Starships, star-wars and a kidnap!

Chapter 4: Starship,Starwar & A Kidnap!


The driver put on the speed on the car while Gabriel kept glancing over his shoulder but not at me.

I turned as well,my heart pounding and saw the cloud heavily dark now with what looks like a big starship, never seen it this close and behind us was a black car driving really close.

Gabriel tried to bring out his wings but it didn’t work, so was the bodyguard and I . This is definitely a serious issue, what on earth is happening?!

Confused,I kept my gaze on my brother who took his phone out and lifted it to his ear. Before he could say anything, another car came from the side and collided with our car causing a loud thud. We spun around alongside the car.

I cried out, gripping the seat as the belt bit into my delicate skin, ignoring it and trying to bring out my angel wings.

“Down!” Gabriel shouted. I undid the seatbelt and threw myself forward, my arms over my head.We collided with something else then came to a stop. What was going on?

And for some odd reason, I wanted to take the chariot to my wedding, and would have been long dead. I sighed in relief when my wings spread out but not completely tearing through my wedding dress.

Gabriel shoved open the door and began firing. My bodyguard followed his move. The windows burst open by fire, where did the fire come from? I screamed as shards of glass rained down on my skin with some stone pebbles.

Just how strong are these intruders ,never seen anything happen like this in Nirvana.

A man cried out, and my head flew up. I couldn’t recognize my own brother’s voice.

“Gabriel?” I screamed questionly?

“Fly away,run Bella!”he shouted and I pushed through the gap between the front seats and found Gabriel taking cover behind the back of the car, blood spilling out over the hand he pressed to his side. I struggled out of the door and sank to the ground beside him, touching him scared.

His wings were now hurt but pinned with some back metallic arrow


He gave me a small reassuring smile.

“I’ll be fine.Run and hide Bella. It is you they want and alive. I need you to run” he said looking into my eyes with every word

“Who wants me?” I blinked at him,the most confused I have ever been. He fired at our attackers again with his fiery sword .

“Run Bella!” He shouted when we turned and sighted four powerful looking men in black soldier robes , one of them flying with thick strange looking wings , no time to daydream and play detective.

I kissed Gabriel quickly and stood up to my feet. If it’s me they are really after , they will follow me if I run and leave my injured brother alone.

“Go to the safe heavens!”

I kicked off my pretty diamond glassed wedding high heels and gripped my dress and began running as fast as I could when my wings gave way and I started flying. White petals from the destroyed flower arrangement stuck to my wings making it hard to fly faster.

Nobody shot at me or tried to harm me. That meant they really wanted me alive, and I knew that couldn’t be a good thing.Why will a beast like that want from me?

I turned to the right, where a beautiful fruit forest spread out in front of me leading towards the safe haven . It was my only chance to lose them.

My breath came in short gasps. I was fit and a good runner but never had to fly this far and fast in my wedding dress draped with thousands of emeralds. Yes, the heavy fabric of my dress slowed me down.

Twigs and pretty thorns tugged at the dress, tearing it, making me stumble on some branches l. I felt a heavier force ,even the stomp changed .Heavier steps sounded behind me. I didn’t dare look over my shoulder to see who was chasing me,the vibes were already scary enough.

The force closed in on me. Oh God. This dress was making me too slow!Where is everyone in this goddamn Nirvana!?

And then a worse thought banished my last. What if something happened to Gabriel? I turned to the right, deciding to run back to the car. Gabriel will never run away and leave me. Why should I ?

Closing my eyes summoned my swords and turned around to Another set of the intruders on me . Struck my sword at them and they closed their eyes. The blinding effect made them lose me a bit and buy me time.

Fear still pounding in my veins, but I didn’t slow down. A shadow appeared in the corner of my eye, and suddenly a tall huge scary shape came from my side overshadowing my being. I screamed out a second before an arm slung around my waist with so much ease, hot and burning.

