Read with BonusRead with Bonus

A New Day

I skipped down the marble staircase the next morning. Last night's darkness was fading away with the sunrise, as I headed towards breakfast.

I’d be lying if I said I’d slept.

Putting up a fight wouldn’t work and I had to be smarter than that. Even if my daydreams had been dashed, I just needed to adjust my life plans.

Taking a page out of my father's book, I would pick and choose my battles, but this time - I’d be prepared to carve my own path with a little more care, and a little less faith in other people being on my team.

“Morning Aurelia!” My younger brother sung from the table, where he was already digging into his bacon and eggs. His shoulders were still a little tense after my outburst last night, and I knew that he was just trying to lighten the mood he probably expected me to be in.

“Morning Ezra!” I sung back to him and he visibly relaxed. He was probably relieved that I wasn’t going to hold a grudge against him for something that equally blindsided him.

Ezra was only 15 and my only sibling. While I took after Mother, he was a spitting image of our Father - Muscle for days, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.. The only difference is their personality.

While Father had a terrifying aura and I could probably count the times I’ve seen him smile on one hand, Ezra was a carefree spirit with an innocent and playful personality. Both were incredible warriors though and that made for a spectacular and almost even fight.

I sat down and one of our kitchen staff, Macie, promptly sat my loaded Eggs Benedict in front of me.

I smiled and thanked the young girl before digging in myself.

I had almost finished breakfast when my parents walked through the door.

My mood threatened to dim but I forced a smile.

“Ezra, Aurelia.” My Father, Lucian, nodded his head in our direction, briefly acknowledging us.

“Children.” My Mother greeted us warmly as she kissed each of us on the top of our heads on her way to their place at the head of the huge table.

While we usually dined with the rest of the pack, we did also dine in private as a family on occasion.

This particular occasion was because they didn’t want to show that there was any weakness within the family.. and currently that weakness was me after last night.

Lucian cleared his throat to get our attention.

“Ezra, you’ll be with me today while your Mother and Aurelia will be preparing for her ball.” He began.

“Invitations to our neighbouring packs and those who we have important alliances with have been sent out. Maxwell and I have also issued some invitations to a few packs where we’re.. civil, however our relations could be better.”

Lucian glanced almost nervously at his wife and then over towards me, almost daring me to say something.

I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of another outburst.

The ball was now in my court and I was going to play the game.

“Sounds exciting Father.” I said with a bit of fake pep in my voice as his forehead creased, hinting at slight frustration and weariness of my response.

My Mother was a smart woman and knew how to read a room well. She slowly stood up and grabbed her coffee to go before this suspiciously calm morning erupted, kissed Lucian and told me to follow her as we had a lot to do.

“Go and get dressed for an outing. We’re having a girls day!” She gushed with a glisten in her eye, not even trying to hide her excitement.

I internally groaned but gave her a nod and a smile and raced back up to my room.

Mother and I had never had a girls day before and I felt a pang of guilt. While Alethia was a bit of a girly girl and liked to indulge and treat herself, I was the complete opposite and would rather be on the training grounds or in pack meetings with Lucian.

I’d been replaced by Ezra now though.

I quickly threw on a white button-up sundress that landed just above my knees. I paired it with dark green heels and a dark green belt to match. I quickly grabbed a few fake silver rings and a necklace and looked proudly in the mirror.

Just because I prefer a different, and slightly rougher life than my Mother, it didn’t mean I didn’t still like dressing up.

I knew that wasn’t really a fair thought though, because her luncheons, brunches and society balls were important to maintain relations within the kingdom.

I walked back downstairs to the foyer where my Mother had also just arrived. I linked my arm in hers to her delight, and we walked out to our driver. 
Hours later - I was exhausted by the third shop and we had just entered what felt like our 100th. I’d lost count after our 8th.

We both had more dresses than we needed, shoes to match and grins from ear to ear after what turned out to be a really fun morning. With a belly full of laughter, this was exactly what I needed.

"Do you think Ezra will be alright?" I quietly asked while we began browsing some of the jewellery cases on display. The question had been playing heavily on my mind since last night.

My Mother responded with a comforting smile while she organised her thoughts.

"He's just a boy," She began softly.

"Ezra is still young. He's soft, playful and kind, but he's also very strong." There was a pause for a second, but she quickly composed herself with a gentle smile. 

"Your father comes across as a stern man, Aurelia… but he has a world of responsibility on his shoulders and underneath is a mountain of buried worries, stresses and pressure constantly attacking him from all directions. I think your real question is, will Ezra harden like your father - and my answer is no. He won't."

I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"He sure has got a bit of a spark to him." I laughed, instantly lightening the slightly somber mood.

"Wait until you have a teenage boy of your own, my love." She giggled back.

We continued looking for a few final sparkly touches to our outfits and then I stopped suddenly, the wind feeling like it had been knocked out of me.

In front of me was the most beautiful pair of earrings I had ever laid eyes on.

They were an oval shape made from a crisp gold, encrusted with diamonds circling a gem that was the most delicious shade of light green that I had only seen once before. In a pair of eyes that I struggled to forget.

"They are gorgeous, Aurelia."

I snapped out of my trance, not realising that my mother had caught up with me and was now standing by my side.

"They'll go beautifully with your dress for the ball."

I paused, considering it for only a second before shaking my head, unable to find any words.

"I've already chosen a pair that I'm happy with, and I think I'm done here." I mumbled.

I didn't want to say those words any louder since I didn't trust my voice not to shake.

Alethia gave me a gentle, knowing smile and headed towards the counter to finalise our purchases as I moved closer to the door. I didn't trust myself not to run back and purchase them, but I knew the less I had around me to remind me of.. him, the better off I would be.

My Mother approached me within minutes and handed me a couple of small bags that had my stunning pieces in them.

"For what it's worth, I'm so proud of you, Aurelia." She stated firmly before linking her arm in mine again, not giving me the chance to respond to her.

"Let's go home." She said with a smile.

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