Chapter 6
Third person's P.O.V
"How can you be so careless, Micheal?" Lucien yelled, "She could've suspect us,"
Michaels brows knitted together as he stared at his brother, "Oh you better not start that shit," he spat, "How could I've known that my dear brother would be messing with our mate whilst we work hard to the information about her,"
"Talk quietly," Lucien spoke, his eyes sending a glare in Micheal's direction to which the middle triplet rose one of his eyebrows. Definitely, his elder brother's words were not affecting him.
After all, the conversation was about the girl who has been giving them every single of the supposedly existing mate bond but in vampires' history, it wasn't possible for a human to turn out to be such a dangerous predator's mate. Especially when it was not one but three. But since the first day, the symptoms they were getting were pretty much indicating the truth they weren't aware of.
"And another thing I wasn't messing with her," Lucien cleared his throat," She was just giving me a massage,"
"Oh really?" Disbelieve peeked through Micheal's question.
Before the two could get into any other conversation, Archer interrupted by walking inside the office. His hand holding a file as well as Micheal. Both of the files had Jasmine's information they could secretly gather without letting any of the people of the kingdom suspect.
"What's going on?" Archer glanced at Lucien then at Micheal, the youngest was certainly confused between the irritated expression of Micheal and the hard gaze of Lucien.
"Ask him," Micheal scoffed, "He seemed to be one lacking control whilst advising both of us to keep our hands to ourselves." Upon his sentence, Archer seemed to understand the only topic that could indicate was Jasmine.
Since watching that beautiful blue-eyed woman and her beautiful long hair that carried the exact heavenly scent as every inch of her skin, all of the Kings had lost their control. It was hard to even keep their thoughts together whilst she was around them all the time, Jasmine Doloris has become the mysterious woman for them who was making them fail theirs restrains each time she came across them.
A simple human's those effects on the deadliest creatures of the world was undeniably skeptical, and more when their feral sides were fighting to claim her. The need to claim only arises in a vampire for his mate, and the Vampire Kings she was the exact and only one woman who had made them feel this unbelievable urge.
"What did you do?" Archer questioned.
"Nothing," Lucien grunted, "I was working on the paperwork, and information of the blood donations, and just so I got tired that's why she offered to give me a message and I agreed. Although I know I'd gone a little too close but she didn't seem to mind it either."
"Wait, she offered you?" Archer's eyes lit up for some reason.
Lucien nodded and Michael's scowl dissipated as the same thought as Archer crossed his mind.
"So that means she getting comfortable around us," Micheal exclaimed.
"And since she didn't mind your closeness that means she's feeling the bond too," Archer connected the dots.
"But we can only be sure that she's our mate once the full moon comes," Lucien spoke, "Otherwise we can't settle on any decision, besides she is a human and there are possibilities of her not wanting to be with us," Even though his words were harsh it was true.
A human definitely doesn't like the company of a Vampire, and whether the mate bond is going to make her like it was still a question because having a human as a mate had never happened in vampire history although in werewolf and other predators it was very common.
Micheal's tongue firmly tucked inside his cheek, the thought of Jasmine not wanting to be near them felt utterly disturbing. Archer on the other hand had something else to say.
"Well, we can't tell anything for now," He spoke, "Because Martha is not her parent, and she found her beside a river,"
"What?" The other brothers seemed shocked at first but then as Archer continued their expression melted away.
"Martha and Jasmine moved to our Kingdom when Jasmine was only five, The information about them isn't much transparent because of that, the few people Jasmine have communicated with are some children and a few elderly, the women same as her age ignores her and the men are pretty lustful towards her and that's why she kept herself away from any sort of interactions,"
Lucien and Micheal looked pretty much pissed at the mention of the lustful men, although Archer's own fists were clenched yet he continued.
"She spends most of her time in art, she is popular among the human pups because of her paintings,"
"She can paint?" Micheal grinned.
"Yeah, in fact, she can paint very well and she is no less than a professional," Archer's voice was full of admiration. The other two vampires were as happy as their brother.
"What else did you get to know?" Lucien question after a moment.
"Before coming to this city, they lived somewhere else and that is still not disclosed," Archer replied.
"No one knows about their whereabouts before they came here?" Micheal questioned and Archer shook his head, to which Lucien cursed under his breath. They were desperate to know about her and it was getting impossible to keep their calm, the kings had never felt this restless and impatient to attain something.
Even sneaking into her thoughts had become difficult because she was a quick learner and they couldn't catch even the least amount of frequency of her thoughts. Lucien who had told her to keep her thoughts low on the first day was the one to be blamed and surely he regretted saying that.
"Well then, We can only wait till the full moon to learn about the truth and once we are sure about it we can directly ask her. I have a feeling she won't reject to be with us," Lucien spoke.
"I think so, too," Micheal added, "I saw her often sneaking glances at us, and her heartbeat quickens whenever she sees any of us," the small smile took upon his lips at the thought of their little mate and the identical smile spread on Archer's lips too.
"Anyways, whatever will happen We'll figure that out together," Lucien sighed and stood up, "For now, we will have to get ready for the preparations of the festival for the full moon, it's only a week later,"
"Yeah, just a week of patience," Archer spoke, slightly shaking his head. The only picture in his mind was of Jasmine.
In real the festival didn't thrive them, it was the idea of their little mate that did. They wanted nothing more than having her. Completely. Even if she was a human or not they wanted her.