chapter 6

Sana's POV

" Assistant may be I have to take a run from here .So , when I do you will signall the all the devices near by and If they response these devices will catch fire" .I said.

" When I say my key turn the power off" I added.

" System processing". I heard a reply from my computer.

" We have a problem 678. You might want to listen to this "My assistant said and then played a voice

" Boss She is here.( Some one said ) "

There was a silence for a minute and then another voice replied

"Let her come ".

A single line sent shivers down my spine and it is all I want to know for know .

May be I shall leave .

I moved from my hidden place and placed everything back in my bag .

when I heard the click of camera my heart stopped.

My hands started shaking and my breath become uneven.

I started taking long breaths and tried to calm myself down.

This is not the time to get panicked.

I have to handle it carefully nothing will happen.

I consoled myself.

"678". I said

And the light turned off . Time for some hacking swag.

I started to run in the direction and my assistant guided me.

Not long after , when I heard people chasing me .

Of course they can tell.

When I feel some one too close to me I said " Now " and I heard blasting of devices who cathched my signals and responded .

people started screaming and started running here and there.

I might add, like fools .

After reaching my decided place . I shut the back doors of this horror club VIP behind me .

I am on top floor and according to my information. this is their leader' s office or shall I say was.

I will surely find something here.

" 678". I said slowly and the lights came back .

Looking around me I find not few but alot of shelves of books and documents.

I started to search the main desk first and the only thing I found there is my file.

My information with my picture.

Like what is wrong?.

My heart started beating so hard and was traying to come out of me .

I placed a hand on my chest traying to breath normally but it didn't work.

I looked around and find nothing there .

They have find out about me .

With the realization hit me hard.

I make my out as swiftly as I can.

I know they can't see because I have access on their cameras.

Huh!. I am officially a hacker now but I can't enjoy it now.

When I feel the cold night breeze hitted my face. I found my self relaxing.

I booked a cab and set it destination to my rented apartment location.

Well I think I should stop for now at least.

I do really wanna enjoy my friend's marriage but then again can I step back now?.

I don't think I can .

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't realize a black car coming from behind me and it stopped right in front but before I can make a run for it. I feel some one's hand,

Putting pressure on the points of neck and the next moment I let the darkness consume me .

When I woke up I found my self in a dark room and my hijab is still on, the good thing is I have everything still on me and the bad thing is my hands are tied together pretty badly that it is hurting me and also may be just may be they know that now I am a girl.

Well I hope they don't.

My breaths have came to stop and I am finding my self on a hollow route.

No one will come to safe me .

No one knows.

Realization hit me hard.

May be my friends will find out or anyone in the case?.

What will they do ?.

I have been saving my self for my husband,my first kiss and my everything but it's look like I will never be able Meet him .

I huffed at the thought.

Death is better then being raped.

And my mode swings has started!.

I am a Muslim I cannot just back away ,now that they have bring me here .

I can only hope that may be my laptop is still attached.

Taking a deep breath .

" Assistant it's 678". I said and wait for a reply In hope.

" System processing . Battery is low" . I heard after a moment.

" Shut the system but stay connected. try to safe as much energy as you can assistant" I said smiling a bit with hope.

May be I can escape.

I was interrupted when I heard foot steps approaching me .

I am in dark yet small room with no window or light and I am sitting on a cold and much dirty floor.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and came in two mans.

I started counting their steps and their steps length as if my life depends on it .

They stopped right in front of me and jolted me up from my arm .

When standing I skip my arm away from their reach and took a run to outside .

Have anyone told them how prisoners can untie their hands while sitting?.

May be not or else they would have known.

I shut the door behind me but I know it can not stop them from reaching me .

Entering into the elevator. I pressed the top button.

When reaching the top floor I stepped out hurriedly.

There is only a big door in this floor .

Without thinking anything I opened it and find darkness inside but I don't care anymore.

I just shut the door behind me and locked it.

Taking deep breaths while placing my hands on my chest . I tried to relax my self but when I moved my self from the door to look around I found someone sitting on a chair behind a desk smirking at me with blue green eyes.

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