Chapter Four - We can get to know each other
“You go get showered and changed. I will tidy up.” I say, “Why? I am not going anywhere. I planned on having a pyjama day and doing some writing.” She replies.
“Yeah, no, that isn’t happening,” I chuckle, “Excuse me? If that is what I want to do, then I will do it. I am not asking your permission.” She argues, resting her hand on her hip, glaring at me.
I laugh loudly, “It is a nice day. You aren’t spending it inside. You can bring your laptop if you like, but you aren’t locking yourself away to work.” I am firmer with my words this time around.
“I need quiet to concentrate. Being out in public isn’t going to work,” she counters, continuing to glare at me, “Well, we can go to my house and sit outside. I have a large garden with a pool and a jacuzzi so you can relax in between writing.” I smile.
Skyla sighs loudly, going to open her mouth to speak, but she changes her mind and instead nods. I smile brightly at her, and she rolls her eyes at me, “Shower, now, sweetness.” I say, shooing her off.
“Bossy much?” she whines, “You don’t know the half of it, angel. Shower!” I smirk. Skyla gave another eye roll, flipped me off and walked away.
I watch after her, checking out her ass, and what a nice ass it was, one I would love to spank for her smartass mouth and hopefully, in time, it will become a possibility.
“Stop staring at my ass, perv.” She calls to me before disappearing into the bathroom. I find her accent very sexy, even if sometimes I can’t understand what she is saying. I wonder if all Scottish people talk quickly because Kelsey is the same, but it is a fun accent to listen to.
I pull myself together and clean up the dishes. Once I finish, I take a walk around and find myself in Skyla’s room. I assume it is where she is sleeping because there isn’t anything personally lying around, and she seems to be still living out of cases, but she probably hasn’t had the time to unpack yet.
I take a seat on the bed, waiting for her to come through from the shower. I get lost in my thoughts until I hear her approaching ten minutes later. She enters the room, oblivious to my presence at first, only wrapped in a towel.
“That was a quick shower,” I say, and she jumps, stumbling towards the floor, but I move quickly, grabbing her before she falls, “Careful, sweetness.” I slipped my arm around her, holding her up, and she clutched onto the towel.
“What the heck are you doing in here? You couldn’t have waited in the living room with me?” she huffs, “I was bored.” I shrug.
Skyla shakes her head, pulling away from me, “Leave so that I can get ready,” she demands, pointing towards the door, “Yes, ma’am.” I chuckle, leaving to let her get ready.
I would see her naked, eventually. I wait patiently in the living room for her to join me. Thankfully she didn’t take too long. She appears in front of me, wearing shorts and a tank top, her wet hair in a tie and not a smidge of makeup in sight.
“I am ready to go before I change my mind,” she whispers, chewing on her lower lip nervously, “No, you aren’t. You need your laptop and something to swim in. Though, if you would prefer to swim naked, I am okay with that too.” I reply, smirking.
“Remind me again why I am agreeing to come with you? I don’t even know you. Maybe I shouldn’t come to yours.” She panics. It is obvious the idea is making her nervous, and I understand. She doesn’t know me.
“Because you are on vacation and need to have fun and not only work. No, you don’t know me, but maybe today we can take time to know each other. I promise I am not a bad guy, and I am sure if anything happened to you while you were with me, Kelsey would murder me. The girl scares me.”
It is true. She does scare me. She doesn’t take anyone’s crap, not even mine. I learned that after she worked with me for a week. I was in a shitty mood, snapping at everyone, including her, but she didn’t hesitate to rip me a new one and put me in my place. Most people are too afraid to stand up to me, but not her, and I respected her for it.
Skyla laughs loudly, “Yes, she would kill you. And most people are afraid of her, which I have never understood because she is one of the sweetest human beings I know with a huge heart,” she smiles, “Until you get on the wrong side of her.” I chuckle.
Skyla went to protest, but instead, she nodded in agreement, “I wouldn’t have her any other way,” she says proudly, “Me neither.” I agree.
Skyla excuses herself to gather her things and rejoins me in the living room with her laptop case in one hand. A bag slung over her shoulder.
“Now you are ready,” I laugh, standing up from the sofa, “Yes.” She snickers.
I rest my hand on the small of her back, leading us outside to my car. I run around to the passenger’s side to open the door for her, “Thank you, kind sir,” She giggles, climbing in, “You are welcome, my lady.” I chuckle, close the door and head back to my side.
“Do you want to stop anywhere for anything?” I question as I start the car, “Nope. I have everything I need.” She smiles.
I start our journey to mine. It only takes fifteen minutes in the car from here. Skyla was quiet, but only because she was admiring the view as we drove.
“Tell me more about the book you are writing,” I wanted to break the silence because it was starting to irritate me, “There isn’t much to tell. I am still trying to come up with the idea, the inspiration for it, and hopefully, being here can help.” She replies.
“If you need anything from me to help, don’t hesitate to ask, kitten.” I rest my hand on her knee, making her shiver. She turns her attention to me, which I can see out the corner of my eye.
“Why are you always calling me things like angel and kitten?” she whispers nervously, “Because I want to,” I answer simply.
“You don’t give much away, do you?” she sighs, diverting her eyes away again, “Nope! I am not one for sharing. These things take time.” I keep my answer honest.
“If you expect me to share things with you, it is only fair you do the same, don’t you think?” she does have a point, “True. I will make you a deal for every two things you tell me about yourself; I will tell you one about me. It is my final offer.” I insist.
“Maybe…” she trails off. I can be very convincing when I need to be, so there is no maybe because it is the exact way today will happen.
“Sweetness, I always get what I want,” my voice drips with confidence, “You know a time comes in life when you won’t get everything you want, and that time is now because you aren’t getting what you want from me.” her tone is firm.
I squeeze her knee, chuckling and don’t say another word. She can believe what she wants for the moment.