chapter 2
Author's POV
Today Sana and some of her friends are going to meet in a Cafe.
She woke up early because her curiosity.
She even dreamed about hacking and tracking those people down.
About the reaserch she has found some common numbers at the crime sports .
Hacking is not easy but to be safe every one must learn Everything Hacking.
There are five steps of hacking which are main .
Reconnesis which is also called foot printing.
In this step you gather data about you victim.
Second is Scanning. Which is easy to understand due to it's name. Scanning means using foot printing,to see what service, pots , OS, etc. Are being used by the target system.
At third comes Enumeration.
From the second results - using specific service OS/ service techniques and tools to gather user accounts/ shared/exported information.
Fourth is Penetration. The phase of attack. Two things can happen at this point.
One is you can be failed and in this stage you can go back if you want to stay safe or you will be detected in a blink of an eye.
Second is, your attack will succeed. At this stage you should do two things.
One is Elevation of previlleges.
Which is try to become root/super user/admin.
Second is Manipulation of Data.
Which is entering or copying of data / insert malicious code.
And the last one in these five steps of hacking is Cover the tracks and erase all your existence from that platform.
Now back to the case in hands.
If you are thinking Sana should include police then you are wrong .
If finding a way which can Lead her to destination is this much easy then police is with them because or else police shall have captured them.
Sana has set an alarm in her phone .
In case if any of these four numbers will found near her by the GPS and Google maps trackers, it will started to ring .
Right know she is walking her way to the cafe where her friends will be waiting for her.
As they decided yesterday morning.
After entering the cafe she found them sitting near the windows .
Three girls were sitting there waiting for her out of which two of them are her best friends.
These two girls are her besties.
One if them is Laura she is very beautiful with light blue eyes and the other one is Julie . She is Egyptian. She is also very beautiful .
"Hello girls" . Sana said while sitting down on one of the free chairs.
Have I mentioned all three of them use the name "H King" in their hidden professions.
" Hello girl . Long Time no see . What are you doing these days?". Julie asked while calling for the waiter by signalling her hand..
Sana was about to tell them how much she is practicing hard for her incoming match when her alarm started ringing bringing all attention to her.
And she realized that they will be looking at her right now.
Well seriously who sets alarm for 11am?.
Also I know she is damned if they think she is suspeciuos.
Her besties looked at her . There eyes questioing her moves and she made a sign to act normal and try to shurge it off.
Thanks to her friends. They took her sign and started making fun of her saying
" Oh my God! Sana . We know you sleep alot but setting your alarm for 11am. Seriously?.
And they laugh again.
Sana started blushing furiously but looking around her,she thanked God people have returned to do their works .
When she looked at those three she found them looking at her for a bit then one of them smirked and turn back .
She started thinking alot of stupid possibilities which sh3 shall not.
" So, Sana are you free tonight?".Lara asked her another friend but she and her other besties are not close to her much.
" I am sorry .I am not and I think I will not be this year from now on". She replied to them.
Looking around she said it a bit louder in hope that those men will hear her and don't think of her as a victim.
" What?. Whole year!". Julie almost shouted.
" Yeah ". She said almost as a whisper.
" I shall go . We will meet soon". She said hurriedly standing up and leaving after seeing their faces.
These girls are her best friends but she can't tell them yet .
She don't wanna involve them or may be she is afraid they will stop her or will get in danger .
She knew for a fact that Lara will but Laura and Julie will never stop her instead they will make a team with her.
Entering her empty home she walked up to her room . She shut her bedroom door behind her and walked up to her steady table where all her devices are. Opening her laptop she attached her phone with it .
After more then a minute those people data came in front of her and her heart started to shake. Not only her hands but her whole body started shivering.
She know now that they know someone is traying to enter their in their business
These people who have killed all these innocent humans were sitting there looking AT HER.
The thought frightened her.
Not to inform herself but one of them even smirked at her.
She started typing and press the search button to see if she can find some information about them and she did.
Their ID card pictures and some other documents.
She double check them and then verify them online .
She is sure that they have given these things , these documents by theirselves because they are of no use.
They are fake. All of them are.
And when she checked the date of their posts it was of today's morning.
" Why would they post their documents online?". The question came and left before she realize why would they do that .
It rings a bell and her eyes opened widely.
Of course they know some one is trying to hack their system and steal information.
For some moments she stood on her spot frozen but then she yelled
"OH GOD!. I am sorry .
What if?. What if they know that it's me and that is why they came to that restaurant today and my alarm!! Oh gosh!".
Suddenly she started feeling scared every one does when they don't have back up.
She is scared because it's her second time but she shall not. May be she is not scared for her self but she is scared for her family and friends.
With these thoughts running in her mind she slowly drifted off to sleep on her colf floor .
The next morning when she woke up she told her self
" it's my Time to take a U-turn.Yes !. Let the fire settle."
She is just a badminton player and that's it.
For now of course.
She knows that she should not hurry in this matter.
She has to think before doing anything. Her family is at risk.
Then an Idea came in her mind and she said
"What if I show that my family is dead.
I have no one . Not even a friend."
Before she can even consider her idea she remembered that they have already seen them.
She will take a U-turn and these people will regret not stopping her.
She took her phone out and make a group call with her two besties.
When both of them picked up she even didn't let them say hello and said
" We have to meet . We have a situation in hand . I know both of you will help me but we will discuss this later not today .
Today we will stay at Lara. So we can at least say our goodbye to her". They were quite for some seconds but then said okay and hang up.
while leaving my home I dialed Lara's number after one to two rings she picked up.
" Hello Lara". I greeted her.
" Hello Sana . What's a surprise!". She replied.
" I wanna hangout today with my besties and have a party tonight or we can watch a movie with pajama night?". She asked her.
There was a pin drop silence for some moments but then she heard a loud squeal.
" Oh my God! .
Oh my God !.
Oh my God! .
Yup , I will call them and we can gather in my home. It's gonna be a good time .". She said happily.
Sana knows it's been a year since they all party together like this .
But for Lara this party could be on her final list with them .