2, Arriving at the Black Moon pack
Colin’s POV
“Have you heard of the Withe Rose pack alpha?” the man asked. Colin took a minute to think about it. He had no memory of a pack by that name, and it was a strange name for a pack. Not a traditional one, if he had heard of it he was sure he would remember it.
“No, I can’t say that I have” he answered. The two men opposite him looked at each other.
“Because of the way you became alpha, so suddenly and so young, there are things that your father never got around to tell you.” Alpha Aries started. “I didn’t know if it was my place to say anything, so I kept quiet. But now we need your help, so I need to tell you the history of that pack and I am giving you my word as your friend and as an alpha, that what I’m about to tell you is the truth” Aries continued. Colin nodded, he was too surprised by the conversation to do anything else.
“The story starts at the beginning, the beginning of everything.” Aries started and Colin was surprised as he was sitting a listening to a bedtime story for pups.
“The Beloved one needed a council. It was the best of each race that were selected and because the werewolves couldn’t be without a pack, the council became the Withe Rose pack. So it has continued generation after generation,” Aries told Colin.
“The Beloved One was the one that brokered the peace between humans and the magic races. It was she that made it possible for us to go into hiding from the humans. She has done many extraordinary things during the centuries. But there has always been those that have opposed her. They think her title holds too much power, that her power of magic is too strong and should not exist in this world. We call them the Order and they are a constant threat to the world as we know it.” Alpha Aries finished his story. Colin was stunned.
“Okay” Colin said after a few minutes, trying to digest the information. “So why are you telling me this?” he asked.
“Because, 17 years ago the Order almost succeeded. They murdered the Beloved One, her family and their pack. But what they didn’t know was that their daughter escaped. She took on the role as the latest Beloved One and we have been moving her around to different packs, nests, and covens for the past 17 years. Never letting her stay more than thirteen months in the same place.” Cernack said.
“Okay” Colin added that information to the rest.
“Colin, she is with my pack now. We have had the pleasure to host her, and we would love nothing more than to keep her with us. But the thirteen months are almost up. We need somewhere for her to stay. Somewhere safe.” Aries said. Colin looked at him and he finally got the unasked question.
“You want her to stay here?” he asked.
“Yes, but there are things you need to know before you answer” Aries said and started to fill Colin in on the situation.
Adina’s POV
Adina was sitting in the back seat of the car with Sean. She looked out the window, grateful that the move wouldn’t be taking her so far away this time. Adina hated spending a long time in a car. It made her nauseous, and that made her bad tempered.
She watched the nature that passed by and wondered if she shouldn’t be doing something useful instead. Adina had found some interesting papers online that she wanted to read.
Although her unique upbringing had made it impossible for her to stay at one school, she had taken her education seriously. She was supposed to help people, and she needed knowledge to do so. After finishing high school, she took her college and university courses online.
This had the advantage of her being able to work on two different degrees at once. She held a degree in business analyses and one in medicine. Although she was not a doctor, as she couldn’t partake in the internships, she had taken all the courses, even the practical ones. She had a natural healing ability and found her knowledge of medicine to be helpful. Even though both vampire and werewolf anatomy differed greatly from human.
Sean moved in the seat next to her, making her look at him. She smiled as she saw a little puddle of drool on his shirt. He could sleep anywhere, anytime. Sean had been with her since she was ten years old and he was thirteen.
Her council had introduced him as her protector and since that day, he had hardly ever left her side. She was grateful for the one constant in her life.
Not to say that they didn’t fight. Sean was a werewolf just as she was, and he came from an alpha line. He was not the eldest son, but he had the alpha genes. He was supposed to protect her and in his mind, that meant she was supposed to obey him. She was the Beloved One. She bowed to no one and took no orders.
This had caused them to butt heads more than a few times. Finally, they had agreed that Adina was in charge until there was a situation that was a direct threat to her. Then Sean was the one calling the shots. Fortunately, this had not occurred too often, but on the few occasions that it had been necessary, she had listened to Sean without arguing.
There was a time when she had hoped that Sean would be her mate. She had had a teenage crush on him. But her eighteenth birthday had come and gone and no mate was in sight. Sean would have been okay with her lifestyle. He already knew everything about her.
But now she was afraid that when, or if, she met her mate, she would have to let him go. Not everyone could handle the cold facts of her life. She sighed and resumed to watch the nature go by.
