Chapter 10

Leon Keith

"You don't like Ivory huh?" My dad asked as he's looking at the lost of colors.

"No comment."

"She's adorable, I like her better than Celine." I know that my parents love Ivory more than Celine. I mean people prefer Celine more than Ivory but why my parents wanted me with Ivory more? It doesn't make any sense.

"Celine is a good kid."

"Too perfect for you." My dad answered simply as he told the staff the color that he wanted for his new walls. I gave him grey color for his new office.

"She's perfect for me, that's why I should be with her." I said and my dad turned to me chuckling.

"You look more like human when you're with Ivory." He said as he patted my shoulder.

"She gives me headaches all the time. I'm taking advil daily now." I hissed and my dad laughed.

"You will never get bored, Leon."

"More like.. I will die young." I hissed coldly.

"You're filling up her flaws." He and Corwin said the same thing.

"Relationship is like a puzzle, you and her complete each other besides.. isn't it more thrilling?" My dad smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"When you're with Celine, you never cared about how she dress. She always dress neatly, the way you wanted. But Ivory, she dares to oppose you. Your instict came out, that's why you're giving her your suit."

"I'm being polite." I said as I moved on to see other colors.

"Polite of what? You're protecting her from other lions that's preying on her."

"Why should I? She's a model, dad. Everyone knew her curves." I hissed completely hating on this topic.

"She's different, you and I both know that. You never got mad at Celine before, she's too perfect. She doesn't need you, she's already perfect. Everything you want in a girl, Celine has it but have you ever got worried about her? Jealous? Mad at her? Never."

"I worried about her! I got jealous! I got mad!" I defended myself.

"After she cheated.."

"You are right. There's a long line of men wanting to be with Ivory. I mean life will never get bored when you're with her. You will always have your mind on her. 8 years of you dating Celine, I never saw a single article about you and Celine rumoured dating or even an article like what happened when Ivory came to that cooking contest." I sighed as I leaned my body to the wall.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, son. You're 26 and you can make your own decisions. I just want to remind you some important points that you missed." My dad said as he walked pass me to find another color of paint for his new office. I followed him to help him find a suitable color.

"Why are you still here?" My dad asked.

"I will work at 1, I still have time." I said as I looked at my watch.

"God.. gracious, Leon."


"Are you seriously going to let Ivory have fun at Lena's house?" He asked.

"I trust her." I said and my dad almost punched me. He suddenly threw his phone to me. I opened his phone and saw my mom sending pictures to my dad.

Mom: Wesley! I introduced Ivory to Jason and he likes her. I mean since our son doesn't want her, I think Jason has interest.

Mom: Darling.. me Lena and Ivory

My blood pressure went up immediately when I saw Ivory so sinfully beautiful and her god damn dress. I cursed at myself and tried to control myself. My mom is trying to trick me, I knew it!

"I know mom is playing games on me." I said as I gave my dad's phone back.

"Suit yourself."

"They're partying until 10." God bless America. God bless America. God bless America.

"You both can't fool me."

"I suggest you buy advil now.. you look like you're going to faint in seconds." I looked at my dad in disbelief.

"Dad!" I hissed.

"Yes, Leon?"

"This isn't funny, you both set me and Ivory up." I hissed coldly.

"We did, I mean.. you can go home or go back to the restaurant." He said simply.

"You're evil." I said and left him alone. I got into my car and decided to go to my restaurant. I need to go to the doctor soon because I kept having my blood pressure going up.

Quarter life crisis.

"Fuck it!" I smacked my steering wheel completely frustrated and found myself driving so fast towards Lena's house. I never drove so fast before, I think my blood pressure controlling me right now.

As soon as I arrived at Lena's mansion, I saw there's a lot of cars. I got out from my car and walked towards the entrance.

"Leon?" I turned to see Celine. My heart stopped for a second and she smiled at me.

"Celine." She walked towards me.

"How are you?" I asked but my mind snapped immediately to Ivory.

"I'll talk to you later, I need to find my fiance first." I said and I walked in. My eyes roamed around the crowd and when Ivory caught eyes, I bit my lips and completely ready to send my wrath to this woman. I took off my suit and walked angrily towards her.

"Leon?" I turned to see my mom looking at me completely surprised.

"Leon?" I turned to see Adam but my eyes landed on Ivory again. She was giggling and that's it.

"Ivy Evans!" My voice boomed the whole room making everyone stopped talking. Ivory turned to me and her eyes widen. I walked to her and wrapped my suit around her. I closed the buttons and glared at the man in front of her.

"What?" Ivory genuinely looked confuse.

"You're coming with me." I said as I grabbed her hand tightly.

"No! I'm having fun here!" She said and I closed my eyes trying to control my blood pressure.

"Don't make me angry, Ivy. I'm not in the mood to be nice right now." I said looking straight to her eyes.

"I'm talking to Josh here and besides.. open this suit.. my dress is too beautiful to be cov-"

"God gracious.. I'm going to die young." I said to myself.

"Ivory, honey, I think it's better for you to go with Leon. Everyone is.. wondering why you two fighting." My mom said and I turned to Ivory.

"But.. I'm hav-"

"Ivy." I warned and she looked at me coldly. I grabbed her hand and led her out when all the people in the room looking at us. She stopped me all of the sudden.

"I told you he will come.. asshole!" Ivory kicked Adam's leg and I looked at her confuse. I led her out from the house and when I saw Celine, I stopped.

"Celine, I.."

"I suggest you talk to your ex, I wanna go back and have fun." I turned to Ivory angrily. I picked her up bridal style and turned to Celine.

"I'll talk to you next time."

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