Chapter 3 A Trip to the Woods
Chapt:3 🐟🐟A Trip to the Woods🐟🐟
Zena double walked into the woods, she walks very cautious not to miss track of where she had been last night
Zena POV
It feels like I am missing track of the trail from where I came out when I notice I have been walking for hours, yet no sight of the small house I left earlier.
The cry of the owl switches on goosebumps on my skin and fears circulates in my heart, the thought of going back to the community has warned me twice against deadly animals.
Ouch!, a sharp object punctured Zena's foot, and she stopped walking, stood on one foot while she put up the other leg, and saw a long withered thorn that pierced under her foot,
which slowed down her movement while she walks lamely, yet she insisted on going to see the strange man she spent her night with at his place.
I could hear waterfalls gushing heavily, like spring is close by in the woods, and never did ị notice the waterfalls the last time I was here.
As much as, I had the thought that I'm lost, I still could not turn to return to the community rather I kept walking down deep into the woods.
“Who are you looking for?”,
My heart flicked into cessation and my body quivered with a shock immediately I heard the voice while trying to hold myself from the quake I received from the strange lady.
Although, I was fast enough to turn, and I'm very certain I saw her face like a critter, shifting immediately I turn to see who crept in on me.
I was not expecting to see a lady in the woods, though she looks pretty and twenties looks good on her.
The strange young lady moved very close to Zena like she was about to bump into her.
And she suddenly starts sniffing Zena's body as she moves around her like a dog who has seen and perceived a familiar scent.
I wondered what the strange lady could be sniffing on my body, or maybe she likes perceiving my smelling scent because I could remember correctly that, I haven't taken my bath.
And, who is she by the way? Zena talked lash to herself.
Could she be the wife of the strange man that saved me last night because they both seem unusual?
The strange young lady proceeded to sniff Zena from her body to her hair and she was frightened of what her instincts told her about who Zena could be.
Shortly thereafter, she start leaning backward, and Zena could notice the fear reaction from the lady, but at the same time, the lady started drifting left to right like she was aiming for an attack.
Surprisingly, the lady bounced on me like an angry dog, in a twinkle of an eye, I was on the ground while she prostrated on me as she suppress with her fist and weight.
Growling deeply her voice changes into a varmint animal and she opens her mouth so wildly like she was about to eat me.
I could see a flame of anger in her eyes as she narrow knitted her brows together like an angry lion and her mouth extended so wildly that her sharp canine tooth grows longer.
Fears spread through my heart, glaring at her face as it shift into the uncertain image I suspected before.
Death bleeds in my thought and I was weak physically because her weight was ten times heavier than she looks.
I knew for this moment, that I'm dead for sure because I'm in the middle of nowhere and no one will ever hear or save me.
Even the mysterious strange man, can't coincidentally be around here to save me because I'm deep in the woods.
Thick slippery saliva drops from her mouth to my face while she roars, trying to dodge the saliva from getting into my mouth I had to turn my face to the left side with my eyes close tightly but suddenly, I stop hearing her growling.
I return my face to her face when I felt her strength has lessened me, it was unexpected when I glimpse that she was gazing at me with a terrified look.
“What are you doing here don't you know you don't belong here?” she asked Zena with a dismay feelings
“I am looking for someone and I assume he stays here, in the woods.”
She stood up from Zena, and she gave Zena a helping hand to stand up too and she said,
“You assume? meaning you are not sure of where you going either?” she replied to Zena with a discouraged feeling as she hurriedly walked out from her with a bizarre look.
“Please wait don't go! why did you stop doing what you wanted to do?” Zena asked her while dusting off the dirt she got lying on the ground from her hair to her dress.
She paused walking immediately after she heard Zena's question, and she said backing Zena,
“I don't pry on the weak pack and more especially not an Alpha”
“What do you mean by an Alpha?” Zena quickly asked.
But the strange lady ignore her question and she was approximately wanted to leave again when Zena called her a strange name.
She turned and walk close to Zena while she said,
“What do you mean by that? can you repeat what you said?”
Zena was more frightened this time, if she had said anything wrong that might have provoked the lady and she stammered to repeat her statement.
“I said, friend! can we be friends? you and me, please?”,
She glared very close to Zena, looking at her eye ball to eye ball which made Zena not to be able to predict her next responses.
“Okay!, fine...we are friends but be careful of who you choose as friends,” she affirmed and ask Zena.
“So tell me, are you lost?”
Zena could sense trouble and this might be a trap if she clearly states that she is lost rather she boldly replied,
“I know where I'm going, I came to see the waterfalls by myself because I have heard a lot about the spring.
and for your other statement, you are right, because I wasn't sure of where I was going and I have never been in the woods before.
Please, can you show me the way to the waterfall?” Zena requested,
But the strange lady stares at Zena while trying so hard to scrutinize the character of the strange weak Alpha she saw in the woods.
“Hello, are you okay?”, Zena asked when she notice that the lady thought could be far.