The car was stopped briefly by a couple of werewolves that checked who they were before sending them toward their pack house. Adina looked out of the window and after driving through thick forest for a while, there was a space opening up in front of them.
On the side closest to them, there was a magnificent building. It was made in grey stonework, it’s outside blending from dark grey, almost black, to light grey. She could see other buildings spread out throughout the clearing. They had arrived.
Colin’s POV
Colin had gotten the information that the guests’ vehicles had entered their territory, and he went downstairs to greet them. He was not in a good mood. His wolf had been restless all day and not even a run in the forest before breakfast had made him calm down.
Colin scratched his neck, aware it was not an actual itch. He looked for the cars and questioning once again why he had agreed to this. The smart choice had been to turn them down. Aries had pointed out that Colin had the right to say no several times.
Colin had planned to say no, it was just an inconvenience. But he had said yes. Maybe the story of the young girl losing her parents, having to shoulder a responsibility far too early, made him feel a kinship with her. Maybe he was becoming weak, or mentally soft. Either way, he didn’t like it.
The cars pulled up in front of him; he was flanked by Mateo and Jason. They, and the rest of the pack, had been told they would give refuge to a couple of important guests for a while. Technically, it was the truth, but Colin hated not being able to tell his closest men everything. But he also knew it was for their own best.
Aries exited the first car and came over to greet him. From the second car, Colin saw a tall werewolf exited. Not as tall as himself, but not far off. The man was built like a wall and looked to be well trained.
His brown hair was shoulder length, with braids going back from his face to keep the hair back. The man studied his surroundings for a while before turning towards the car. This must be the bodyguard, Colin thought.
That was the last coherent thought he had before a scent filled his nose and then his entire being. It was the scent of lilacs and lemons and he desperately searched for the origin of the scent, his wolf so excited that it took all Colin’s willpower not to let him take control.
Then he saw the bodyguard extending his hand, helping a woman out of the car. It was the most beautiful woman Colin had ever seen.
She had light blond hair; it was held in a simple braid that now was slung over her shoulder. She had a curvy body that made Colin’s blood boil. Dressed in a pair of tight, ripped, blue jeans, a white, tight tank top and a plaid shirt that hung unbuttoned, she stretched, making Colin take in every ripple of her muscles.
Before he knew it, he was heading straight for her. He saw her freeze in the middle of the stretch. Her eyes grew bigger and then started searching for something before locking into his own eyes. The look almost knocked him down as she stared at him with the most amazing pale green eyes. He stopped just a couple of inches in front of her.
“Mate,” he growled.
Adina’s POV
Adina got out of the car after Sean had given her an all clear. She stretched her stiff muscles and took in a deep breath. The scent hit her like a ton of bricks. Apples and freshly ground coffee.
Her eyes looked for the source, she saw the man that was coming straight towards her, and her eyes locked with his icy grey ones. He stopped a few inches in front of her and she took him in. His black hair was thick and in an untamed hairstyle. Like he had spent the day running his hands through it.
He had a face that looked to be chiselled from stone and it made her heart skip a beat. He was tall. She was 5,8” but he was hovering above her, looking down at her.
“Mate,” she heard him growl and something grabbed her in the vicinity of her heart.
She was not expecting this and was not prepared. She took two rapid steps back and would have continued if the car didn’t block her way. Sean, seeing her backing away, took a step and placed himself between her and the male in front of her. This did not go down well with her mate. He finally broke eye contact with her to stare at Sean.
“Step aside” the male said and Adina could hear the alpha command coming through strong.
Sean had been trained to withstand the command of alphas and didn’t even flinch as it rolled over him. This made her mate a bit confused. She could see it in the way he looked at Sean. But it also made him angrier.
“Step aside and let me get through to my mate or I will rip every limb from your body,” he growled at Sean. Sean growled back. It was a straightforward answer that he would not move.
Adina could see that the situation was going to get out of hand. Both men in front of her had gone into protection mode over her. Both were powerful, and they had enough of an aura to stop anyone else interfering. Adina realized she needed to do something before they drew blood.
If it came to that, one of them would end up dead. She took a deep breath. Took a step around Sean, mind linking with him to tell him to stand down and got a roaring objection back before she blocked him out to focus on the man in front of her.