There was one thing she had always hated ever since she was a kid and that was to be bullied. Those older girls bullied her ever since she was five years old but that all changed the second her mother remarried. She learned to be strong and she achieved it that she could now even protect her younger siblings too.
Ruby sat in her office looking over the window and monitoring the students that were busy having their normal school life. As the University’s Student Council President, she had a lot of things to do.
It was funny how she got the position in the first place. While others remain in the seat for one year, she was the only one who was in that seat for two years. No one seemed to remove her from her seat and it was quite fun. She loved and loathed what she had become but she could change the world and reshape it in an image she thought was the best.
There was a sudden knock on her door and she turned around to face the door.
“Come in,” she said and watched as the door got opened and a council member walked in.
“I’m sorry to disturb you but the Principal would like a word with you,” he said.
“Sure, I will go and meet him right away,” Ruby said and stood up.
She took her jacket and put it on before she left her office. There were great benefits of being the president like she was. The Student Council was the biggest board that manages all students’ affairs at school; whatever the students do, that all passes through her.
She was the representative of all students and fight for them especially against the teaching board. The council had their building which comprises of different offices of management. Her as the president, she has her own office, personal parking space and an allowance form the school too. Not that she wanted all that, her family was well enough already.
She arrived at the administration office and walked straight into the principal office. The secretary sends her in into the office. She found the middle-aged man waiting for her with a huge smile on his face.
“Good afternoon, sir,” she said as soon as she stood in front of him.
“Take a seat, Ruby,” he said and she did.
“Why am I here?” she asked directly.
“This is why I like you; you always get to the point first. The second years will be going for a one-week trip in two days,” he said.
“I know about that. Is something wrong?” she asked.
“Not really. We can’t let them go alone which is why you will be going along them,” he said and she was shocked.
“You know I can’t go to the juniors’ trip. I have responsibilities, assignments to do. Besides I didn’t even pay for the trip,” she retaliated.
“I know which is why you will be exempt of all those things. You may take your time to finish those assignments and the trip is paid for already. All you have to do is to go out there and have as much fun as you can and make sure that the juniors are well taken care of,” the principal said and she couldn’t believe it at all.
“Since I don’t have a choice at all for this, how about we strike a deal?” she gave him her poker face and she saw his face changing.
“I thought we wouldn’t go this far today,” he said and she smiled.
“You know exactly the kind of person I am sir and yet you resorted to this.”
“Fine, what do you want?”
“After the one-week trip with the juniors, I would like to host a party for all seniors. They have been working so hard and it’s time to repay them,” she said.
“Is that the only thing that you want?”
“Yes, of course all seniors will join the party. We can use this chance to raise something for any project we might think of,” she said.
“I will talk this with the board, I promise.”
“I will put my trust in you. I will take my leave if there is nothing else sir,” she said.
“Okay, just be ready for the trip then.”
Ruby bided the man farewell and left his office. While outside of the block she saw her friends waiting for her.
“Did you get yourself into trouble?” Alex asked.
“As if and even if I did, who can ask me that?”
“Girl, you are still trouble,” Nancy said laughing.
“How about we go to the cafeteria and have something to drink. I have something I need to tell you,” Ruby said with a calm voice.
“Okay,” Nancy said.
The four of them went to the cafeteria and sat in their usual spot. They had been sitting there ever since they were freshmen and everyone knew the consequences of sitting there.
The server knew their preferences so she just came with the beverages and snacks.
“So, what is happening?” Jack asked her.
“You know that trip for the second years we organized?”
“Yes, aren’t they leaving in two days?”
“Indeed, they are and so are we,” Ruby said with a smile on her face.
“What are you talking about?” Nancy asked, sounding surprised.
“Why will be going to a junior’s trip especially now?” Alex asked.