Chapter 8

I felt super sick the next morning, I was throwing up like crazy. Jesse opens the door and rushes towards me, He touches my forehead "You have a fever?". I don't say anything "must be because of all the crying, I'll call a doctor,  go back to bed and rest, I'll have the maid get your breakfast".

He rushes out and bangs the door.

Sometimes I wish I could see my reflection, to see how I look, to see what I look like, to know exactly what's wrong with me.

A doctor checks on me, and he lets out a sigh "Well, what's wrong with her?" Jesse asked curiously

"She's pregnant, congratulations".  Hearing the doctor say those words, my hands immediately touch my tummy, there's a baby growing inside of me.

"Pregnant?!" Jesse exclaims with a confused tone in his voice

"Yes, it seems like she's been stressed out lately, please try to take very good care of her, I'll be leaving now, again, congratulations to you both".  The doctor exit the room leaving just me and Jesse.

He scoffs "You're pregnant" I don't say anything "Well, you heard what the doctor said, you should try not to think about anything that will stress you out, especially what's going on between Benita and me.... I'll call my family to tell them the news". He walks away.

Tears drop, and I clean my face. I touch my tummy, so, there's a baby growing inside of me. I wear a smile. Anita Diamante said "It's a good thing babies don't give you a lot of time to think. You fall in love with them and when you realize how much they love you back, life is very simple."

I promise to love my baby and raise him or her the best way I can. hello my baby, welcome to the family. I sigh, this isn't the kind of family my baby should be raised in.

Suddenly the door burst open "Ma'am, are you alright?". It was Stella

"I'm fine, I'm-I'm pregnant" I force a smile

She gasps "you're pregnant?, well, wow, that's just ... Does Jesse know?". she asks worriedly

"He does, we heard the news together, and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I let out a sigh." I'm so scared, with everything that's going on-" Stella takes my hand

"Don't lose hope, I promise, you and your baby will be safe, you're not alone, nothing will happen to either of you, okay?".  I smile at Stella, she always knew how to comfort me, it's comforting knowing there's someone on your side.

Later that day, Jesse opens the door "If you need to get some fresh air, you can" I didn't respond to him, I hear him sigh, he moved closer to me, he was about to take my hand when I shoved him away "This is how it's going to be? Violet, we have a child"

I felt so angry, that I assumed steam was coming out of my head, I aggressively turn to him and raise my voice at him "Does that justify what you did to me? you brought home a woman, a woman you make love to that the whole household would hear, a woman that nearly killed me, and you-you made me look like a fool, you even locked me up, and you think a child would make us better?"

"I'm sorry, okay? what do you want me to do huh? can you at least be considerate of me? I got married to a blind woman, that's basically a disability, can't you just be grateful and just let me have this one thing?"

I tremble "How dare you!" I said with an awkward high pitched cracked voice, I raise my hand to slap him only to miss

"You see, this is what am talking about, you can't do anything on your own.... let's go back to the way we were, for our baby's sake" I hear his footsteps leaving, and soon I hear the door shut, I slowly sit on the ground, hugging my knees.

An hour passed, and I noticed Jesse didn't lock the door, I step out of the room, and I hear the sound of someone walking towards me as I was about to go down the stairs, I tremble as I hold the railings, I use my staff as a defense weapon

"Ma'am, are you alright?" I sigh with relief holding my chest, it was Stella. "Did I scare you?. if I did I am so sorry"

I clear my throat "Can you help me down the stairs?".

"Of course" she holds my hand and assists me down the stairs. I walk to the living room, I stop at the middle couch, I close my eyes, I take a deep breath, I can smell Jesse, and right next to him is Benita, they are sited close, probably cuddling on the couch, they didn't want to speak, not wanting to be caught, I wear a smirk. fools.

I sit in between, forcefully separating them, I turn to Jesse "Lets do it".

He scoffs "What made you change your mind?"

"I am only doing this for my Childs sake, and fathers sake as well, as you know, my fathers doesn't need anything ruining his reputation right now, it would only hurt me to see him miserable because i made a terrible mistake, You are free to do whatever you want"

he laughs as he starts patting me on the head "How could you possibly 'see' your father miserable" I hear Benita trying to hold her laugh

I lash out with aggressive actions as I get off the couch facing him "You really making fun of me right now?, you know what, forget what I said, fuck you" I point at Benita, she gasps surprised "and your bitch"

"Relax" he said with a calm voice "I admit, I was out of line, I really appreciate you considering an open relationship in our marriage"

I take a deep breathe trying to control my anger "great, but i have some conditions"

"What is it?"

"First off, no one should know about this, you guys do your thing inside the house, trust me the maids aren't going to say anything, I will no longer be sharing a bedroom with you, I cant stand her smell all over you, and lastly our marriage must seem perfect, I don't want father noticing anything, after we have our child, then we can go our separate ways"

He groans "Well that seems fair enough, except for the divorce part"

I get confused "What do you mean?, is obvious that I am not the one you want to spend the rest of your life with".

"Says who?, because I had an affair?, honey, men don't cheat because they are not in love with their partner, trust me it's not emotional,"  Hearing Jesse say that put a smile on my face, not only is he saying he's in love with me, he's also saying that in front of Benita.

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do honey, It's just that Benita is more, Convenient".

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