Chapter four

Finn played with his pen on his desk, completely engulfed in thoughts. He was angry, but no one understood. His employees has been walking on eggshells ever since he arrived work, or in fact ever since they began working for him. They were scared of him, his attitude, the fact he never put on a smile, and the fact that he's always angry.

It's like there's no good thing in his life, and that's something they don't understand. They don't even know him that well, but dare not to ask any questions.


"What?!" He answered angrily not giving her any look.

His secretary gulped, shaking in fear. "Uh, your percentage from Romero's food company, and Young Empire has been sent, sir."

Finn stopped turning the pen, and dropped it with a loud sound coming at the hard impact. "Just them?" He asked before looking at his secretary, his blue eyes dim.

His secretary blinked, and lowered her head. "Yes, sir. I've already sent a memo via email to the other companies under you. I'm sure they'll reply in no time."

Finn scoffed, a disgusted look written on his face. "I didn't know they were supposed to need a reminder. Seems like they're forgetting they work under me."

His secretary let out a small sigh. "Sir, I also need to inform you that Powell construction is falling under. Their stocks are crashing."

"And why? Since when?" Finn asked, not keeping tabs.

"I just got informed, sir, but it seems the problem began since two weeks ago." His secretary defended so as to save herself from being blamed.

"Two weeks, ah? What's the reason?"

"It started personal, sir. Apparently, he was having a hidden affair which is wife eventually discovered. It started a ruckus, and somehow his problems went viral causing his stocks to crash. He thought he could handle it, but his company slowly began to bankrupt, his shareholders talking behind his back on how he's unfit to lead.." She looked at him, and saw him just listening attentively. "He needs help, sir."

"I have more than ten companies in my beck, and call, and you're saying only two sent my percentages?" He asked with a frown. "And you're giving me a stupid excuse about why one of them can't?"

His secretary lowered her eyes, her heart suddenly began to beat. She just couldn't believe why she felt this way towards a guy who's still a student in a university. A guy she was sure she's older than. He's so condescending.

"Secretary, you better handle it before next week, or else? I can't let my subjects thinking I can't do anything. I'll ruin their lives." He threatened darkly.

His secretary blinked. "Wh...what about Powell..."

"Leave him to fall, and make sure he pays what he owes me."

His secretary looked at him wide eyes. "But sir,.."

"Why? Do you want me to condone what he did? I helped him make his company what it is today, and he got in over his head. A wife, a son, and a daughter wasn't enough for him, ah? He needs to fall, and make sure he pays me."

His secretary nodded without choice. "Yes, sir."

"Get out."

She immediately nodded like a chicken clucking, and left his office.

Richard entered seeing the scared look on the secretary face before entering. "You do want to give your employees heart attacks, ah?"

Finn kept shtum not in a good mood.

Richard sighed, and sat down on one of his sofas. "I understand what's happening, Finn. I know how angry you are, but who knows, next year will be different."

Finn looked at him. "That's what you always say."

"So because of that, you won't attend again? It's been weeks, and questions are being asked."

Finn nodded. "Yeah. I'm just tired of trying to complete it. It's a waste of time, and I've tried enough. Just tell Julian to do his job."

Richard sighed disappointedly. "It seems you're giving up, but patient, Finn. You might have missed, you never know."

Finn shook his head. "That's impossible. She's supposed to stand-out. Eye catching. There was no one there matching her description. You saw for yourself, right?"

Richard nodded. "Yeah. I went round the whole faculties, and departments, but saw no one like her."

"And you're saying I must have missed her."

"You're gonna have to at least attend tomorrow, or til the week ends. It's gonna take more than Julian before completely taking your hands off."

Finn swallowed, his adam's apple bobbed up, and down. "Whatever."

Richard nodded. "So, what's going on now?"

"My subjects are trying to play smart with me, but I won't let that. I'm just gonna have to make them know they're playing with fire."

