The Billionaire's Ex all 44 chapters

  1. Memory
  2. Can be
  3. A tragic
  4. Experience
  5. If only
  6. It deals in
  7. The past
  8. While Fate,
  9. Entangles
  10. Two people with
  11. Differences
  12. With a pool of
  13. Emotions
  14. Swirling
  15. Between them
  16. Making them
  17. Inseperable
  18. Undeniably attracted
  19. Madly drawn
  20. and Attached
  21. Feelings that,
  22. Urges them
  23. To be one
  24. Over again
  25. May cause them
  26. Unexpected pain
  27. Distress
  28. And Pain
  29. But together
  30. They unravel
  31. The gruesome
  32. Truth
  33. Which causes pain
  34. And fills
  35. The heart
  36. With a lot of
  37. Hatred
  38. And restricted happiness
  39. Yet,
  40. There's hope
  41. And without doubt
  42. There's always
  43. Root for
  44. Surprises