McDonalds and Best friends



When Fredrick found me at his doorstep, his six feet frame towered over my five feet one as he frowned.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, a brow raised as he feigned a scowl at me.

I couldn't deny it. His expression was funny so much that I almost laughed, but I knew it would only make things worse between us.

Our last meeting had not ended on a very good note.

We had fought and argued on McDonald's and KFC, which had the better customer service.

He was for KFC and I was for McDonald's.


In anger, I said and I quote.

"You have always settled for the lesser things. I'm talking about all the girls you've dated, your music taste and your movie taste too! Everything is sub par!"

Immediately, I rose up and took my leave.

So, here I was. With my luggage in my left hand and a wrapped lunch bag, proudly sponsored by KFC.

I held the latter up to his face and smiled.

Fredrick Turner's eyes lit up at a package.

I smiled, I desperately loved my best friend.

"If you think a bag of KFC is enough to make me forgive you? Then you've got a big surprise coming for you."

My eyes danced around his dark skinned face and my smile broadened.

"I know, I know. But a bag of KFC and an I'm sorry would make you forgive me right?"

I pouted, trying to make myself cute.

"Well, it depends on how cute you'll look saying it."

We burst out laughing, he moved away from the door, allowing me to enter.

Fredrick Turner and I had been best friends since our high school days at Beverly High.

While he was a transfer student from South Crenshaw, I was a living and breathing typical Beverly teenager.

Our spark was instant! We bonded over titration practicals in chemistry and before we knew it, we were seat partners in every class.

Being best friends with Fred earned me a lot of female enemies.

As a black, tall, handsome and extremely sexy eighteen year old, he was the wish of over half of the female population of Beverly High.

With no serious interest in sports, Fred was still a spot on table tennis player and a cross country runner.

Despite his effortless talent and skill, Fred had decided not to pursue a career in sports. Instead, he decided to dive into the arts and had gotten a degree in journalism.

While he proceeded to NYU, I made my way to Princeton to pursue a degree in human psychology.

After graduation, we both moved to Los Angeles and our bond strengthened even more.

Now, after being kicked by my sister, I was about to beg him to let me live with him. Until I was at least able to find a place of my own.

"What's up with the luggage. Heading to the airport from here?" He asked, stealing the bag of KFC from my hand as he fell on the couch beside him.

Smiling nervously, I turned around and tucked my hands in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Well, you see I was hoping you would let me stay here for a couple of weeks." I spat out, earning myself a glare from him.

He seemed to choke on the chips he currently munched on, cause he held his throat and looked up at me.

"Say what?"

I rolled my eyes and locked stares with him again, while adjusting my spectacles on my nose.

"I said I needed a place to stay. "

"Tehilah kicked you out?" He enquired again, rising from the couch and heading to the bar counter behind me.

I had to admit it. Seeing him stand close to me, I could tell why women threw themselves around my best friend.

Besides being extremely handsome, he had his way of looking at you. When his eyes rested on you, especially when he stood in front of you, he locked you in. In such a way that you felt yourself being sipped into his eyes, you felt yourself dance in them, float in them, sink in them.

I nodded frantically and he chuckled.

"It was about time." He spoke, placing the bag of chips on the counter, before turning back to me.

My eyes widened.

"What?! You're really supporting her by throwing me out?" I yelled, more dramatically than I should have.

His brows furrowed as he looked down at me. As if saying 'bitch don't raise your voice in my fucking house.'

And I understood his point.

I frowned, folding my arms under my breast and pouting, so he laughed.

"She had to do what she had to do! Damn. If I had a girl and she brought her sister to live with us and she stayed for three months. I'll have a problem too."

I appeared thoughtful.

Maybe it was not Tehilah's position to throw me out.

Maybe her fiance had expressed his discomfort and to save her relationship, she had to do what she had to do.

I could not blame her for choosing him over me.

I had only been in love once, in middle school. Still, I could understand the sacrifices one made for love.

"So you're saying it was her man's decision to throw me out?"

"I'm saying that it was high time you left the couple to arrange themselves. They would be getting married in less than two months, you basically lived with them for half of their relationship, of course they had to throw you out!"

Ouch. That hurt.

It was one thing to know the truth, but it was another thing to hear it come out so harshly from your best friend.

"That hurt. A lot." I spoke up, moving away from him.

In a swift second, he grabbed hold of my left hand and pulled me back to his side of the counter.

"I'm sorry, okay? Look, I would let you stay with me. But you know how I get with the ladies..."

He paused when I made a barfing gesture and rolled my eyes.

He laughed, slapped the back of my head and I smiled.

"But really. I don't wanna put you in the position to see all that."

"I promise I won't say anything. And if I ever walk into you making out on this counter or on the couch, I'll just walk through."

He laughed. And I'm talking nerve wracking, breath seizing laughter.

"You'll walk through?"

"Hell ya! What do you expect me to do? Join you?"

"That wouldn't be so bad" He spoke, his lips spread out in a thin smirk.

By God, I wanted to smack his cheeks so hard he wouldn't be able to smile in another two months.

Instead, I frowned and looked at him.

"Fredrick Robinson Turner..."


When I was sure I had his attention, I pulled up my middle fingers and stuck it close to his face.

"Fuck you!"

He held his stomach as he laughed. In his black sweatshirt, I couldn't see his muscular chest rise and fall from the intensity of his laughter, but I knew they did.

"No seriously, fuck you."

"You wanna fuck me so bad Camilla, don't you?"

"Freddie if you don't shut the fuck up!"

I couldn't help it. He was so disgustingly cute and funny it made me laugh and angered me all at the same time.

When he stopped laughing and stared down at me, my laughter could not help but seize as well.

"You know I'll always have your back Milla."

I shrugged.

"Don't call me that!"

He frowned. "Bitch, do you wanna live in my house or not?"

I glared at him and his fake scowl dissolved into a broad smile.

"The point of it is you're welcome to stay as long as you want."

"I'll only be here for a while, once I get enough from my paycheck to get a new apartment, I'll be up and running." I stated, turning my back to him and heading towards my luggage.

"And you decided to bring all of Macy's with you."

"Nigga shut up!"

He laughed again, moved closer to me and stopped.

"Camilla, I'm glad you've decided to start working again."

I smiled at him. In his eyes, I could tell he was genuinely happy and proud of me.

"Me too Freddie, me too."

When he held my waist, leaned into me and reached out for my box with a smile on his face.

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