Chapter 7


I just managed to get everyone's order for coffee and now it would be a challenge to get to a coffee shop close by. I do not know a lot of shops around these parts as I stay on the other side of town. I wish that Rosie could have told me where this famous coffee shop is. But I am not going to let this get me down as I want to prove myself.

I grab my jacket and my purse and then I make my way out of the building. I look around and then I remember this famous saying, there should be a coffee shop on every corner. I quickly ran to the corner of the block and then not too far away on the other corner there is, indeed a coffee shop.

If I ever had any luck today would be proof of it. I get to the shop and there is a line almost standing out of the door. I need to get these coffees there as soon as possible and I will almost bribe anyone to get to the front. I tiptoe like a nervous little school girl at the back of the line trying to figure out what I am going to do.

Just then a very important person skips the line. I look over to her it is and it is my good friend Laura. She had the good fortune of becoming the fashion consultant for the famous Jake Anderson. Everyone knows that when she needs something, she gets it and that is no different in this case.

She walks straight through to the counter and the servers quickly help her with her order dropping everyone else's. This is exactly what I needed now. I should take the chance and see if she can not help me with my order. I quickly walk up to her but then I am stopped by two men. I forgot that she has bodyguards.

She is probably almost just as famous as Jake Anderson but then again no one is as famous as he is.

"Laura! It's me, Layla!"

Then she turns around and looks at me. She frowns at her bodyguards and says.

"You can leave her alone. Let her come through"

Then she hugs me and I hug her. We have been in college together and she got this lucky break to work with him. I love the way that he is dressed and I always know that it is her handiwork. She pulls me away and then smiles saying.

"How have you been?"

"I have been good and you?"

"Oh, you know, busy"

"I can only imagine"

"So, what are you doing at this humble coffee shop"

"Well, you won't believe me but I finally got a job and I am embarrassed to say that I am but only a coffee jockey for now"

"Aahh, they are making you sweat?"

"Yes, very much so and I would really like to impress them but I do not have the fortune of just going to the front of the line..."

I hold my breath hoping that she got what I was saying.

"Oh my god, yes. Let's get that order of yours"

"Really? That would be amazing"

Finally, I can breathe a breath of relief. Then I will get all the orders and I get them to Macy quickly. If that does not impress them then I do not know what to do. We take a seat at a nearby table while we wait for our orders and then she says to me.

"You know we have been such good friends in college we should really hook up again"

"I would really love that and I always thought of telling you that you really make Jake Anderson look good"

"Oh, you know. I got all my tips from you"

We laugh together as what she is saying does have truth in it. We used to think alike a lot of times and shared a lot of ideas. When she finally got the gig with Jake Anderson I did not really hear from her so much anymore. She was always extremely busy and not really in the country a lot.

So, I would say that our friendship just sort of faded away but she looks a lot more calmer now than what she used to look a few years ago.

"So, are you still happy with what you are doing? I mean didn't you lose your interest to work for one man for the rest of your life yet?"

She smiles and just kind of avoids my eye contact. Then she says.

"Let's just say he is a handful but I get my name out there and that is what's important"

"Really is Jake Anderson a handful? Do I suspect some sort of romantic connection there?"

She laughs uncomfortably and I know that she might have a little crush on him but then again who does not.

"Let's just say that he likes things a certain way and that is all I am saying about my work"

Then our orders arrive and she takes her order while standing up.

"I will call you then we go out for a girl's night?"

"I would really like that"

"Okay, then...Toodles"

She waves and then she turns around. She looks the way that I want to look like when I am successful but for now, I better get these coffees to Macy before I mess up again.

I quickly make my way back to the building and then I get into the elevator. I press number thirty-three and finally, I arrive with everyone's coffees. I am busy packing it out on the table and soon everyone runs for it. They are almost like hungry lions that did not have food for a very long time but I make sure that I hand-deliver her coffee to Macy.

I can see that she is impressed but she does not show or say it to me. Instead, she says.

"It is not bad coffee. Now...go find your desk and let's see if you can do what is on the list"

Then she turns around again as if I do not exist but I can not help walking away with a smile because I managed to do the impossible and everyone is happy with me. There are a few desks and I wonder which one is mine but then it became blatantly clear which one it is as there is nothing except the computer and a list.

I take a seat and start to read the list. At the end of the list, it says that all this must be done by end of business day. The things that she requests me to do are almost an impossibility but then again I am so hyped by the fact that I could do the coffee order so quickly that this list should not get me down.

I take a deep breath and make sure to start the list from the top and work my way down. I know now that anyone around here would be able to help me because I saw to it that they got their coffee. Then I take off my jacket and start with the list.

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