Chapter 10
"Honey can we talk?". Jesse said entering my room, and shutting the door. I had just come out of the shower.
"Sure what do you want to talk about?". I remove my towel and I noticed he turns away, I smile " What's wrong? not like you haven't seen me naked before".
He awkwardly laughs "I forget that you easily notice movements, almost feels like you aren't blind at all".
I walk closer to him, I place my hand on his chest, the other on his shoulder, I slowly move my hand from his chest down to his dick. I whisper in his ear "Being pregnant has its way of making someone feel so darn horny" I go down on my knees, I unzip his pants
"Oh god!" He moans as I bring out his cock that's already as hard as a rock and put it in my mouth,I could feel his whole body shaking as I make enjoyable noises while sucking his dick, he starts moaning out and using his dick to choke me, I remove it from my mouth instantly and get on my feet.
I take off his jacket, his tie, his pants, his shirt, and his underwear, and made him lie down on the bed.
I sit on the bed, took his hand, and brought it to my vagina, his hand felt the warmth of my vagina. It is tight, warm, and very wet. his fingers were all but sucked inside. I moan out loud, as I felt him inside me, he slowly takes out his finger. He sits up wrapping my legs around his waist, he starts kissing me, I place his hands on my breast as we French kiss, rubbing our tongues against each other. I could feel all my hormones burning, he pressed my boobs while I was giving him a handjob, it was driving me insane. I could feel his erection grow larger and harder, I put it inside of me, and I began a slow rotation of my hips.
The next morning, I found myself in bed with Jesse, we were both under the sheets naked with our hands around each other, I couldn't help but smile.
I suddenly feel a kiss on my forehead "Morning Honey". I could hear the excited tone in his voice. I couldn't help but blush a little
"Hope you slept well"
"I did, I slept real good". He kisses me on my lips. He suddenly groans ", Damn it, I'm late for work". He jumps out of bed.
"Really? is it time already".
" Yea," he said panting, seems like he's putting his clothes back on in a hurry "I will see you later honey".
"Okay have a good day.....i-i love you". I hear the door shut.
That was the first time in months we had sex, Jesse and I hadn't had close contact since the day I agreed to an open marriage. No matter how hard I try to hate him, I just couldn't, and this became a problem.
____________ It was finally our gender reveal party, our closet friends were around, and so was our family, including my father.
We kept it classy and yet simple, when the cake arrived mother in law whispered in my ears and said 'it's beautiful' a smile appears on my face.
"This is great honey, you really did a good job," Jesse said kissing me on my cheek, I was really happy.
My father approaches me "You know when I heard you were pregnant, I literally jumped, I dance throughout that day because I was so happy, then I cried and cried and cried".
I laughed and gave him a hug " Thank you so much for being a wonderful father, I hope I will be able to do the same to my child".
He touches my face "Of course" he said with a shaky voice "The only reason I made it through was that you were an amazing daughter, your mother would've been so proud".
I was about to say something when I hear Jesse suddenly yell "It's time for us to reveal the gender of the baby!"
"Go on, go on" my dad excitedly said.
Stella assists me in walking to Jesse, I stand next to Jesse, and everyone starts the count down
"5......4......3.....2......1..." Jesse suddenly opens the mystery box, I feel the smoke bomb coming out.
It smelled like berries, that's when I knew
"It's a boy!!!" Jesse yells taking me off the ground. Everyone starts clapping, we kissed and embrace each other. We were so happy.
The day was finally over, I couldn't be happier, I was on my way to my room when I suddenly hear
"So did you tell her?" Sounded like Benita, I decided to lean against the wall
"I couldn't, we ended up having....having a different discussion".Jesse said clearing his throat afterward, hiding the fact we had sex the night he came to my room.
I try my best to remain as quiet as possible " Well, you have to do something about her, or else I will".
"Babe chillax, once we get their families money, I will throw both herself and her father to the streets....all I have to do now is convince her to talk her father into stepping down and letting me run things, you know I'm very good at convincing her".
Benita scoffs "Oh please, the only reason she listens to you is that she believes you still love her, I mean look how excited you both were today".
"Come on, sure I was a bit excited, but it's all part of the act right?".
" Well, what of the baby?".
"That thing?, like my mother said it might be blind and useless like she is, I just need another chance to talk to her"
Benita sighs "And if she doesn't listen, then we go with my plan okay? I'm tired of this whole maid act".
I fall to the ground holding my staff, and I start panting, I try my best to calm down but the tears didn't seems to stop. No no no...I need to get out of here.
I try my best to get on my feet, with my shaky hands and legs I use the wall to support myself, I go downstairs
Suddenly Stella appears "Are you okay ma'am?".
" I-I need to get out of here, I need to go to father now". I said with my awkwardly pitched voice, I was scared to death "Please, please help me".
She hesitates a bit " Okay-okay" she takes my hand. we go outside.