The force of the sudden action made me lose my balance, and I fell to the ground . I thought so but a heavy body held me. The air rushed out of my lungs and my vision turned black from the impact of landing hard on the forest bed.

I started kicking, thrashing, clawing and screamed at the top of my lungs as loud as I can . But a few layers of my wedding dress covered my face and made movement difficult.

What is taking Father and Uncle Seraph? Both arch angels nearby? I kept shouting for help, they needed to hear me to be able to find me.

A large hand clamped down on my mouth, and I bit down the hot flesh.


The hand pulled back and the voice was distantly familiar, but I couldn’t place it in my panic state. The tulle still obstructed my view. I made out two shapes above me. Tall and huge with long red hair.One chubby ,one lean.

“We need to hurry,” someone snarled. I shivered at the stark brutality of the voice.

A heavy weight settled on my hips, and two strong hands gripped my wrists, shoving them down on the ground.

I tried bucking away, but a hand came toward my face. I tried to bite again, but I didn’t reach it. My range of motion was limited with my arms above my head,my head aching from the too much commotion.

“Why isn’t she a quiet wimp?!” I heard one of them shout with a raw rough voice.

The tulle was removed from my face, and finally I could see my kidnappers.Defined not from heaven and not Angels, not even fallen angels.The man who seems to be in on my hips had red long braided hair with red fiery eyes and a scar on his face. The look he gave me sent a wave of terror through my body.

I’d seen him before but wasn’t sure where or maybe I am just hallucinating. My eyes darted to the other man holding my hands down, and I froze.

I knew the bald man ,different from the others and those blue eyes. Everyone knew about the fallen angel in Nirvana, the boy I’d played with when I was younger with Gabriel. The boy who had rebelled against the host of heavens and cast away.

Just what kind of mess is this?

Finally, it clicked. My gaze darted back to the red-haired huge man with the mysterious kind of large strong looking wings.

Demons?! It can be ….I choked amidst tears,I jerked violently, a new wave of pain giving me strength. I arched up but the beast didn’t budge.

“Calm down,” the fallen Angel said. One of his hands bled from where I’d

slain him. Those fighting did pay off but Calm down? Calm down? These vile creatures are trying to kidnap me,how can I be calm!

Opening my mouth, I tried to scream again. This time the beast covered my mouth before I got the chance to hurt him.

“Keep her quiet ,” he ordered, his voice thunderous.

I shook my head frantically ,I will fight to my last. I’m a warrior and won’t let these …..but something pricked the inside of my elbow and pierced my skin. My muscles became heavy, but I didn’t black out completely.

I was released and the beast slid his hands under me, straightening up with me in his arms. My limbs hung limply down at my sides like I weighed nothing, but my eyes remained open and on my captor.

His now dark -red eyes settled on me briefly before he started running,no flying with a despicable force. Trees and sky rushed by as I peered up helplessly

“Bella,Angel!” I heard Gabriel’s voice from the distance.

“Gabe,brother ,” I wheezed, barely a sound.

Then More familiar voices are that Father. “Bella? Bella , where are you?”

More male voices rang out, coming to save me.I felt hope swell within my limb body.

“Get the starship ready!” shouted the fallen Angel.

“To the right!” Twigs snapped under foot as we recklessly flew to a mountain of starship jets.

The beast didn’t pay attention to me, just breathed heavier, but his grip on me remained firm and strong. We burst out of the forest and onto clear skies.

Suddenly, I could see flying angels from afar and hope filled me, but it crashed when I was put inside a hot metallic jet, the Mysterious kidnapper slipped in beside me.


I stared up at the gray ceiling of the jet,my breathing ragged surrounding myself for the worst kind of hell.

When and what kind of sin did I commit to deserve this?

“My, what a beautiful bride you are,”

Came my captor’s voice,i raised my eyes and

met his with so much hate, wishing I hadn’t because the twisted victory smile on his face burned through me like a thunderstorm of terror and hatred.

And then my body finally gave up and I passed out.

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