Read with BonusRead with Bonus

My Ticket Out

I had been standing outside for over an hour now after my quick escape from Atticus.

My happy birthday, not feeling so happy anymore after a brief moment of hope that things were going to turn out better than just becoming someone's pretty Luna to hang from their arm.

It had now been over two hours since the start of the ball, which meant I had just under four hours left to find myself an eligible Alpha bachelor of my choice or fall in line to appease Lucian and seal my fate with Atticus.

I suddenly felt uneasy and a chill went through my body, as though someone was watching me.

Glancing around trying to spot either my Father, his guards or even Atticus - my sharp eyes didn't land on anyone.

I decided to use this opportunity to shake off whoever was in the shadows and go back inside to begin socializing, knowing full well that people would be aware that I was missing from my own party by now.

I sauntered back inside, mustering up as much confidence as I could, and picked up another champagne glass from a server - grateful that my parents allowed me to drink tonight since it was my 18th birthday party and that our supernatural bodies processed the alcohol a lot quicker.

I spied Ezra talking to a few of his friends and made a quick beeline for them.

"Aurelia!" he exclaimed, as he spotted me getting closer.

"Ezra, Cyrus, Levi, Enid, Peggy, Nettie." I said as I acknowledged them one by one.

I had never really had time for friends, since I was always either training or at my father's side, but these were the closest I had to friends and I was so grateful that they were here tonight.

"Aurelia! Happy Birthday and oh my god you are a vision!" Nettie squealed as she took my hand and spun me around.

The girls all burst into giggles and I joined them, giggling immediately at Nettie gushing over me.

She was a beautiful girl, blonde hair, a little on the shorter side, but her loud, boisterous personality made up for the lack of height and I absolutely loved her.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" I said as the girls nodded goodbyes to the boys and herded me over to a nearby table.

We all took a seat and Peggy kicked off the conversation.

"So, have you met any eligible bachelors tonight? I saw you talking to Atticus and damnnnn that boy is fineeeeee."

We all erupted into giggles again.

"I wish I could say that he was the complete package girl, and I would have been swept off my feet but as soon as he spoke - all I could hear was my father's carefully coached words coming out of his mouth." I stated honestly as they sighed with disappointment.

I could be honest with them. I'd known them all of their lives, since they'd been around Ezra, from when they were all toddlers, and even though we all loved a good gossip together - I knew that it wouldn't leave this circle.

They knew what my life was like and the path I'd tried to lay out for myself and I couldn't talk about this stuff with Ezra, so it was nice to get it off my chest.

"Have you spoken to anyone else yet? There's a blonde bombshell with the dreamiest eyes I've ever seen that I don't recognize, but I lost sight of him after your entrance." Enid said dreamily as my heart stopped in my chest.

Blonde, dreamy eyes... I'm sure that there are a lot of men who would fall into that simple description, but my heart yearned for only one man, or boy, since I hadn't seen him since we were children.

I shook it off and we launched into a conversation about which eligible Alpha would be my perfect match.

A gentle hand on my shoulder interrupted our talk as the girls quickly fell silent and the glisten in their eyes told me that I'd turn around to at least someone handsome.

The hand disappeared and I turned my head to find Sawyer.

I'd met him a few times over the years while accompanying my father on business trips and to meetings at the Leeside Pack.

He was definitely easy on the eyes with his shaggy brown hair and rough physique, and from what I'd heard along the grapevine - a complete ladies man which I'd witnessed first hand during those meetings in the casual flirty conversations that he'd have with me.

He was 21 years old and about to step into his father's role as Alpha.

"I hope I'm not interrupting ladies. I just wanted to ask Aurelia if she would give me the absolute pleasure of accompanying me for a dance?" He asked, giving the three of them a cheeky wink before turning his attention back on me.

"Let's go stud muffin." I bantered back and got up out of my seat as the girls burst into another round of giggles.

I took the arm he offered and he effortlessly led me to the dancefloor.

I once again felt all eyes on me and hushed whispers followed once more.

We glided around the dance floor with ease and I immediately relaxed.

"Are you excited about meeting your wolf tomorrow?" He asked, starting off a casual conversation.

"I can't wait!" I said enthusiastically as I felt my eyes light up with an excited spark.

"I wonder what she'll look like though?" I pondered out loud.

"Graceful, poised, strong and equally as deadly." Sawyer stated, as if it was already a fact.

I stopped dancing and lightly punched him on the shoulder, which made him laugh before he wrapped one arm around my waist and slipped his hand back into mine now that the classical music tempo had slowed down.

"But seriously, you have nothing to worry about and any wolf would be lucky to have your soul intertwined with it. I've seen you in action and no matter what happens in the future, I know that you're absolutely going to kick ass." He finished, his words genuine.

"Thank you Sawyer. I really appreciate that." I said as my heart filled with warmth, knowing that there was truth to his words.

Our eyes met and for a moment I considered what my life would look like with him.

He was handsome and had a natural roughness around the edges with a soft side to compliment it. I knew that he would look after me and he had always had my back when we crossed paths, however I knew the spark just wasn't there and he felt like more of a brother than a future mate.

He looked over my shoulder and chuckled softly.

"We have a set of completely miserable eyes on us." he stated with a mischievous glint reaching his own eyes.

I started to turn my head but he pulled me closer, as if he was making a show out of it.