“Yeah!, I can show you the waterfall, moreover, you are there already and I don't think it's safe for you to be here alone.”
Zena quickly replied because the thought of being alone again in the woods strikes her thoughts again and this time she might meet the mysterious animal that kills.
I have to be careful not to allow the strange lady out of my sight because she could be the means for me to return to the village else I'm stuck in the woods or be killed.
“Since you are here now, can you accompany me to spring?” Zena requested.
“Sure, it's nothing thou”, She obviously smirk at Zena and both of them walked down to the spring but Zena was still limping.
“Oh!, what happened to your legs, why are you not wearing your shoes?, and sorry for my manners, I'm Katherine but my friend me Kate.”
“Nice name Katherine, maybe I could use the Kate because we are friends already” Zena replied while she pause to check her foot that was badly injured.
Kate notice that Zena was three feet behind her and she stopped walking to respond to Zena,
“Are we friends already?”, Kate asked and noticed how Zena grimace her face to show off the pains she is passing through from the dry thorn that pierced her foot and she hurried to assist Zena.
“My goodness, your foot is turning blue, I think you have been poisoned.” She said in a serious tone.
“Poison? it can't be, who will want to set up a poison trap in the woods here?” Zena asked in a frightening tone.
“They call themselves hunters,” Kate replied, but she was not surprised by the strange thorn that punctured Zena's foot.
She knew it was her trap because she was being chased by the hunters when she ran in a circle way that swerved the hunters in another direction.
However, she wondered why will the poison be effective on Zena because it can only be effective on a wolf pack.
But she double-cast her thoughts, she was not expecting Zena to be like her kind because Zena portrays the weak strength of a human.
“Gosh, let me take you home, you need to burn out the poison else it will paralyze you,” Kate said in an assurance tone.
Already, Zena's eyes were beginning to turn clouds, and her last words were, take me to Angus Farm.
Struggling to open my eyelid, feel so difficult like glue has been applied to my eyes
I forcefully open them and my eyes were blurred that I couldn't see clearly, had to blink deeply twice before my vision became clear to a chubby pink smile with wrinkles lines waiting for me to wake up.
I raised myself immediately only for the towel that was placed on my forehead to fall on my body,
“ouch...it is hot, ”Zena remove the hot towel her mom had placed on her forehead to suppress Zena's fever.
“Yes my dear, you were uncautious and you have been running high temperature for three days now, but I'm happy because you look better.
“Three days!”, Zena exclamated,
“Was it really that bad, because I can't remember anything?”
“Not bad my dear, but it's fine now, go fresh up and come join us for dinner,
Oh lest I forget, a young man has been the one providing the herbs, I can't remember his name properly, because I'm not sure of what he said,
I think I heard him say Trekk, Trick, Oh Drake maybe, Could that be a person's name?”
My mom sometimes can be really funny, in the midst of worries she will definitely put up what will make you smile or even you laugh out your ribs
Watching her demonstrate just to recall the person's name that helped my family with my recovery made me forget the important reason why I'm here.
My face stretched with smiles, which made me wish I can't ask for any other parents but the happy and beautiful family I am blessed with.
Still looking at her as she questions herself and answers herself, maybe old age has taken over her,
“He is definitely Drake, I'm very sure this time.”
“Okay mama, is he here now?”Zena asked with the assurance that her mom would say yes.
“No, my dear, but he was here a few minutes ago.”
Zena Nibble her lips gently when she heard what her mom had said,
I had to quickly raise myself and look through the window if I could see him leaving.
“Are looking for him,” Mrs. Angus asked while she uncautiously join Zena to view the window to see what it might be.
“What that smell, Zena you really need to take your bath because you smell like a dog in a deep shit.” Mrs. Angus whined after she had spanked Zena gently on her head.
“Mama that is too aggressive, you can be nice if only you said it without hitting me,” Zena affirmed, but her mom had left before she could finish her statement.
“Gosh,” Zena exclamated, and fell back on her bed, only to quickly raised herself again when she remember her mom had invited her to join them for dinner.
Munching sound on the cracked old table, Mr. Angus carried the old plastic drinking water cup and drank, in other to gulp down the carbohydrate food substance that almost choke him.
“Be careful how to chew the potatoes, do you want to get choked?” She warned her husband to slow down in eating after she observed him eating unusual.
“Can you slow down and tell me what it is?”
This time around, she was very loud that Zena could hear her smash the table while she yelled at her husband.
He grumbling warned the wife,
“Can you control yourself for a minute, Did you tell her who brought her home?, Did you ask her what she was doing in the woods at that earlier hours?
You have spoilt this child, and I'm not happy with the way you treat her.” he continued eating his fried Irish potato cheese with vegetable sauces.
Zena was about to come out from where she was eavesdropping on her parents when the sound of her mom paused her movement.
“Really, I spoiled her right, why does the father always blame the mother whenever the children are not behaving right?
and when the children are behaving properly they claim to be perfect fathers, that the children took after them.”
