Chapter Two

Faye was getting nervous when the person before her was called in, she knew she was prepared for the interview but what if she flop?

What if she is not who they wanted?

What if she could not answer the questions thrown at her?

Beads of sweats gathered on her forehead, her hands felt Cold, she silently begged her star to favour her because this is her only hope.

"Faye Smith?" A beautiful middle-aged woman called looking around, but gave a beautiful smile when she saw Faye walking towards her.


"Please come in for your interview"

She walked in slowly into the room, Faye swallowed hard when six pairs of eyes landed on her as she opened the door.

That morning Daylan was not in a good mood, first he missed an important call, secondly his house maid burnt his breakfast, and his car broke down when he was coming to work, and on getting to work the documents he gave his typist to work on there were numerous errors.

Everything was getting on his nerves, he likes everything to be perfect and all the ideas to pull through.

There are some days when the thought of having a family comes to his mind, he has a big mansion that can house dozens of children, and a fortune that can feed them until they are aged.

No! He doesn't have time for that, family can wait until whenever he feels he's ready.

He angrily told the typist to type the documents again after pointing out the errors, while the interview was going on downstairs.

Few hours later, Faye came out of the building smiling and happy.

She got the job!

An high paid job in one of the top leading company in the country.

"I got the job!" She screamed, not minding those giving her a surprise stare, while some smiled and congratulated her.

Quickly she called her mum to break the good news to her, then her best friend Maya who squealed on the phone congratulating her Bestie.

They later agreed to celebrate in the newest bar in town, 'Farouz'

After a long day at work, Daylan decided to take a stroll, he exited his  building after working for hours, it was late already.

He kept on walking along the street not going anywhere in particular, just walking admiring the surrounding when a bright green light catches his eyes. He walked closer and saw it was a bar with the name "FAROUZ?....Hmm, strange name" he said walking towards it to check it out.

He walked  in straight to the bartender and order for a glass of Martini while sitting down, it's been long he visited the bar maybe three years ago with his best friend, he has been so overwhelmed with work, that his life has been in triangle.

From home to work, back to home everyday, he looked around as he sipped his drink, nodding his head slowly to the music playing softly.

Daylan admire the artistic drawings on the wall, Looking at those discussing and dancing.

Part of his heart wished he was there with his fiancee, he quickly brushed that thoughts off.

He was enjoying himself while on his third glass, gradually he was loosening himself while still scanning the bar, his eyes following the movement of everyone that walked in and out of the bar.

Everyone looked ordinary to him, it's not like the sophisticated charity party he do attend, or the expensive clothes most people wear to dinner parties, everything looks normal too normal to him. He was getting bored and ordered another glass to loosen himself more.

Few minutes later he became tipsy, but not really drunk. Daylan thought it was time to leave at once, he stood up pay the bartender as he turned to leave he suddenly looked up and saw someone walked into the bar looking so beautiful and excited. Daylan saw the most beautiful pair of eyes he has ever seen, he became frozen, hypnotized, Not really from the much drink he had earlier.

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