Chapter 4 My heart Knows Nothing about Feelings
Chapt:4 🐟🐟My heart Knows Nothing about Feelings 🐟🐟
Third POV
“I'm coming okay!, do you want to pull down my house?”, Mr. Angus, groan while he lowered to peep at the visitors that were knocking aggressively.
“Shit!, this must be the hunters, Shit!.... Shit!, what do I do? ”
He quickly looked around the house if anything will implicate his family if the hunters comes in to search.
“Please give me a second”, he hurried to the door after he has ensure his house does not have anything suspicious.
Cleaning his hands on his old ash color track trouser and opened the door while he stood at the edge of the door to cover the visitors from viewing inside the house.
“How may I help you?” he beamed trying so hard to put on a happy expression.
“Nothing much, we cared to ask, is everything okay?”
One of the men asked drifting his head if she could see inside the house, but Mr. Angus could observe his eye movement while he calculatedly continued to block the view against the man staring inside the house,
“Is everything okay Mr. Angus because you have seemed like something is bothering you?”, he curiously asked.
Mr. Angus replied audaciously,
“Yeah, everything is perfect, I'm only worried about why you are here because it's late.”
“Forgive my manners, just that, my friend and I are your daughter's customers, we came to buy some fritters, hope you don't mind?”, he deflected his expression to be friendly.
Mr. Angus was not convinced of who the strange men claimed to be, but he tried to play along to pretend like he wasn't scared and he said,
“Oh, I'm so sorry, we don't have fritters today maybe you can check back tomorrow.”
“Okay then.” the customers obliged and left, but Mr. Angus stood at the door to watch them leave the vicinity while the men walked out and disappear into the dark road.
But then again, Mrs. Angus was still urging Zena to eat,
“My dear, eat just a little, you need to eat something ”, but Zena was rejecting the meal she spoon to feed her.
She looked around the room it feels suffocating, then she hop on Zena's bed and slide the window opened that is beside Zena's bed for air.
And she returned to persuade Zena to eat but the consistent rejection from Zena got her fed up,
“I'm trying my best to convince you that your father loves you more than anything, but you chose to believe that, I'm confusing you, it's fine! here is your meal whenever you are hungry then you can have it”, she dropped the tray with the meal on an old wooden table that is beside Zena's bed and left.
Zena stooped on the floor close to her bed, but the scent of the irresistible flavors from the meal.
Zena's POV
I raise my head, to glance at the meal as much as the lamp could not light up to brighten the room,
yet I could still see the garnish sauce with fried Irish potatoes which increases salty fluid in my mouth, tried to dodge the colorful meal but the aroma was irresistible.
I stood up and carried the tray of the meal down to the floor where I had stooped before and started gobbling the meal so aggressively.
“I always knew you are naughty!”
I quivered immediately I heard the unexpected voice from behind, I could feel my heart bouncing out of my chest which made me drop the meal I was about to put in my mouth.
“Gosh, are you going to just stay there and watch me, can't believe you are this crude?”
Drake said, as he tries to get through into the room from the window, he managed to pull in and drop himself on the bed close to the window wall.
“What are you doing here, and who showed you my room?” then I stood up to see the uninvited guest in my room while I inquire him with a question, I was about to ask him the reason why he came to the house when I suddenly notice that my room door is open.
Just a glance, I saw my mom walking down to my room, and I immediately double-quick and shuts the door but unfortunately, my mom was at the edge of the door when I slams it.
“Zena, are you okay in there? I just wanted to say good night or maybe we can talk for a while.” she stood in front of Zena's door waiting for her to open the door.
But Zena was not ready to open up in other to avoid her seeing the guest rather she soft loudly said,
“Goodnight mom I don't want to speak to anyone.”
Mrs. Angus could not hear Zena properly because the sound of her voice was woolly rather she insisted again and knock for Zena to open the door but this time Zena yelled louder.
“Leave me, alone mama, I don't want to talk to you.” Mrs. Angus was discontented, she stood for seconds and left.
“I told you she won't let you in, I know Zena better than you do,” Mr. Angus was already lying down on the bed, he tune on the dream light they normally use for sleeping and he turn to his wife.
“She took your annoying personality, both of you are the same whenever you both are angry, you can't control yourself,” she said adjusting the nightwear dress that fitted her as she lay on the bed.
“Don't worry, by tomorrow she will be fine,” he said while he fling hands to her breast in other to cuddle his wife, but she angrily tossed off his arm and said,
“I'm not in the mood,” she replied and back him while her husband watch her back.
“When will you ever be in the mood, have you finally gotten rid of me?” he said staring at her silky shiny nightwear while his wife backs him and replied,
“Are you not tired of sex already? by the way, are you serious when you said, you are grounding our daughter?”, she turned to face the old cracked roof while she wait for an answer.
“I'm much more serious with that, and I don't want to talk about this till I chose to, and for your other question,
I'm not tired of making love ”, he said and returned to the position he was in before his wife entered the room.
Mrs. Angus was depressed that she took a deep breath to relieve her nerves, she turn off the dream light close to her and adjust to lay properly while placing the flora bedsheet on her bosom.
“That was harsh, you could at least allow her in,” Drake said while he beamed and sat on the chair, Zena uses as her reading chair that was placed very close to the table Mrs. Angus had kept Zena's meal earlier.
Zena folds her arms, still posing at the door full of startled while she looks at Drake.
“Why are you staring at me, are you not happy I'm here?” he stood up from his chair and was about to hop on the bed and leave through the window when Zena said,
“Please wait, I'm sorry I gave you cold shoulders, but at least I was expecting we could know ourselves formally before you bashed into my room,” she said unfolding her arm while she picks the tray of unfinished meal from the floor she was before and drop it on the table close to where Drake is sitting.
“Forgive my manners, you are right, I was supposed to introduce myself earlier.
I'm Drake, aa-and I believed you are Zena because your mom told me, she has-” he could not finish his statement before Zena objected,
“Speaking of my mom, I want to appreciate your kind gesture for saving me a few days ago, but I haven't been myself lately, because of what happened the day I left your house-”,
Drake knew exactly what Zena meant to say, but he chose to divert her attention in other for Zena not to talk about what happened to her parent and he certainly said,
“Yeah about that, I was supposed to tell you before leaving, but I could not get the chance because I was busy with a friend,” he said while he stood up from the chair and Zena had a good look at him.
He's busy with a friend? guess it's Katherine...., Zena mumbled to herself while staring at Drake,
“So why are you here, aren't you supposed to be with your friend because it's late?” she pretentiously asks to avert her feelings.
However, Drake starts breeding his intuition that Zena does not feel the same way he felt, and he needed to leave so he said,
“Never mind, I think I came at the wrong time.”
Before Zena could wait for his response he immediately hops on the bed and straight to the window,
but she was quick enough to stop him from leaving at the window while she move close to him at the window and said,
“I wanted to find out what happened to my parents the reason they could not remember I never slept at home but at your place-”,
Zena suddenly went cold feet as my heart shook and was pounding very fast while glaring into his eyes but I could murmur loudly
“Never mind thanks for everything”, but both of them wer-