't say anything, even though I wanted to; tears welled up in my eyes. "What's the matter?" he asked, holding my hand in his. "It's wrong, it's not right for us to come this close," I sobbed.

"Oh, so you believe ignoring me is the solution," he murmured as he hugged me in his arms. The elevator door opened after I sobbed and nodded.

He withdrew himself from me. As the lift door opened, I wiped my tears away and walked out, but he instantly grabbed my wrist and dragged me back into the lift.

The door banged shut as he hit the key button. I tried to free my wrist by returning my sight to his. "Leave my hand," I said. We're in the elevator, and someone will see us .

He shoved against his chest at me. I felt dizzy because his chest smelt strongly of his seductive fragrance.

I turned around to face him and said, "Please release me." This is incorrect. "I tried to release my wrist from his grip, but he had such a powerful grip on it I couldn't.

With his other hand, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me away from the lift's wall. He took both of my hands in his and pressed them against the lift's wall. He fixed his gaze on me. I was afraid to see his face. I was told to look him in the eyes and answer his questions. He said, his voice booming, "Was it difficult for you to get close to me? You will not ignore me like this. "

I bowed my head and was deafeningly quiet. "Did you want to kiss me on that day?" I remained silent and stared at the lift's floor when he inquired again. He is adamant about his inquiry. "It's wrong," I breathed as I peered down.

"Why don't you look me in the eye?" He murmured, bringing his face close to mine.

"Please allow me to leave." I had approached him with a request. To release pressure on my neck, he used his hot breath.

"Please let me go," I pleaded, my voice trembling. "No, you're not going anywhere," he replied, kissing my jawline with his lips. His hold had plainly marked my hand.

This was the first time I had shown bravery. "No, I felt nothing."

"What did you say that made little sense?" he asked again. Please spell out the entire sentence for me. "

"I... I... felt nothing," I responded. My voice slowed as I told him this. He yelled, "Anything about whom?" After you've finished your conversation, you'll allow to go. He promised me it would give him permission to go.

"This is not correct. What are you doing to make this so tough for me? Allow me to leave. "I requested a leave of absence. My entire body shook. My lips trembled as I repeated the same phrase over and over. "Please let me go," I pleaded as I attempted to break free from his clutches once more.

"I will not let you go anywhere," he whispered in my ear as he kissed my cheeks. I tried everything I could to keep my emotions in check, but I couldn't. then I closed my eyes and pretended to want him to kiss me.

The elevator had reached the top floor. The lift door opened and closed several times. Because of the delay, just a few people remained in the building. On the top floor, the lift had come to a halt.

Rachit kisses my lips, but he keeps his grip on my wrist. I was trying to keep my emotions in check as he was about to kiss my lips. After his kiss, my body had a strange sensation. While kissing, he released my wrists and, while holding my waist with his hands, he pushed me away from the lift wall, holding my waist with one hand and my shoulder with the other. He continued to kiss me without pausing. I tried everything I could to keep myself away from him, but I couldn't. I entwined my fingers in his hair, while my other hand rested on his shoulders.

Both of us were kissing in such a way that we forgot we were in the lift and in a public area, and each other would have answers to all of their questions in this kiss. We were both in the middle of a passionate kiss when a sudden shaking lift interrupted us.

As the lift lowered, he removed me from himself and corrected his appearance. I also did a good job of managing myself.

We both maintained a professional approach in the elevator.

"Oh, shit, blood," I murmured, running my finger over my lips and noticing blood on my finger.

"What happened?" he inquired, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Nothing," I said nervously.

"Can I drop you off at your house?" he asked, looking at me.

"Thank you," I said, "but I'll make do."

Rachit stood in the lift, waiting for parking on the basement floor as I exited the building on the ground floor.

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