A car suddenly drives in our direction "Get in" a familiar voice said.
Stella assist me in getting in the car "This is the driver you recently hired Ma'am".
I try to catch my breath "Oh hello, do you know the chads resident?".I ask entering his car
"Of course who doesn't, the name is Jack by the way" Stella close the car door
"Aren't you coming with me?" I asked concerned
" I can't, if I do-just please be careful. Jack make sure you take her home safely". The rain suddenly starts to pour.
"No problem ma'am". Jack starts the car, I hear the loud thunder " Is everything okay with you? why the sudden hurry, you look terrified".
"That's because I am, I just need to get home, step on it".
I couldn't stop biting my fingernails, my legs were shaking like crazy, my phone starts to ring, I bring it out of my pocket, I threw it out the car window. The thunder made a louder sound, I could literally feel the lightning. I touch my tummy, don't worry, I will protect us.
We finally arrive, at first, the guards didn't let the car in, I had to show my face before they quickly let us in.
Immediately the car stops I open it, not even waiting for an umbrella or an escort, I run out with my staff under my armpit.
I run into my house
" Violet". I suddenly hear my father's voice, I run to him, rushing into his arms, and he embrace me as I cried my heart out.
I was taken to my bedroom, a maid hands me a cup of hot tea and wraps me up with a blanket "I'm sorry father, I'm sorry for giving you a hard time".
"What?!" He exclaimed, "You bearing all of those things for my sake is what gives me a hard time, what did I tell you when you were about to get married?". He was angry and hurt, It was so obvious with the way he spoke.
My tears drop into my cup of hot tea, I heard the little drop noise it made " I'm sorry father, I know you're having problems, I didn't want to make things worse for you, I thought maybe after the baby was born-". He cuts me off.
"The fact you were willing to take all those things with a child inside of you, the fact that you didn't tell me, the fact you thought you could torture yourself like this, I'm very disappointed in you, is this what I taught you? to be so naive? To be so stupid!, I'm honestly very disappointed in you violet, this breaks my heart so much".
Hearing my father say all these things slowly left scares in my heart " Forgive me, I was wrong, I thought I was doing the right thing, now I know I was being stupid, I'm so sorry".
I hear him sob a little "I can't even look at you Violet, I hate how pitiful you are right now, it's driving me crazy, we'll talk about it tomorrow, and that Jesse kid will get what's coming to him". My father leaves banging the door shut, showing how angry he was.
My tea falls from my hand to the floor, I take the pillow from the other side and bury my head in it. I hate myself so much.
Later that night a noise wakes me up. It was coming from downstairs, I take my staff and quietly walk down the stairs, it was still pouring out. The minute I step into the living room, a strong aroma messes with my senses, my nose couldn't take it, I feel someone behind me, I use my staff and hit the person, I hear the person fall.
The smell was messing with my head, I couldn't even tell where I was anymore, I trip on a stool and fell to the ground, I land on something wet, it wasn't water, I couldn't tell what it was, but then I hear a light finger snap, that's when I realized.
" Father!" I screamed as I rushed towards him, it was like I was swimming in his blood, my shaky hands feel his body until I was able to get to his hand, I hold his hand and place it on my cheek "Father, I'm here, I'm here" I gather all my strength and scream out of my lungs "Help!!!" Someone suddenly strangles me, I try my best to fight, but I couldn't help it before I knew it, I collapse.
I hear the sound of thunder, and suddenly I was conscious again, I woke up coughing like crazy, the first thing I do is try to find my father, but I couldn't anywhere, I was crawling, calling his name, using my hand to tap everywhere on the floor, but I couldn't, I couldn't even feel the blood on the floor, the sharp smell was gone.
I was holding my staff which was really weird, I hear police cars, and I felt at ease, at least the authorities are there. As soon as I hear them walk into the house I rush toward one of the "Help me, I can't find my father anywhere" I cry to one of them
To my surprise, he sighs and starts to cuff me.
"What's happening?!" I said panicking
"Mrs. Violet Anthony Harrison you are under arrest for the death of Anthony Chad".
My eyes widen "What do you mean! explain yourself! my father isn't dead!".
I suddenly find myself in a room with two men trying to get me to talk, I haven't said anything, I'm still very much in shock, no matter how much they scream at me, my mind is somewhere else, my heart feels heavy. I am still trying to process what's suddenly happening to me.
I was taken to a cell, the place feels so cold, and the smell is terrible, I haven't been able to sleep, I just cry and cry and cry.
Jesse finally came to see me, I was so happy, I thought he had abandoned me.
They were guards in the room we were in, Jesse takes my hand "Are you okay?". I nod trying to hold my tears in. " My poor wife, you look terrible, your eyes are swollen, you look, skinner, you know you have to put yourself together, you are with a child".
"I didn't kill him, I didn't kill my father".