"Oh, yeah about that, I was called by Romero. He gave me an information."

"What's that?" Finn asked.

"Nine of the companies excluding Powell construction had a meeting about what to do against you."

"Against me?"

Richard nodded. "Robert Banks gathered it. They were complaining, and getting tired of the fact that a young kid like you is ruling them. Apparently, they're finding it difficult on how it became."

Finn sighed. "Those old men." He chuckled. "No wonder."

"I can understand, though. They're confused."

Finn shook his head. "They shouldn't be. I'll handle it."

Richard shrugged. "Suit yourself then."

It's been three weeks, and another day since they started classes, Bethany, and Spencer couldn't help, but notice the only thing Amelia does was run around, do this, and do whatever.

They wanted to know or investigate, but Spencer found it best to mind their business. What do they even know about her anyways?"

"I don't think we should consider her a friend anymore." Bethany uttered a suggestion as they sat in class.

Spencer looked at her. "Why?"

"It's obvious she don't consider us that. She's always hanging out with Kelly Roland, or didn't you notice it?" Beth asked.

Spencer sighed, and looked behind her to see Amelia has arrived, and just standing. She seemed to be breathing like someone who's done the hardest chore, although she couldn't really tell because of the hood.

There's just something about her she can't put a pin on. So mysterious.

Amelia looked at Spencer sitting in the middle lane of the hall who suddenly gave her a smile, using her hand to motion her to where they sat. Her eyes then landed at Kelly at the left lane equally motioning her to come sit with them.

She sighed not knowing what to do. Actually she does know what to do, but felt conflicted knowing her genuine friends might began wondering what's up with her, and decides to forget she existed.

That's something she doesn't want, but unfortunately she was left without choice.

She gave Spencer a sorry look, and walked towards where Kelly was.

Spencer was confused, but the smirk on Kelly's face when she looked at her made her knew something was wrong.

"You see? It's not like we ever needed her anyways. We were trying to help her life."

Spencer looked at Beth. "And I don't think we did."

Beth brows puckered. "What do you mean?"

Spencer lowered her gaze in thought. "Don't know yet, but I'll find out."

Beth just nodded, and faced the board.

"You did the assignments, am I right?" Kelly asked.

Amelia nodded. "Yes. All night." She opened her back pack, and brought the sheets out.

Kelly, and her friends smirk in satisfaction. "Good. When everyone is done submitting to me, you'll go, and submit it after this lecture, do you understand?"

Amelia nodded obediently. "Yeah."

Finn stopped walking, looking a bit confused where he stood on the hallway. He looked to his left only to see girls giving him stupid looks, he looked to his right, the same thing.

"What's it?" Richard noticed his discomfort.

Finn looked at him, his face masked in confusion. "I...just don't know."

Richard nodded. "Well, let's go then."

Finn sighed, and looked to his front only to see a weird girl running towards where they stood with papers in her hands. The feeling he was having was getting overwhelming as she ran closer. It was a feeling confirming something in him.

He let out a shaky breath as she passed him by, and turned to look at her retreating back, and involuntary, he uttered. "Her."

Richard was confused, he looked at the girl running, and back at Finn whose gaze were fixated on the girl. "Her? What does that mean?"

The girl cornered into another hallway making Finn blinked, and dumbfounded. He was befuddled by the feeling he suddenly felt by that girl, but it wasn't suppose to be so. She doesn't match the description.

"Finn." Richard called wanting to bring him to reality.

Finn looked at him. "Something isn't right. I felt something with that girl that just passed by."

"And what did you feel? Were you happy, or angry?"

"I...I felt relieved. Like a burden came off me. It was like at that moment I felt like there wasn't any anger in me."

Richard brows furrowed. "That girl made you feel that?"

Finn nodded. "Yeah."

"And you're thinking it's her?" Richard asked.

"I have never felt this way, Richard. I'm gonna find out why." He declared.

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