Quinn's pov
I zip my leather bag, I turn to find four pair of eyes staring at me.
"What!" I bark.
"You just have this goofy look on your face." Lee notes.
"And you have this moronic look of a face, so?" I state back.
"You are hopeless." Lee throws his hand.
"We are heading to Cole's Cafe, do you want to come?" Jermaine asks.
I hate the place, it is too overcrowded. The only thing I find tolerable is their coffee and the owner. I became acquitted with Cole in my freshman year. As the rest of my peer partied and lived their youths. I would spend my weekends there. Typing and auditing some of my father's client. Once the place would empty, Cole would join me. We talked about politics, weather, sports, history, the modern woman...and I once mentioned my booty call with Cara. He huffed and sighed to what had become of the women today. On serious days he would talk about how hard it is to run a business in a shitty economy and government policies. He wasn't lucky to serious employment after his diploma. He was employed as a busboy by a lovely Indian couple. He worked until he somehow managed to buy the place from them, hence Cole Cafe'. He has truly tried to keep the place running and it has paid off since he has opened several branches. He calls himself the next Legendary Cooper.
"I'll pass." I decline their offer. "I am sure it is filled."
Courtney pouts, she likes us hanging around the guys. They love to compliment her and she adores them for that.
"It is Thursday." She nags.
"You know cafes aren't my thing," I say.
"Pretty please..." Courtney presses harder.
I glance at Ryan. His father's company is creating for us a program we can use for auditing. I was to do some beta test with him.
"We can go, we will test it tomorrow," Ryan says reluctantly. He is a quiet guy, big heart, easy to cave into peer pressure and the most loyal friend to have.
"I will still find out why you had that goofy face, it must be a girl." Lee tries to steer the conversation back. He doesn't know about boundaries and when to stop. He will press you until you give in.
"What girl?" Courtney asks as we enter her car. It is bigger and we can all carpool.
"It is just Lee's imagination." I lie as I recall my encounter with Cara earlier. I still can't believe she locked us in the bathroom and the little tease had to vex me into a sea of sexual frustration. She has guts, I give her the credit, my cock just stirs thinking of ways I can get even with her.
Fuck! She is here.
Or it is my imagination?
She is the first person I spot as soon as we walk in at the Cafe. She lifts her head our eyes lock before they move my interlocked arm with Courtney's. It is a habit we have developed over the years. I refocus my gaze as we walk past her. She still watches us making it so obvious. We settle on an empty booth.
"Is that not Cara?" Ryan whispers to me. The guys turn to check, Courtney rolls her eyes.
"I know that chick," Lee says.
"Banged her?" Jermaine asks.
'Please let it be a no' I pray.
"No, " Lee finally answers and I release the breath I have been holding.
"I'll go ask her to join us," Ryan speaks abruptly before going to her. He is deeply infatuated with her that he can't hide it. In terms of looks, I can see why, but, beyond that, I don't understand. Cara is beautiful but a very closed person. You can grow old trying to uncover her. I hope she turns him down.
I turn to check Ryan, she smiles at him. She never smiles with me. I look away. The next minute they are standing before us. Ryan introduces her to everyone.
"You look familiar," Lee says
She lets out a small chuckle and replies, "Maybe around the campus."
"No, I mean. We have met before..." Lee presses again.
I decide to rescue her, "I doubt, she doesn't have a face to remember."
What a lie!
"I swear, I know her from somewhere." Lee insists. Like I said he has no bounds.
"Just drop it, dude." I get irate.
Everyone now stops what they are doing to inspect my reasons for the outburst.
Courtney is the first to speak, "You two know each other?" She asks me.
"Yes, we go to the same class, you should know that too," I reply.
I think that is a safe answer, saying I don't know will only raise questions, after all, I have shown quite intense feelings defending her.
Courtney is not convinced, "Weird, have never seen you in any of our classes." She says.
"She's a quiet one," I say
Why am I defending her?
"So who's your father?" She immediately asks.
Suddenly Cara stiffens, her eyes fly open before releasing a sharp breath. I am intrigued. Why did she react that way to the specific question? It is like she is afraid.
Ryan speaks, "Guys cut her some slack, you are already scaring her."
Despite Ryan coming to her rescue, she remains unease. My world narrows to only her. Lee and Jermaine continue to talk all I know I have heard is the word boobs.
What are you hiding? I think as I stare at Cara. If only I can read her so easy as I can during our sexual escapades. I can tell what she likes, I can feel every bit of her inside with each stroke, it tells me of everything I am doing right and wrong.
I remember again that unfortunately, we must end our little agreement. I can tell now Courtney is talking, she mentions the name Ryan and then after I hear the name, Cara.
Did she just ask Cara to be Ryan's date and even refer to Cara as sweet?
I clear my throat, Ryan is too vulnerable, he may have a crush at Cara but she is not the girl he needs. She will only hurt him. I know. Another sceptical voice asks, 'what if it works out?'
The thought annoys me.
"I am sure she doesn't want to go. I say.
She is about to speak before Courtney cuts in. "Why do you keep talking on her behalf ?"
I should stop, this is raising suspicion. We have managed to keep our affair hidden, I can't screw it the last minute.
Ryan's voice draws all the attention when he speaks, "Cara, will you be my date to the gala?" His voice breaks with each word he utters, he is indeed nervous.
I give her a hard stare communicating how agreeing to be his date is a bad idea
"I would love to," she assumes my opposing as a challenge.
She sure knows how to piss me. Earlier in the bathroom and then now.
I stand up, "Let's go." I tell Courtney.
"Already?" She asks with feigned disappointment glaring at Cara. Does she suspect anything? I even don't care.
"Yes, already." I start to walk.