Read with BonusRead with Bonus

4. Spared Succubus

I was in love, it was perfect. Until it was not and I became a fallen angel. Then I fall for Rain and for the second time I was a fool to think that someone will share the same feeling as me.

That's why when a certain demon succubus starts making me feel things, I put all my effort into pleasuring both of us, sexually. There won't be a third time to fall in love. I've learned my lesson.

"My King." Titus greeted me the moment I took my seat at the throne.

"How's everything?" I've been patiently waiting for his report regarding yesterday's ambush to the dragon lair. I left Basilea still asleep in my bed, I had my rest, though I still feel a bit tired from our intense sexual activities, at least my wound was getting better.

"Our army is in good condition, no casualties, just bruises and lacerations, all curable. The dragons are the same nothing our healer can't fix." He reported, smiling, no doubt feeling satisfied that he finally had his dragon army.

"Just keep in mind the dragons are still free to leave our sanctuary, but feel free to make them stay and do what you think it's best. I'll be watching."

"Of course my king," he gave me his smirk and let Magnus share his report in continuance to his.

Living in hell has been interesting, I have bored myself, have strangely made king and interestingly have loyal demons and fallen angel followers. I don't have many aspirations like other kings to seek power and I travel between dimensions just to get away from my hellish life.

"About the demon that you asked, the one that vanished through the portal, one of our own recognized him as the demon who's under Beleth," Titus said when Magnus was done with his report. My trustee general paused, his almost pale eyes staring at mine. "Meaning if what I saw was what I think I saw, Basilea might be in danger, we might want to prepare ourselves for an invasion just because she's..."

"Do it," I cut his words, I didn't want to hear the rest. I can already predict what he's going to say, "informed the rest of the generals, tame the dragons, use what time we have in involving them, get the keepers to communicate with them, convince them that this will also be their battle now that we have taken them in." I sighed and put my hands on the seat of my throne.

"And one more thing, Magnus, I want you to search together with the demon who recognized the wounded creature going through the portal. I want to make sure if he makes it through alive, that thing looked bloody and terribly wounded. If he's dead, we could slow down with our preparation and make a stronger plan." Titus nodded, agreeing with my order then they were both gone within moments after further discussion finalizing our plans.

That moment, when I saw the demon lurked in the shadows, I knew he was looking at Basilea with great interest. Titus was by my side at that time and I asked him to find out who he was cause I didn't recognize the creature, he's a lower-level demon that's all I acknowledged.

But now I cursed on the inside, cause this is not what I expect. I know for sure that there's a bigger purpose when she was spared while her whole clan was being annihilated. He must've not expected her to still be alive, but if the low-life demon knows about Basilea and told his King I need to hide her.

And for the time being, I'll start by telling Basilea about the latest situation. I need to talk to her and find out what she remembers about that day if she remembers seeing Beleth, the king of hell who has eighty legions under him. Even I know fighting him will be a lost cause, it'll be the end of my kingdom though, in all honesty, I couldn't care less. I was bored with my life, after my beautiful angel, then Rain, that was it. A month with Basilea had been delightful, and I was not stupid to think it'll become anything else.

I groaned when I put one foot in front of another, walking straight toward my room. If only she stay hidden yesterday, I can at least live for a few more hundred years. I arrived at my door, she was looking at me, smiling, her aura framed her beautiful face. She was seductive and enticing, but unlike any other succubus, there was another aura that I couldn't get myself to explain. She pulled me closer and made me think I wanted her, always. But my heart was safe, I was done fantasizing, thinking the impossible.

Though I didn't expect to feel this strange urge to protect the little demon succubus. She was supposed to be my harem, not that I have an interest in keeping a harem in my court.

"What's the matter?" she asked as if she can read my thoughts.

"I just talked to Titus," I decided to just tell her, instead of asking her, instead of trying to treat her like she's a fragile little demon when I have a feeling she was far from fragile. I don't know if she's hiding it or she hadn't realized her true power. But it's there, I can feel it.

"What is it?" she asked putting her hand on my arm.

"The demon that went through the portal," Basilea reacted, her shoulder tensed as she lowered her hand away from my arm, but she didn't say anything. "Yes, I saw him just like you did. Titus said, one of ours thinks he's under King Beleth." She blinked her eyes, but still did not say anything. "What do you remember about the day that they come for your kingdom?" I looked at her, carefully studying her expression

"I know I was spared, still trying to understand why. But that's about it, it's been decades, I... I didn't think it mattered anymore." She looked worried, I know she understands the meaning when she was spared by king Beleth. He was toying with her, one of these days he'd come and get her if not to kill her with the same horrible death as the rest of her clan.

"Well, I didn't think you're in grave danger at the moment. But I had sent Magnus to check if the demon survived his wound or not, and that means you need to lay low. No more flying with Brontes." She slumped on the bed the second she realized that I was telling her so to keep her safe, and she was thankfully logical enough to not fight me on the matter.

"I know, and I thank you for keeping me safe, look, I know king Ranulf gave me for his peace offering. But now, I'm here causing trouble for your kingdom. I can go...if king Ranulf would take me back I'd go back there, if not I know some good hiding spots, and..." The chatty succubus was blabbering and I kept on looking at her, sternly, thinking if she would seriously want me to ditch her? the king ego in me was dented, and to think she even considered going back to Ranulf, it made the anger in me start to boil.

"You're not going anywhere, Ranulf will not hear of this matter, he had given you to me. You're mine." I growled my last words, I shouldn't be this annoyed but I hated that she even consider that I would not take care of her.

"I didn't mean..."  she looked at me with guilt on her face.

"Yes, you did, and now you know not to think of it again. I will take care of you, just like I take care of any member of my demon army." I decided to leave her, the rage was too much. I wanted to calm myself down and not try to make myself wonder why my feelings for her were too exaggerated.

Three times is not a charm, there won't be a third. Chatty succubus will stay as my harem, the one, and only harem.

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