Angel’s Arranged Marriage
Chapter 2: Angel’s Arranged Marriage
“ I can’t believe my wedding is in three days, it will be the most beautiful wedding in the whole of heavens!”
I shouted with cheerful glee as my maid kept combing down my lush sparkling white hair while my elder brother ,Angel Gabriel kept picking and throwing the strawberries from the glass table into his mouth in a manner that mother will frown upon.
“Can’t imagine that too, you’re still a damn baby” he said ,the reflection in the mirror showing his twitching nose and daunting smirk ,I picked the closest ribbon and threw it at him as he successfully dodged it.
“You only senior me with 2 years Gabriel!”
“Bella…” mothers voice cut short his comeback as she entered my room, my maid bowing a little after I dismissed her.
Behind my mother was Elsa, my twin sister. We have nothing in common both in looks and personality. For starters, she has mothers green emerald eyes ,tanned skin while Gabriel and I inherited father’s piercing blue eyes over pale white skin.
Mother with her alluring regal aura and prideful stance walked into my room and continued combing my hair from where the maid stopped, her beautiful draping green gown making her eyes pop out the more while Elsa pushed Gabriel out of the lush furry couch ,all eyes on me.
“You need to get dressed , Raphel is coming to see you any moment from now “
“Yes mother “ I said a little bit disappointed, thought it was time for the mother and daughter bonding but that’s something she frequents with Elsa and I have so many unanswered questions about sex and the wedding night,I bite my tongue trying to cover the blush creeping just from the thoughts.
She smiled politely at me ,nodding in approval of my makeup and hairstyle and left the room while giving Gabriel a glare which carried her message loud and clear. He is to stay with me while having another male company, even if it was my husband to be.
Angel Raphael, is a decent guy from what I have heard about him and the two times we were allowed to have contact with and in those two occurrences , both families were present.
My husband to be is not a warrior but a messenger, a rank lower than my family’s warrior title but still an important rank and I’m so lucky he agreed to marry me.
As the elder twin, I’m supposed to get married before Elsa does and after turning down all the eligible bachelors seeking my hands…none of them caught my fancy talk less of giving me the butterfly feeling’s described in the books but father went ahead and organized an arranged marriage which I had no choice but to accept.
Even Gabriel approves of Raphael and at least he is a young man ,21 years while I am 19 and turning 20 in 6 months time. At Least he is not a widower or an old general.
It is an abomination for a young lady to be 20 and unmarried in Nirvana, most marry at 18. Elsa blamed me too and made sure to make me feel selfish for making her wait this long. Her silent resentment got worse after my wedding date was set.
I thought she would be happy for me but hey, I have to get dressed! She huffed and left the room after mother.
“They are here” Gabriel said standing and going out to the foyer while I took a peek at father shaking hands with Raphael. He looks dashing with the way the sun highlights his brazen features, making me remember my own appearance!
“Puff!” I hurried to my giant walk-in wardrobe and quickly slipped into the long yet tight peach coloured gown with a suspicious low cut showing more cleavage than usual and the corset was a lot tighter. My maid came and helped me ,disappearing the moments we heard footsteps.
I sprayed my favorite jasmine perfume one last time before turning around with a big smile, hands in front with a little sway of my hips as I moved to welcome my husband to be.
Raphael’s eyes lit up when he saw me and his lingering eyes on my chest made me remember the low cut bodice and smile shyly turning and catching Gabriel’s disapproving look .
I hummed, what’s with him?'' Raphael is going to be my husband soon and he will get to see more of my body and Gabriel himself isn’t a saint.
He tells me stories of his escapades with free spirited fallen women and it makes me wonder why men get to have all the fun.They get to go to war,do exciting stuff and still marry when they wish!
“Angel Bella” Raphael’s cool voice that reminds me of the ocean wave brought me out of my thoughts as I ignored Gabriel and gave him my right hand as he gently placed a kiss on it.
My first kiss, are you shocked? Well, I am more shocked because I feel absolutely nothing but then maybe it only works with kisses on the lips.
I bowed gently,smiled and turned to the glaring hunk.
“Can you please give us a moment?” I wanted to atleast get to know my husband before the big day but Gabriel ignored me and crossed his arms, defiant and stubborn.
“You will pay for this!” I gritted and I knew he heard me. I used the family sage to communicate to him.
I motioned towards the couch as he politely declined and I blamed it on the girlie pink fur.
“ I can’t wait for our wedding “ he finally said and I smiled nodding politely
“ Hope everything is under control and according to your liking?” He asked and I smiled. Everything is according to mother and Elsa’s liking but I dare not say it out loud.
“Yes, thank you “ and he looked at me with a loving gaze smiling and saying nothing while I played with my manicured fingers thinking of how I will have the sword training with Gabriel with these fancy delicate things.
After an awkward 7 minutes of silence with more of Gabriel's breath, the two men standing over me. Raphel smiled and kissed my hands again before making his leave.
I smiled and said nothing,feeling hollow, almost empty.
Gabriel accompanied him outside and came back to meet me on the same spot.
“He is a good guy, I know him and my guys can testify that” I smiled and went into the closet changing for my fighting clothes while Gabriel gave me an apologetic look.
“It won’t be that bad…” Gabriel tried to say while I halted him .At Least he is good looking, tall with a lean body ,curly short white hair and a cute smile.
“Shhsss, it will definitely be boring and he doesn’t even fight . I might as well use my last two days to fight till I bleed”
“You’re impossible! “ He said with amusement as we both headed out ,not wanting to think about Elsa's rubbish about marrying for love's sake.