Chapter 7

I moan softly as Jesse slowly releases and falls back on the bed, we were both panting

"That was epic," he said with a bit of excitement. I dont say anything "What is it?" he asked concerned

"What do you mean?" I replied rather bluntly.

"You've been acting so weird lately, are you okay?".

" Yes, just had a long day, that's all".

"If you say so then, I'll hit the shower". He gets off the bed

I let out a sigh.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. By Soren Kierkegaard

I have been trying to convince myself to forget everything, to look at the bright side of things, but I don't think I can, it's killing me.

Seems like my husband's mistress is hiding, she does as if she isn't in the house, the only time you hear her is when my husband is fucking her.

I decided to visit the pool in the house, water always helps me relax. Stella assist me in getting in the pool, I start swimming, I felt like my troubles were drowning but then, that smell again, someone was in the pool with me, I stop.

" What are you doing here?". I ask with annoyance.

"Wow". Benita said with excitement in her voice, she starts clapping " you are good you know, tell me, how do you always know when I'm around?"

"I have no intention of continuing this conversation with you, leave please".

I hear her scoff "You are so annoying do you know that?" She swims closer to me "It's funny how you thought you had the power to get rid of me, but I guess it isn't all that now huh?, I told you Jesse wouldn't, unlike you, I'm the more, what would should I use? fun, is that it? at least  I see things ". she starts laughing

I wear a smirk on my face " You have pride for someone who is a mere mistress, but then you have no pride, doing it in a married woman's home, disguise as a maid to be with her lover" I crackle "You better stay the hell away from Jesse, he's my husband, mine! ". I exclaimed

She laughs "Tell me, why haven't you threatened him yet?, you are fully aware of everything, yet you haven't made a single move, you haven't even confronted him yet,  let me guess, you are afraid, you are afraid he will choose me and leave you?, you really are pathetic, I can't blame you though, who wants to be with a blind girl anyway, if not for your father's wealth I doubt Jesse would've had anything to do with you". I don't say anything, I just remained silent.

" Ma'am, are you okay?". I hear Stella call out

I let out a sigh "I think it's time for me to go inside".

I swim to the stairs, I hold the railings to help myself up, Stella assists me and hands me a towel.

I go to my bedroom, I take a deep breath, I sit on my bed, I try to stay calm, but I couldn't take it, I burst into tears, I throw the closest thing next to me at the door and scream out of my lungs.

I take my phone to call my father, he picks up

"Hello? Violet, is everything okay?". I couldn't say anything, I just tried not to make a sound so he wouldn't hear me sob, I wanted to cry out to him, I wanted to tell him to come to take me home, I needed my father, I want to go home, I just want to go home " Violet? is everything fine? say something". With my shaky hands I ended the call, I bury my head in my pillow and let all my emotions out.

I spent the rest of the day in my bedroom, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, my thoughts kept haunting me.

I hear someone open the door,  it was Jesse, he must be back from work.

He walks up to me, he kisses my forehead "Hey honey, what's going on? why do you look this way". I don't say anything, instead, I was fighting my tears from falling "I heard from the maids you haven't eaten all day, they are all worried about you, tell me, what's on your mind?".

"Do you really love me, Jesse?". I turn to him, so he would see the hurt on my face.

"Of course I do, why would you even ask me that?". He uses his hand to clean the tears off my face " Why are you crying? your eyes are swollen, don't tell me you've been locked up crying the whole day?".

"Why did you do it, Jesse?".

" i-i don't understand, why did I do what?".

"I might be blind, but I'm not an idiot, you think I don't know about Benita?".

His voice becomes shaky"What-What do you mean, Benita, she-shes just a maid, i-i".

" save it, Jesse, I'm aware, you have been having an affair, in the same house I am in, you really have no shame, I smell her all over you and it drives me crazy!" I exclaimed, he doesn't say anything "You love me? is this maybe your idea of love? did you really ever love me? or was it the money you were after?".

"Violet, honey, don't say that, i-i".

I scoff " I am such a fool, I was just driven by all your sweet talk that I actually believed that-".

"Enough violet!" He yells, he grabs me by my shoulders "You have no idea what I'm going through because of you!, fine, yes I cheated, yes I'm having a fucking affair! but what's stopping you from doing the same huh?". He aggressively lets me off his strong grip

I scream at him" You're such an ass!"

"Call me what you want Violet, but you're not going anywhere, you're going to stay here with me, I am your husband after all". He suddenly takes my phone that was next to me "I'll be holding on to this for a while".

I start to panic, I shake my head " You can't do this to me".

"I can do whatever I want. now since you are obviously in a bad mood, I won't be spending the night with you, try to calm down okay?, I'll see you in the morning". He bangs the door and locks it.

I run to the door trying to open it " Help!!, someone helps me!". I scream out of my lungs, I fall to the ground crying and holding my chest which was hurting a lot.

Meanwhile, Stella hesitates to open the door

"Don't even try it". Jesse said glaring at her

Stella turns to him with her teary eyes, she said with a shaky voice" Please, this is too much". She couldn't bear hearing my cry for help.

"It's for the best, you should know your place by now Stella, you of all people know what I'm capable of". He walks away

"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." _Stephen King.

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