Chapter 5 Love is actually a Diesel
Chapt:5 🐟🐟Love is actually a Diesel 🐟🐟
Third POV
“Never mind thanks for everything”, but both of them were not ready to be out of each other sight, and they stare at each other for more than a second.
Suddenly Drake's eyes crossed to her lips, and he could not formally control his thoughts decently, rather it started illustrating how soft those cute lips could be, how I wish she could touch my heart and feel how it hurts without her feeling the same way I do.
Drake eavesdropped on Zena's heart to the extent he could feel the sound of her heartbeat pounding in his mind, while he could not control his thoughts and feelings, he jumped down from the window and ran into the woods.
Zena was passively startled, she watched him leave without words of goodbye, I'm not sure of what I feel, but if true it is love then love surly hurts.
She lay down on her bed feeling restless as the picture of Drake's image flashed in her memory which made her smile reasonably.
If this is how I see you then, the replay of your thought will stick with me for the rest of my life.
As she glues a smile on her face, it weakens her eyelid which succumbs her consciousness to snooze.
Before then, Drake stott very fast in the woods like he is been chased after he has transformed into a huge brown mixed black hairy wolf, as he lashes himself with the thought of Zena,
Drake's thoughts as he sttots
Why do I battle with my mind like a war without a beginning and end, I can not control myself every minute of the day I see her.
Why do I get sick being around her, this is not love anymore!
If she is the one, how come she can't feel my heart beat and why do I keep getting close to her when she does not feel the same way I do?
Drake suddenly stopped running, he paused when he sighted the lights that were reflecting from the window of his house because he could see the shadow of a familiar person in the house moving back and forth, while both arms were folded like the person has been waiting to deliver a message.
As soon as Drake step out from the last tree in the woods he transformed into the young handsome guy he was while he walked into his house.
Immediately he entered his house the person his eyes sets on was his friend James.
James knows Drake as a werewolf, he was saved by Drake on the fateful day his bike ran into a speed-driving trailer.
James POV,
The guidelines of triple Ds are absolutely correct for your safety when driving, I'm living proof, if it were not for Drake I would have been long dead by now, and I haven't for one day regretted a bit knowing him, do I say he is my saving Angel.
If you have ever been drunk while driving you would understand how I feel, ‘I almost’ is a shift of chances, I ran into a trailer because I was drunk and suddenly went into a sharp deep sleep on the starring,
next was a bright headlight the vehicle sparkles out my consciousness when I knew I was face to face with a trailer.
It was like a movie when a huge dog bounced on my car and pulled me out, the way my car was compressed from the smash of the heavy-duty trailer, one would describe the driver's body as shrinking into a squeezed paper but here I am fit in a good health condition.
Drake pops up with an unplanned smile on his face and both of hugged each other like a brother who had missed each other and they unhug.
Smiles were on James's face when he announced to Drake,
“We have missed you, Drake, when are you returning to campus,” he said sparkling out his nice-looking teeth.
But Drake had moved to the small space in his room to mix up coffee while he said backing James,
“I will be back soon,” he replied but James was persuasive that he moved to the space where Drake soak his coffee and said,
“Not that again, come to Drake!, you can't be shifting your studies soon after soon, you need to be serious menh” James was dissatisfied with the response of Drake earlier that the clouded happiness on his vanished and he continued,
“How long do you intend to pretend to live here?” he rudely asked because he's tired of persuading Drake to return to school while Drake replied.
“As long as I get what I seek for,” he replied undressing while he was in the middle of unlacing his all-star red and white strip shoe.
“Drake, for how long do we keep talking about this, what you seek does not exist, and the dreams you were having are just pictures of your previous life.
There is nothing like the throne of werewolves. Okay let me create this scenario, imagine, this twenty-century, werewolves ruling this world kings and queens taking over, servants especially those gorgeous maidens wearing those weird clothes.
Really!, and you think all those could happen in this our modern times with laptops, Motorola android phones and all these hot sexy XXX browser clips on the internet with those ho-”,
Drake could not contain his noisy talkative friend and he sshh him to be quiet,
“James, can you control yourself for once?”
“Why do I have to be quiet when I know I'm saying the truth, come menhh you need to return to campus because a lot has been happening since you left Kate has own everything, she slid-”,
Speaking of the devil and there she is!
Kate bashed in Drake's apartment, the skin leather leggings she is wearing blended with her skin color which made her look like she is naked, but the black leather jacket averted the thought of dirty thinking rather it shows how cool she dressed.
The black eyeliner matched her curling black hair, and one would imagine a hot biker female with the stick of lollipop candy sweet she stuck in her mouth to look very sexy.
“Hey handsome” She smirked at Drake and boldly place a kiss on his lips while she crossed his hands on Drake's shoulder after she gave James a snobbish look,
James could be known as a wide mouth personality, but he is very sensitive that he grazes every movement, maybe that could be the reason he's still Drake's friend, for they have known each other for the past five years.
“I have to go man!, please do think about what I told you.” he vigorously activate their college handshake Drake responded with the shake and said,
“I will think about it,” Kate curiously said,
“think about what?”
And James had responded to her like he has been waiting for her to utter a word,
“Think about dumping you!” James said while he hurried to the door and left because he never liked to hang around her.
“Foolish son of a raven skin” she murmurs.
“I heard that Kate! if you want us to continue having us you need to be careful around my friends or else?”
“Or else what,” she placed her lips close to my lips.
Just inhaling the scent of her fragrance activates my roguish personality, which makes me unleash my condemned soul of mine, she is a person that will continue to turn me into a sinner.
Although, I know she is a bad drug for me, in as much as I can passively resist myself but not when I see those French pie breast of hers.
Already, Kate has removed her jacket while she had passionately glued her lips as they kiss and Drake's hand's where feeling the warm body of Kate's breast.
The sensual moan and the sound of a kiss activate their aphrodisiac feelings and they kiss themselves like they were just released from the captive of sexual abstinence.
Overpowering ecstasy they lose themselves, Drake lifted Kate to his waistline while caring her to the bedside his palms were already gently squeezing her b-
Meaning Zena's instincts were correct.
What could Drake be looking for?