"And I believe you, I have a good lawyer that is going to help you, I won't let anything happen to you okay?". I nod my shaky head, he touches my face " I won't let anything bad happen to you". I felt a bit comforted, at least Jesse is here with me, the same man I was trying to run away from, is the same man that is staying by my side.
________ "You'll have to admit you are the one who killed your father". The deep-voiced lawyer said with a strict tone
"No way!" I exclaimed
"That's the only way I can help you, we'll have to go with it, but it's an accident, you thought it was a bad guy and you used your staff to hit him on his head, he falls on the ground and bled to death".
I shake my head, there's no way they expect me to go with that " What?, no! It doesn't make sense, Look, I told you, someone else was there, I remember, how else did I collapse, and explain how the blood on the ground suddenly disappeared".
The lawyer sighs "seems like you don't really know what we were told happened that night, who did you think called the police to report what you've done? a maid, she claims she was the one who strangled you, that was the only way to stop you apparently".
"A maid?, no way, I don't believe that, this doesn't even make sense, I screamed for help and no one was there!"
Jesse tries to calm me down "Honey, the lawyer is only trying to help, and your disability is a great advantage, you will win this case and you will be set free".
" I rather rot here than claim to be my father's murderer". I angrily get on my feet
"What about the baby? Do you want our baby to be a prison baby? don't think of it as you killing your father intentionally. Violet, there's a witness, your staff is the evidence, you were the only one that was found, that was there with his body. Everything points to you, even if we bring up the situation that someone else was there, there are no witnesses, you are blind, you can't trust your nose and ears with everything". I don't say anything, I just hold my tummy.
The lawyers speak up "You heard a noise, you went to investigate what it was. it was pouring out with thunder and all, so naturally, you were scared, I mean you just had a fight with your husband and went home that night right? you feel someone behind you and as soon as you heard the sound of thunder you get scared, you scream for help and hit the person behind you with your staff, you kept hitting him and the maid rushed in, scared you might do the same to her she sneaks behind you and strangles you. You have no reason to kill your father, so trust me is a win-win".
Jesse takes my hand " Trust me is gonna work okay? just don't think about it too much".
When I was put back in my cell, I couldn't stop thinking of how I was pinned for my father's murder, this was like falling down the stairs over again. Someone else killed my father and pinned this on me. Maybe Jesse is right, I should focus on getting out of here first, I'll have to be my father's killer. I hold my baby, you're the only reason I haven't run mad yet.
After meeting up with the lawyer and Jesse a couple of times, the day of my trial was finally here.
Once I appeared in front of the Judge, I felt so-so tense, I hear some of my maids whisper my name, and I smile knowing some of them were here to support me.
When they called the witnesses the maids with me explained to the Judge how I couldn't even hurt a fly, that it would be ridiculous that I could even kill my father by mistake. Some talked about how I was good with my senses. But then when the maid in my father's house was called to testify, it was like the opposite. They talked about how my father was very fragile when it came to me, how I needed special care, how I came home and my father was angry at me, they even brought up things I did from the past. then that one maid who claimed to have seen me kill my father.
It was like I was on a rollercoaster going down to meet my doom. Then the lawyer steps in and talked about my disability, and how I was born without a cause or a cure. He talked about how someone in my position could easily make that mistake, he was able to pin it on the maids asking where they were when I was wandering alone. I was just there listening to all these happen, hoping I'm in some dream. When the Judge asked if I had anything to say, I said no. And just like that, I was known as the girl who killed her father by accident.
When it was time for my release, Jack was the one who came to pick me up, to take me home, and when I say home, I mean home to Jesse, I have no place to go now.
Jack breaks the silence " I'm sorry about everything, but don't worry ma'am, you will be fine".
I don't say anything, suddenly I hear thunder and the rain starts to pour, hearing the sound of the rain only makes me remember that night, the night my father died. Tears start to freely go down my face, I hold my tummy trying to convince myself everything is okay.
"We have a problem," Jack said with a worried tone in his voice.
"What's that?". I asked concerned
" There's a car chasing us".
"What!" I hug my tummy, as Jack drives faster, my heart couldn't stop beating, I was scared to death, I close my eyes and I started speaking in tongues. The car suddenly stops, Jack opens the door of the back seat
"We have to run!," Jack said frigthened. I come out of the car
"Where am I?".
He grabs my hand responding with a panting voice " They are behind us, they will soon find us". He gasps "oh no".
I gulp" what is it?" I asked terrified before I knew it, I hear beeping, Jack carries me in his arm and he starts to run, then he suddenly throws me, I land hitting the rocky ground, and I hear an explosion following a terrible burn. My ear starts ringing, it suddenly feels like I'm in a battle for my life, my whole body screaming pain.
Face to face with death, yet the only voice I hear in my head is his, Jesse, Jesse Jesse.
And like that everything is silent.