Chapter 12
I gasp waking up to an awkward smell of flour. I let out a disappointed sigh with the realization that everything that had happened to me wasn't a dream.
I blame myself, I was the one who decided to marry Jesse, I'm the one who decided not to do anything when I found out about his adultery, I was the one who let Benita stay with us, I caused Jack to die, he saved me, I wish he didn't. Memories came back to me while I was asleep, I recall everything that happened.
I hear a knock on the door "come in" I said in my weak tone
I sense little footsteps "Sorry if I disturbed you" is that girl's voice again
"It's fine, what brings you here Uhm?".
" Lisa, Lisa Benjamin-Kim". She has the same last name as Luther. "I came here to ask if you wanted breakfast"
"I'm not hungry, thank you".
" Why?" She asked in her high pitched voice
"I don't feel like it, but thank you". I hear her sigh "Are you, Luther's daughter?".
She replies instantly "Yup"
"Oh, then I guess your mum is-*.
"My mum comes around once in a while".
" I see". I said a bit disappointed "How old are you?".
"14" I start coughing "are you okay?" She rushes towards me and pats my back
"Thank you, I am fine....just I thought he said teenage daughter as a Joke".
She sighs"I know, I'm used to that reaction when I tell people he's my dad".
I try to sit up, she assists me " Thank you".
"I am sorry for what happened to you, I can only imagine how you feel".
I smile at her "it's okay. I guess that's life, life isn't fair".
"You have to stay strong though, like my dad always says, When life pushes you to the ground, lick it and enjoy it". I scoff instantly " I know, he's terrible at quotes".
"I guess I do owe your dad, he did saved my life, I wish I can repay him, but I have nothing".
Lisa leans close to me " I didn't want to tell you this but, you still have a terrible scar on the left side of your face, you look a lot like prince Zuko in Avatar just worse". I use my shaky hands to touch my scar "Dont worry, it will be okay, grandma has been rubbing her special meds on you, when dad first brought you home, you had nasty scars all over because of the burn, but thanks to grandma most of them are gone, so don't worry it will heal soon, at least you can't see your face so you really wouldn't know what you look like".
"Lisa!" Luther exclaims
I hear her gasp "Well someone had to tell her"
"Leave now" I hear Lisa mutter something under her breath as she leaves the room.
"Don't listen to her, teenagers am I right?". I hear him drop something on the table " I brought you breakfast, and this time I'm not taking no for an answer". I don't say anything, he spreads a napkin on my lap and places the tray on me, I hear the sound of the plates, It smelt like rice "I hope you wouldn't mind boiled rice, I do have an Asian mother after all".
Luther is half Asian, but people don't know until they hear his last name, I guess you can say he took more of his father's trait, I do hear some ladies talk about his eyes tho, but what do I know.
He puts a spoon full of rice into my mouth, I chew very slowly
"If you keep this up we might as well finish in another year". I swallow, he uses a napkin to clean my mouth, tears flow down my cheek "Hey, enough of that, you need to move on violet, it's been two years, I know for you it's like yesterday, you really can't continue like this".
"it's my fault Luther, it's my fault he died, I shouldn't have gone home that night, I wish I didn't". He uses the napkin to wipe the tears off my face
"It's not your fault, and soon you will realise it, you just need time to heal". He feeds me another spoon.
I blow my nose in a tissue, as I sob" As you all know, it's been two years since the passing of my wife and our unborn child, and to be honest, it hurts me so much, every time I get to stand here in front of all of you, I get reminded how I was put in this position in the first place. Mr Anthony Chad was indeed a great businessman and as his beloved son in law, it was indeed a great honour to learn from much an-an, what was my line again?". All the media crew sighs out in frustration, my wife walks toward me
"Honey, we've gone through this three times now". She gives me a bottle of water
" Sorry but I'm not an actor, and I don't see why I have to keep doing these interviews". She starts arranging my tie
"I told you, we need to get on the public good side, our remarriage alone was already a red flag".
I scoff " I told you we shouldn't get married that quickly, but you kept bothering me, now people see me as some punk who gained from the accident". I drink my water
She sighs "Well, aren't you tho?". She wears a smirk. I pause holding the bottle of water mid away, I suddenly hear the director
" let's go again, we need to air this soon".
I get on my feet, I use my hand to find my way to the bathroom, I trip on something, I scream as I fall to the ground
I suddenly heard the door burst open "What the-Oh my, why didn't you call someone" it was a woman's voice she has an accent, probably Luther's mother.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother anyone" she helps me up
"Well, you should have". She assists me to the bathroom
She waits outside the toilet as I take a piss, as soon as I was done she helps me to the sink to wash my hands and back to the bed.
" I'm sorry I have been a burden to you all these years".
"Well, at least you know you are". I hear her open a drawer " You have been in my home for two years now" I feel something a bit chilly on my face, she was rubbing something on my scar "it would take a while but it would heal". She sighs " You are pitiful".
"I lost everything, it's my fault my father is dead......and Jack".
"Yup, blame yourself, it would make you hate the world less. I remember when I got pregnant with Luther, I was just 16, my parents didn't think twice when they disowned me, not only did I get pregnant at that age, I also got pregnant for a foreign man, two bombs, anyways I went to Luthers father, and he denied the pregnancy". I gasp " Yup, I had nowhere to go, I had to get part-time jobs to make a living, imagine a pregnant teen working part-time instead of being in school, it was pitiful".
"How did you manage all by yourself?".
She sighs " Wasnt easy I can tell you that, five years after Luther's birth, my mother came to find me, not because she missed me or anything because she wanted to tell me Luther's father was now married. Her plan did work, I felt like killing myself, but Luther was the reason I kept going, I eventually got married" she sighs "Davidson, he was one hella man, he took care of Luther and me, life got better, he taught Luther martial arts, he took really good care of us, unfortunately, he got cancer, and he died once Luther turned 16, sad he didn't stay with us for long, life became hard all over again".
" I can only imagine, I guess life is really unfair".
"Yup, you know what's even more unfair?, your son taking after you, you can imagine how I felt when Luther came home to tell me he got his classmate pregnant, that boy doesn't know how hard I worked to put his ass in school".
I giggle " What did you do?".
"The same thing my parents did, kicked his ass out of my house, told him to go and take responsibility for his new family since he is man enough to get someone pregnant".
I laugh " I guess that's how he came along".
"Yup, I didn't hear from him for three good years, I didn't know if he was alive or anything, I got scared, regretted my actions, prayed for him every day, later he comes with a little girl, and of course, I had to wear a strict look, asked him why he came back, he falls on his knees and begged for my forgiveness, he also asked me to take care of Lisa, since the girl he got pregnant had gone back to school, he also told me not to worry about money, told me about his job and everything, and hearing the amount he earned made me regret saving college funds, cause even if he did go to college, he wouldn't be earning so much".
I laugh " I am happy it all worked out"
"I guess it did, we would be living in a big house and all, but Luther spent most of his money sponsoring the girl he got pregnant throughout school, including college". I gasp " apparently the girl's parents were just like mine, the money he saved up was what he used to open the pizza place we are running now. what I am trying to tell you is, life is tough and it will only continue to be, you just have to stay strong and never give up, you have to keep fighting, leave the past in the past".
She holds my hands for a little bit then the leaves the room.
I let out a sigh