"Don't be obvious. I'll spin you around slowly. 2 o'clock." He whispered into my ear as I automatically got goosebumps at how close he was.

True to his word, in the next movement he spun me around as if it was a natural part of our dance and I caught a glimpse of a sulking Atticus standing at the side of both of our fathers, sending absolute daggers towards Sawyer.

Sawyer pulled me close to him again and we resumed our dance while I thanked the moon goddess that my back was facing the silent tantrum.

"What's the history there?" Sawyer asked curiously.

"My father is trying to set me up with him and let's just say our initial introduction didn't go as well as they schemed." I sighed, not really wanting to get into it.

Sawyer chuckled at my disdain.

"I think that's my queue to make sure you have another drink in your hand then." He said, still chuckling as he led me off the dancefloor and to a table in the middle of the room.

I silently began comparing what a life would be like with Sawyer and Atticus. Atticus seemed like he could be really nice, but our fathers had him wrapped up nicely and topped with a bow that they kept in their pockets, which would definitely lead to some tension in the future.

Sawyer did his own thing and paved his own path with the support of his own father, which I had also witnessed firsthand. While he had quite the reputation of being a ladies' man, he was attentive, genuine in his conversations and playful banter came naturally to both of us without ever crossing a line. He was respectful, a great dancer, as I'd just found out, and thoughtful - considering as soon as he realized what the situation was, he immediately helped me exit stage right.

I could definitely see why women fell at his feet.

I glanced back at him as he offered me a glass and saw him eyeing me patiently.

"Are you ok in there?" He asked with a hint of concern, and I knew he'd probably witnessed me flick through a million emotions within the minute I'd taken to try and sort my thoughts.

"I'm getting there." I said with a smile, while raising my glass towards him.

"Thank you for being a friend tonight, I really needed this." I toasted.

"I'm only a call away if you need anything. I mean it kiddo." He replied, raising his glass to return the toast.

"Aurelia, father sent me to get you so that he can begin some speeches." Ezra suddenly interrupted as he appeared out of nowhere.

I looked around until I spied a clock and my face immediately paled. Sawyer put a hand on my shoulder to steady me in my seat and Ezra looked at me, his face full of sympathy.

"It's only 10:30pm." I barely whispered.

My heart sunk, knowing that my father was going to change his thoughtfully laid out plans and announce my betrothal earlier than midnight. I had completely thrown them off track by not eating out of Atticus's hand like he probably assumed I would and it would have looked like his plans were about to be completely shattered with how close I had been to Sawyer over the last half an hour. The 'negotiation' he would have had with mother would have just been a complete farce, I realised.

"Tell father that I'm a bit tied up at the moment, but I will meet him in half an hour as we originally planned."

It was Ezra's turn for his face to pale.

"Aurelia..." He began as I put my hand up to silence him and turned my full attention back onto Sawyer.

I heard Ezra sigh in defeat and I felt a little bad for him, knowing that I'd just sent him back into the lions den alone.

Two can play this game, Lucian.

I knew that I'd only bought myself a few moments before he came and dragged me away himself. He'd definitely be worried that I had blown his bluff and would announce a lifetime with Sawyer instead.

"I need to get some air." I blurted out while getting up. Sawyer followed my lead but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I'll be fine. I just need a few minutes to myself." I said, panic starting to seep into my voice as he looked at me with concern.

Before he could say anything else, I turned to walk towards the closest door and I saw a glimpse of Atticus followed by our families striding towards me as if they were on a mission. If I wasn't going to go to them, then they were going to come to me.

I caught my mother's eyes and she looked... defeated.

I averted my gaze and it immediately stopped at Atticus' hand and the shiny velvet box... that was the size to perfectly house a ring.

Without wasting a second, I turned to seek out my escape in another direction - which turned out to be a perfectly chiseled chest and the warmest arms that I had conveniently fallen into which felt as though they had been perfectly sculpted for me.

"Sorry." I quickly mumbled, my mind still on just getting the hell out of there.

I gazed up and was met with those incredible, damn, light green eyes that I'd know anywhere.

I had both dreamed about them and cursed them and at that moment it felt like both time and my heart stopped.

My childhood love. My first love. My mate... I hated him.

"I know you feel it. Don't say a word. Play along." I angrily whispered with urgency as a sense of dread came over me, knowing that this beautiful asshole in front of me was my ticket out of the current mess.

I would just have to deal with this new mess that I had found myself in later though.

I mustered up all of the courage I had in me and pushed down the feeling of wanting to vomit at the situation and pulled the bastard to my lips.

His lips tasted like the warmth of sunshine, and were soft as butter. His hand gently cupped my face as he deepened the kiss and I hungrily accepted him. My mind was screaming at me but my body had taken over and it wanted more, no longer caring who was watching this seemingly intimate moment.

He pulled away gently, and grazed his lips along my neck. My skin felt like it was being set alight by the amount of electricity that flowed through the contact until he reached my ear.

"Showtime?" He cockily whispered.

"Asshole." I retorted.

I started to break from his embrace, everything within me telling me not to let him go, but he had other ideas and somewhat territoriality held me around the waist as I turned to face the thunderstorm that was about to strike.

My father had a deep scowl on his face, Ezra was frozen in shock, Atticus looked like he was about to cry and his parents shared a look of disappointment towards me. It was only my mother who had the hint of a knowing smile on her face.

"Mother, Father... You remember Malachi don't you?"

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