Exorcise the Evil
My hand reached under the laid pillow and fished out the Shore’s token. I brought it to my face and squinted my eyes as I studied the carved writing on it which read, ‘Exorcize the evil, free the world from darkness, and aid the weak’, it had been the watchword of the Shore for a long time. However, that was not even my problem now, I thought―
“What are you thinking?” Wayne suddenly butted into my thoughts, only then did I realize he has had his eyes on me since. I simply smiled wryly as I stared at the token, wondering if I should really become the next Lord of the Shore or just hand it to one of my brothers.
Unfortunately, each of them had a negative side— Damien was hot tempered and is likely to act rashly, then Wayne would have been a good leader if not for his weakness; there was no way the Chiefs would accept either of them.
Nevertheless, was I ready to do this? I could not bring myself to take over my Father, especially since he just died a few hours ago.
“What are you thinking, Lucerne?” Wayne queried again and I sighed, flicking aside strands of silver hair that had found my face a solace. “A message came in earlier before you barged in; the Chiefs want to announce the new leadership to the people tomorrow.”
“Okay, then why are you so worried?”
“I guess I am just sad and nervous at the same time.” Speaking of which, I did not even realize I had dropped the token and now had my hands wriggling before me.
Wayne sighed as he got on his feet and walked to the fireplace; he brought the woods together to spark the fire in them, then came beside me and sat on the bed.
“Since Father's death,” he began. “I have been thinking about what he said― about not leaving the Shore. I cannot just help but think Damien is right after all, we could be here trying to protect ourselves while the enemy is out there planning an invasion.” My eyes darted to Wayne, no, not him. I needed my brothers beside me.
“Like, Father did not know how the future would turn out. Do you say we stay here and let our rivals become more powerful, and then come after us; what would be the purpose of hiding then? Just imagine a witch already breaking into the Shore how she wants, what happens if it is more than that? No one would be able to stop the evil then.”
Throughout that night, I could not sleep. I had the same experience of the former nights coming back to me. I shifted uncomfortably on the bed, yet like other times, I still could not open my eyes, to reality, or speak.
Nevertheless, things slowly took a different turn in my head. I laid on the sands of the shore, facing the sky as I watched the stars sparkle in their glory. It was nighttime and I loved it, a smile spreading across my lips like that of a satisfied merchant as the cold wind flushed my skin.
My hands were crossed behind my head to support it and my legs were stretched to let my feet touch the cool, silently waving Coral water.
I suddenly had an eerie feeling and the hairs on my skin precipitously stood alert as a mighty gust of wind invaded me, not only that, it carried me without warning, plunged me into the water and stirred a violent wave that triggered a torrent of the sea. I was not in control of my body― my hands and legs thrashed at their will as the feeling of skidding down a cliff beset me.
My survival instinct kicked and I tried to rescue myself from this seeming damnation, but hell, I could not! I heard my own voice in my head as I screamed my lungs out.
Realization did not dawn so quickly on me when an unseen force drove me deep into the Sea despite the torrent. I released a gasp before the water rolled over my head, totally swallowing me up.
I was vaguely aware of what happened next. Anyhow, the last thing I knew before I lost consciousness was the torrent coming to a stop and the fierce winds immediately ceasing its assaults. Yet, I sank deep into the Sea, my hands flailing over my head and water bubbles leaving my poor lips to the surface.