He looked at his wife after he smirked and said,
“I don't have to respond to your foolish ideas.” and he was about to put in the vegetable he fetched with the old steel-rusted fork in his mouth,
Then suddenly, there was a polite twice knock at the door,
Mr.Angus stood up immediately like he has been expecting a visitor, but he was actually trying so hard to avoid exchanging words with his wife.
He got to the door and recklessly open it without checking from the door view who was knocking.
Zena's mood lighted a bit when she heard the knock, the first person that came to her thought was Drake and she was very certain it was him that would be knocking.
She thought of coming out, but the second thought of peeping and eavesdropping on the person at the door was her best idea.
Mr.Angus was startled when he open the door to see the unexpected guest but one whom he is familiar with.
“What are you doing here, I have told you to stay away from my family.
My wife and I are grateful for bringing our daughter home, but you can't be seen around here or with her, I don't want to lose my daughter please.”
“But, Mr. Angus?”, Before Kate could finish her words, Mr. Angus angrily replied to her.
“I'm not reporting you to the hunters because it's a favor from me to you, I believe you are different from the others,
but, please stop coming around my family for your safety and my family's safety, especially for Zena.
“Zena's safety is the reason why I'm here,” Kate replied to him while trying so hard to convince him to let her inside the house.
But Mr. Angus had held her chest to stop her from coming into the house while he pulls her backward and continues explaining,
“Zena is nothing like you or your kind, I watched her grow in my very eyes, she might be different but she is not your type, so please stay away.”
He pushed her hard out of the house and slammed the door.
Only to turn and saw Zena and his wife staring at him like were ready to interrogate him.
For more than twenty seconds, they both stare at Mr.Angus,
“Papa, can you explain to me what you were discussing with the lady and the reason you don't want her in our home?” Zena confidently asked.
“You don't need to know anything, for the safety of this family” he left them and return to the dining.
Zena and her mom followed him to the dining while Zena said,
“What makes you think keeping me in the dark is the best way to save this family?
I might be that your little girl papa, but I'm a grown-up now, I demand to know what happens in this is family.” Zena crudely asked and Mr.Angus glared at her like she is about to lose her boundaries of respect.
And he said to his wife in a dignified way,
“Woman, hold or rather warn your daughter because if she speaks again I will ground her for a long time she never expects.
Before he could finish his statement, Zena angry said,
“I heard you tell her, I'm not her kind, but with the look of things you are not my kind, I don't belong here, all that this family is good for, is to take me to the farm always.
I barely went to a normal school like my mates, I hate thi-,” a slap chime her cheek unexpectedly from Mrs.Angus and Zena was disappointed to see her mom was not even supporting her or saying something that will make her dad say something.
She looked at her parents with her bulged eyes, and her eyes has turned red with red veins stripes on the white space of her eyes, and tears had filled her eyes pack which has already begun to drop consistently.
She wiped her tears constantly with one hand while the other was calming the hot slap she had received from her mom, still staring at her parents and she angrily left to her room.
But Mr.Angus was not remorseful rather he yelled at Zena at the top of his voice,
“You are grounded, no more going to the farm, no selling of fritter, and no leaving of this house till I say so.”
Mrs.Angus was really sad about her action that she went too far as to hit Zena, but she had to, in other to stop her from saying more words that will implicate her.
At that moment she knew Zena was angry about how her husband treated the visitor, and she needs to do something due to Zena was not thinking straight because she was angry.
Although, she was not thinking straight either, but could only react by slapping her to calm Zena's temper.
Mrs.Angus looks at her husband with a crude expression, and her husband could see his wife was mad at him too, and he said,
“What was I supposed to do, I had to stop her from coming into our home because the neighborhood might be watching.
I heard she was among the people that killed Mr.Jones.”
“Mr.Jones, oh my God!, Is he dead?”, she asked with a worried feeling.
“I just said they killed him and you are still asking me if he's dead! is the old age getting into your brain?”
I could not find words to spit on my husband, because I was lost to myself, watching him make fun of me.
“Can't you understand me for once, I know you meant he died, and you don't need to make fun of me either.” she angrily stood up from the wooden chair, packed up the empty dashes, and covered Zena's meal with the empty plate behind her meal.
She went to the kitchen and drop the plates, while her husband watched her move around.
She return to the dining, carried Zena's meal, and was about to leave when her husband stop her with a question,
“Where are you taking the meal?”,
“To Zena's room of course!”
He farrows his grey brows and said,
“Why do you need to take the meal to her room?”, he asked irresistibly.
“Come on dear, she has not eaten anything for three days, you are beginning to be harsh on her and I don't like it.” She affirms and continues to walk to Zena's room.
Before he could reply to her, there was an aggressive knock at the door,
The couple went quiet, and Mr.Angus was worried and certain that the hunters had seen him with Kate and they have decided to arrest him and his family.
The knock was harsh this time again when the person outside the door knocked.
Mrs.Angus immediately left her husband to Zena's room while her husband snail walk to check the person knocking through the door tinny view whole and saw strange men,