“Hey nurse Ijin! Director Zander is looking at you” I looked at nurse Miya when she suddenly called me, I immediately stood up and walked towards her.
“Why? Do you know why nurse Miya? "I asked her but she just shook her head at me.
“No I don’t know why, just go to find out ok?” Nurse Miya said and then she turn her back at me.
I walked into Director Zander’s office and I I couldn’t help but be nervous and confused, why would an important person call me? I don't understand because this is the first time he called me. As I approached the office I became even more nervous and stopped at the door before knocking on the door.
“Come in “ I heard Director Zander say so I immediately went in with a man who turned his back on me so I greeted both of them.
“Good day Director Zander, good day Sir” I said, the man smiled at me and Director Zander nodded and smiled before prompting me to sit in the other chair. I quickly followed and sat there
“So because I called you nurse Lee is because I have something important to say to you "Director Zander said, I was nervous about what he said but I nodded.
“What is it Director Zander?” I asked politely.
“Well my friend of mine wants you to be his personal nurse, and don't worry because your salary is even higher than your salary here. He's a kind person and I know you won't have a hard time with him "Smiling, Director Zander said I couldn't answer right away because I was surprised by what he said.
What the hell? does he want me to be a personal nurse? even if I don't want to I can't say it because Director Zander is in front of me! and his friend himself requested that I be hired as a personal nurse!
“So nurse Lee, I have arranged your paperwork and of course when your contract is over you can still come back here, and tomorrow you will going to start. This man Dave was going to accompany you to my friend's house. "said Director Zander with a smile.
So I really have no choice decline this offer? the papers are already ok and the only thing missing is when I leave tomorrow.
“Ok Director Zander” I said Director Zander smiled and told me I could go home and put away my belongings, Dave also said that he would pick me up at home tomorrow so I nodded to the two of them then I take my leave.
“So what did Director Zander tell you? "Nurse Miya asked me, I told her everything so she was surprised by what I said .
“Really? is the one who made the request really his friend? hmm it's very suspicious. Do you know his friend? or do you have any idea? "Nurse Miya asked me, but I shook my head.
“No I don’t have any idea and I don’t know who is him” I said nurse Miya nodded at me then she smiled.
“So it’s really true that you are going to leave here huh? Just take care and be careful ok?” Nurse Miya said, I nodded at her and hugged her.
I packed all my things and put them all in my car, I went back inside the hospital first and said goodbye to the nurses and patients who were close to me before leaving the hospital to go to my house. I went inside the house and put my things away before I packed my things to take. When I finished I sat on the sofa and minutes later I look at my phone when it rang.
“Hello Ice? What do you need?” I asked her on the other line. I heard her sighed before she speak.
“Can I come to your place? “ Ice said, but her voice is sad.
“Yeah just come here it’s nothing for me Ice, you know that you can always come here whenever you want to” I said , Ice didn't answer for a few minutes and I heard her sigh as if she was having a hard time before answering ..
“Ok thank you” Ice said then she cut the call.
I wondered why Ice is like that, why is she sad? about a few minutes later I heard the sound of the door and Ice entered, she looks very exhausted and wasted. What the hell happened to this girl !?
“Ice? What the hell happened to you?” I asked her, she look at me then sighed and sit beside me.
“I think I'm going to lose my job "Ice said so my eyebrow met.
“What? What happened Ice?” I asked her.
She told me that they had an argument with her boss because she was accused of stealing her boss's money, and also said that if she did not return the money, she would lose her job.
“So what are you going to do? ”I asked her, she looked at me and sighed.
“I think will just give a money? so I don't lose my job? "Ice said so I immediately pulled her hair lightly.
“Stupid as if like you are saying that you admitted that you are a thief !and then what? They will say that you really stole the money? and when give the money and you don’t lose job do you think you can work well? That will be a disadvantage to you because every time they will lose their money , they will going to blame it to you and they will make you pay it . Think about it! you are not stupid so make a better decision “ I said so I was surprised when Ice suddenly hugged me and she cried a lot.
“Thank you Ijin for being here always” Ice said I just caress her hair.
“Don’t worry Ice you can overcome it ok? if you lose your job, just find someone else, you're smart and beautiful so you'll have a lot of work to do "I said, I felt Ice nodded at me and for a few hours he was asleep. I won't tell Ice first that I'm leaving at home maybe later? when she wakes up.
A few minutes later I cooked so that Ice and I could have food, when Ice woke up and I told her that we were going to eat and I think this is the time I can tell Ice.
“Ice I need to tell you something” I said, Ice look at me then she nodded before she answered.
“Yes what is it?” Ice asked.
I said everything and Ice smiled at me.
“Is that so? Congrats Ijin” Ice said and I just smiled at her and nodded .
“Thank you” I said so she nodded and continued our meal.