
I drew back from the pink duvet as I opened my eyes. I expose my face slowly and cautiously. I blink twice, then close my eyes and blink once more. I am blinded by rays of sunshine that pass through the window. I get out of bed, drag my feet out, and rub my knuckles into my eyes. I yawn with my arms stretched over my head. My legs hang over the off-white carpet, and I keep an eye on them.

It's not my room, I turned around.

Oh, my so-called marriage to jerk Aaron Knight comes flooding back. At my husband's home, here is my new room.

It was 8:50 p. m. when I was studying, according to the digital clock on the wall.

I slept too much.

I remind myself that my maternal grandmother is an ideal wife, and she always tells me that when I get married, I must grow into an ideal wife for my husband, but I never imagined that my life would turn into a farce and that one day I would be married to the devil, Aaron Knight, who doesn't care about people but is obsessed with his business and his wealth.

However, he is now my husband, and my grandmother has always hoped for me to be a nice and perfect wife like her, regardless of whether or not your husband loves you. I felt like I could try to give our relationship a shot to succeed.

Finally, like my maternal grandmother used to do for my grandfather, I will cook a meal for him.

I should attempt to understand him, to be the best wife for him, because perhaps he isn't who he appears to be, and there is another Aaron who is the polar opposite of this jerk Aaron.

I hurriedly took off my oversized top and shorts and stuffed them into my wardrobe. I wore a cardigan over my white flowery dress.

As I walked away from my room, I observed several other maids at work.

They hailed me as soon as they saw me...

I then proceeded to the kitchen, where I observed Amy slicing cucumber.

I spoke to her, "Hey Amy."

"Did you sleep well, Eternity honey?" she said.

"Yeah." I sighed as I looked around the kitchen; it's the most gorgeous kitchen I've ever seen.

She handed me coffee and said, "Here."

While sipping my coffee, I said, "Thank you, Amy."

Amy inquired, "Dear, what would you want for dinner?"

"Um, Amy," I inquired, "right now I'll cook a meal for Aaron when he gets home."

"Sir always comes home after 11 p.m.," she explained.

"All right, Amy, you can leave," I responded happily. "I'll cook dinner for him."

"All right, but you'll need my aid," she admonished, a sweet smile on her face.

"No, no, don't worry, I'll take care of it. Just tell me where our spices and supplies are, and I'll do the rest "I stated this as I leaned forward on the kitchen island, preparing a fruit salad with mangos, oranges, and bananas.

After that, I ignored Amy and began deciding what he should eat. I had no idea what type of food he liked.

As a result, I decided to cook Macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, Key lime pie, and an Indian sweet called Carrot Halwa for dessert. I know how to prepare Carrot Halwa since my grandmother like Indian food.

I glanced at the clock after finishing the food preparation and garnishing the Carrot Halwa with Dry Fruits.

Aaron is on his way and will arrive at any moment.

I think I should put on some new clothing and head back to my room. I put on a chiffon flowery dress and simply used lip balm on my lips; the rest of my face was makeup-free.

I untangled my long, wavy dark brown hair, which cascaded down my back like a waterfall.

After that, I exited my room and entered the living room.

I hear the automobile a few minutes later.

It seems like he is returning home.

I took control of the living room's main entrance right away. I noticed some lovely flowers in a vase near the door and pretended to arrange them correctly, despite the fact that they were already in place. I simply want him to notice me.

As he approached, he scrutinised me, but his eyes darkened and a scroll was thrust into his face. When I saw his attitude toward me, my heart sank.

In his Armani suit, he looks stunning, as if he just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.

How can he marry a humble lady like me when he can have whomever he wants by simply switching his fingers?

His gorgeous crystal blue eyes gaze at me with a hard attitude, yet it appears that they have feelings for me someplace deep below. I gave him a kind smile while averting my gaze. I'm having a hard time staring into his lovely eyes.

He simply shrugged his eyes and walked right by me, completely oblivious to my presence.

Seriously, what's the matter with him? Can't he be a bit nicer to me?

I turned around and stared at him as he ascended the stairs to his room; I felt my misery decrease to a dull throb as a result of his perplexity; I felt dampness around my finger. I looked down and realised that I had grabbed a jagged spike of rose so hard that it had cut my finger and blood was pouring out,"'shit'; I had to serve Aaron supper. Soon, he'll be downstairs.

I dashed for first aid equipment and treated my wounded finger, thank goodness the cut was not deep; nevertheless, after cleansing my wound, the blood stopped flowing. My bottom lip jutted out as I sighed.

I should prepare dinner for him and walk towards the kitchen with my feet pointed inwards.

I tap my fingers over the pouring table after adorning the dining table with food.

He appeared a few seconds later, dressed in a navy blue shirt that revealed the contours of his Greek god figure and sweatpants.

At the dinner table, he sat in a head chair.

My shoulders sagged as I hurriedly began serving him the dinner I had prepared for him.

"Where are the maids, and why are you serving?" he said, his head tilted inquisitively.

I dismissed them today because I cooked dinner for you. Should I tell him that I dismissed them, will he be furious with me? If I don't tell him, will he be angry with me? If I don't tell him, will he be angry with me? If I don't tell him, I'll tell him "Um, I dismissed them," I said shyly.

He sternly informed me, "You don't need to cook; maids are here for that."

"Please, at least sample what I cooked for you," I replied, dimples appearing on my cheeks.

He began to eat, and his look transformed to one of joy and satisfaction as he finished my meal. I grinned sheepishly at this.

But his euphoric look was swiftly replaced by a cold and indifferent one.

But it makes me happy that he enjoyed my cooking. I'm sure he'll never compliment me, but I can read his eyes.

After the meal, I served dessert, which was Carrot Halwa, which he recognised as an Indian sweet dish.

"This is Carrot Halwa, an Indian sweet delicacy that I cooked for you," I said, biting my lower lip. His eyes and face pleased with a pleasant look once more after tasting Carrot Halwa, but he swiftly moved on.

Resuming his austere demeanour.

He rises to go into his study room after we've completed dinner.

I snatched his fist and said, "For you, I will make an effort to be a nice wife. Our marriage can be given a second chance."

As soon as I uttered those words to him, he took a step back to make room; after a minute, I'm not sure, but he gazed at me with an unfamiliar, hard expression before I could recognise his eyes.

He instantly jerked away from his palm, as I will burn him

"Please, put an end to the nonsense. I know folks like you who are only aware of betrayal and deception you have such a significant paper for my company that even if someone finds out what you are conspiring against me with my competitors, don't you resist acting innocent in front of me? Once this scam is solved and we find out who was that man who stole my company's data and information, who is behind these, I will leave you forever, this is only a contractual marriage." He tightened his hands and snarled his teeth at me.

My eyes are already wet from his attitude of me, as he can't believe I'm not a gold digger; I don't want him to suffer, but I needed him to be happy.

Why do his words affect me so much? He leaves the dining room, leaving me teary-eyed, and it feels like a hot, sharp knife, covered in salt, slicing through my skin and into my muscles and bones, as if my leg had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck my body from head to toe, as though my leg had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck my body from head to toe.

I dashed into my room. I sat on the floor, crying my heart out, wondering why he doesn't believe me when I say I didn't betray him. I don't want his hatred; I've always preferred his good. Never will I betray him.

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