So, it was obvious what he did next: he used every trick in the book to get her to work for him as his personal maid. The benefits he offered were so appealing that the young lady did not object but instead agreed.
She was a hardworking lady who did everything efficiently, and unlike the other women he knew, she had never attempted to seduce him even once, which irritated him greatly.
Was he not attractive enough for her to the point where she didn't see him at all? Every time she vanished after two weeks and he couldn't find her or trace her, he was so depressed that he had the entire city turned upside down at first, only to fail to find her.
But, at the end of the day, she returned home. He has no idea where she goes every two weeks until now. He'd stopped following her; as long as she returns home to him, he'll be happy.
He was delighted now that he knew he could touch and eat her, and he could see the great days ahead of him. He might as well kidnap her to his room now that they've already done the deed. What was the point of living in her servant's quarters when he had lavished her with such attention?
“How come you're staring at me like that?” Vanity couldn't help but be wary of the beast in human form who sat across from her.
“We have avoided this subject for a long time, and it is time to settle it once and for all,” Chandler said, evilly smiling at her.
“I can just pack my bags,” Vanity muttered under her breath as she attempted to rise from the couch.
She had crossed the line in some way or another. He was high on drugs, and she still slept with him. She knew how her boss was, and even though they had been intimate before, she didn't know how long that would last, and it was better if she saved herself from future heartbreak before she was in deep.
“Are you still planning to flee even after eating meat?”
“So, what exactly do you want me to do?”
“You must accept responsibility,” Chandler smirked at the stunned Vanity. He simply wanted to pinch her cheeks for being so adorable.
When she heard that, Vanity flushed. How could he be so brazen? She was the one who lost her virginity, he was once married, and he already has a child, and yet he tells her to be responsible. How daring can one be to ask for such a thing?
“How do you want me to take responsibility?” she asked, her face puffed up.
“What are your thoughts?” Chandler inquired as he rose to his feet.
Vanity stood there watching Chandler walk over to where she was sitting.
She couldn't even move because just looking at him reminded her of all the heinous things they had done, and she felt that itch again. She had no idea her body could be so lustful for a man. It wasn't just any other man, but this man who had dupe her into working for him, the man who had provided her with a safe place to live where no one looked down on her.
She had never been intimate with a man before, but she was no fool to recognize the intensity of her feelings for him.
Chandler sat down next to her and drew her into his lap.
“Let's get married, Vee,” he said against her ear, making her shiver.
“Um, I-I...” She was at a loss for words; how could she respond to such a sudden proposal?
“All you have to do is say yes, Vee. I will look after you, pamper you, and lavish you with gifts. All you have to do is be there for me, and I'll be happy,” he said to her, and Vanity was moved as she listened to his confession.
She was someone who had studied a variety of emotions and relationships. She was an inquisitive individual who had always wanted to know what it was like to be in love.
His feelings were genuine; this man desired her, and she could sense it. It wasn't so much curiosity as she was aware of how he was tailing her whenever she left for her weekend off to attend to personal matters. She had always thought it was cute and funny, and seeing him unable to find her made her very happy. He hadn't done it in about a month, so she was at peace with him.
If she agrees to be with him, she will not suffer because she is confident that he will not cause her any harm. During the months she had known him, she had personally witnessed his care.
She had never been bullied, and he had always stood up for her when others tried to take advantage of her. What will she do if he ever finds out about the secrets, she is keeping from him? She didn't want to be discovered, but for the first time in her life, she wanted to be selfish.
She desired to obtain something that would be solely hers, even if it meant exposing herself to the world. She wasn't the naive little girl she used to be. She was a completely different person, capable of defending herself. No mortal could ever hurt her the way she had been hurt before.
If someone stood in her way of happiness, she was going to rip them to shreds this time. So, what if he eventually grew tired of her? So, what if he dumps her after discovering the truth?
These were bridges she was willing to cross when the time came, but for the time being, she could hear the wedding bells and the rest of the world could fuck off.
“I will marry you only if you promise me that no matter what you find in the future, you will never abandon me,” she said solemnly, looking at Chandler, who smiled when she agreed.
“We all have secrets dear, so whatever it is, I will never abandon you because you are my baggage as well as mine.”
When she heard that assurance, Vanity became so excited that she hugged the man and kissed him. This, however, only irritated the beast, who was in a good mood following a successful proposal.
After being thoroughly eaten by a starving man, Vanity suffered greatly and remained in bed for two days.