Chapter 8

Leon Keith

"Your mom invited me to her friend's party tomorrow since you didn't want to go." I stepped on the brake when Ivory said that.


"Sorry.. I'm sorry." I said immediately and checked on her.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked as she turned to me confused.

"You agreed to go?"

"Yeah, I mean.. why not?" I swear I can't be affected by my mom's crazy plan. I think my mom is planning to kill me by giving me more headaches.

"Nothing." I said and I started to drive again. I parked my car in front of my restaurant and opened the door for Ivory. We walked inside and our parents were already waiting. They smiled looking at us both and trust me.. I have low energy already after dealing with Ivory.

"Who's work, pumpkin?" Her dad asked.

"It was good."

"Please cook for us.. I'm starving." My mom said to me and I nodded.

"Can I come with you?" Ivory asked and I turned to her. I took off my suit and gave it to her. She looked at me annoyed.


"Fine." She grabbed my suit and wore it. She followed me to the kitchen and she smiled at every staff member that passed by. I took a spot at the corner of this big kitchen so I can concentrate on my cooking instead of going crazy with other chefs.

I rolled my sleeves up and put my apron on. I turned to Ivory and she smirked looking at me.


"If there's no people here, I'm going to take you right here right now." My eyes widen when she said that.

"Ivy." I warned her.

"Don't use that tone on me!" She hissed and I shook my head. I started to cook my family's favourite dish and I took a glance at Ivory once in awhile.

"Ivy.." I warned her when I saw her trying to take off ky suit from her body.

"It's hot, there's flames everywhere."

"Keep it.. you can take it off once we're out of here." I said as I put pepper and salt into the pan.

"Why are you being dramatic? Everyone knew about my body, I'm a model." She said as she sat on the kitchen table looking at me from the side. I turned to her and sighed.

"My previous boyfriend always likes to show me off. I mean all you need to do is show me off. Wait! Are.. are you.. are you ashamed?" I'm not going to deal with her dramatic statement.

"Leon.." She hissed.

"I'm concentrating.." I hissed back. I kept cooking and cooking until I finished all of the meals. I turned to Ivory and she kept looking at the plates in front of her.

"Let's go eat.. mind helping me bringing the plates?" I asked as I picked her body to get her down from the kitchen table.

"Let's go, I'm starving." She said as she grabbed 2 plates and walked out first. I followed her with three plates. As soon as I walked out, I saw her taking off my suit from her body. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"Here you go." I said as I put the food in front of us.

"Leon, I'm taking Ivory tomorrow to Lena's birthday party." My mom said and I turned to her nodding.

"Too bad that you don't want come." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"You two have fun."

"We will.." My mom squealed and Ivory smiled at her.

"Let's eat." We all ate it together and Ivory never stopped complimenting my food. She said it was the best and I'm glad that she likes it.

"You're going to be here tomorrow, son?" My dad asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I was hoping if you could help company me to a paint store and help me decide on what color should I paint my new office."

"Okay.. what time?"

"Around 11, because I have a meeting at 1." He said and I nodded. I turned to Ivory and she's still busy eating.



"So when will you two plan to get married?" I turned to Ivory's mother speechless.

"I think I want to take it slow besides we're still young." I said and Ivory chuckled.

"I mean that's true besides there's still a lot of men out there lining up, I need more option." I turned to Ivory disbelief. I mean a woman like her sure will have a long line of men wanting to be with her.

"Ivory." Her dad warned.

"We all saw the article already, son." I turned to my dad raising my eyebrows.

"What article?"

"You two fighting at the cooking contest." He stated and I facepalmed myself.

"Ivory, here, is trying to-"

"Don't start, Leon." Ivory said and I sighed.

"I'm taking an advil." I got up and walked towards my office beside the kitchen. I took an advil and drank it quickly. I sat down and I swear I need to stay in my restaurant tomorrow. I called Jack to come to my office real quick.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked.

"Go have a rest tomorrow, I'm taking your place." I said and Jack's expression was priceless. He didn't see it coming.

"Why though?"

"I will come here at 1 so you can go home after that."

"Okay." Jack smiled widely.


"I mean.. what happened? Did you hit your head somewhere?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just go.." I said gesturing him to go out.

"I need some sleep.." I said to myself.

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