Chapter 3:Don’t Do Anything Crazy
Anastasia's POV
"Wuff wuff wuff!"
"Do you think it's a good idea to bring Dior along?" Jennifer asked, looking all concerned and I felt bad for not even asking her how her audition went. I was busy wallowing in my predicament.
"Well, she happened to be a witness and a test subject. So it will be easier for me to prove my point when they all see a living prove " I convinced Jennifer and she nods her head in agreement bending down to kiss the fluffy and hairy Dior.
"Okay, just don't do anything too crazy" she warned going back to pressing her phone. Sometimes I feel, her phone is her best friend and not me but I'm not about to get jealous of a device right now.I have a bigger war at hand.
"Hey, how did the audition go?" She sighed, her shoulders dropping. Oh, oh not a good sign. No wonder she didn't even bring it up. She didn't talk and just shook her head.
"Aww, sweetheart. You are definitely above their standard and they can't manage you if they hire you. I am sure thats the case or they are just too blind,I mean look at you girlie. " I cooed, going in with Dior to give her a big hug.
"It's okay, I have booked for 3 more auditions, for a modelling, acting and an advertising campaign role and my horoscope reading tells me that one of them will sure click she replied enthusiastically.
"I believe you will get them all, to an extent that you would be so confused on which one to choose '' I said, assuring her.
"Come here" we hugged again and separated when Dior whimpered.
"Let's get going, it's getting late"
We arrived at the venue which happens to be one of the five-star hotels in the state. This school must be owned by some big shacks to be able to afford the fund to hire such standard architectural five star hotel for just a Parents And Teachers Meeting.
Just when we thought the outside of the hotel makes us feel like we are in some kind of heaven ,the inside building of the hotel was much more beautiful and dazzling from the hanging long beautiful looking chandeliers with shinning crystals and gold light to the vast open spaces and the gold and wood coloured themed furniture made the place look like a palace in heaven.
Even the staff were looking immaculate and poise in their neat uniforms. The place was busy with different types of rich and exotic looking people from around the world. And to say that there is a beautiful melodious yet calming background music playing makes this place look so unique and different.Almost magical ,I mean have you ever heard of a hotel with background music?
The art pieces on the wall and statues were no doubt made of pure gold and from the finest artists from around the world. I wonder how much a night here would cost. Probably my net worth joined with my third generation. We locked amused eyes with Jenifer then returned our gaze to the building appreciating its every inch.
There was this huge artwork towards the end of the gold flowered corridors and the person on it look so familiar but I couldn't make it out since it's so far afar.
"At least one of us dressed rightly for such kind of place"
"That's why I always tell you to look your absolute best at all times. Anna, especially for an event like this. We can even bump into our future rich husbands here...who knows!" she said giggling at her own words
"In case you didn't get the memo, I'm done with the love thing"
"Who's talking about love here," she said, winking at me and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Besides, I am very comfortable in these clothes and would get sore feet if I stay up to an hour with heels on. It's a mystery how you spend a whole day wearing inches like that" She twirled around showing off her shoes dramatically making us both laugh.
"Hey,but how can we locate our venue in this gigantic heaven of a building?"
"Let me go ask the receptionist over there, '' she said, adjusting her hair and applying lip gloss secretly. I raised my head and saw the cutie standing at the reception stand ,It was surprised that Jennifer offered to go look for the venue for us alone.
I sighed turning around to continue my hotel tour when I heard voices from my left."Hey Jennifer, is that not Ava causing a fuss over there"
"Go and check, while I go and ask for directions for us, '' she whispers. I nodded and headed towards the small crowd when I saw a bellboy trip and lost control of the cartwheel. It all happened in slow motion while Ava was running towards the fast-moving cart filled up with suitcases. I don't know how my legs moved that fast with Dior in my arms to block out the cart changing its direction towards a wall that it hit and came to a halt,the impact casuing some of the suitcases to drop with a loud bang.
The shouts in the background all seemed like a blur to me, I wanted to make sure that Ava and Dior were doing okay. I turned to see Ava standing, unscratched but looking scared. I stood up ignoring the sharp pain on my shoulder blade.
Moving close to a horrified looking Ava "Hey Ava" I said in a small calming voice. But she kept looking at me with an already teary eyes.
"Shuu, it's okay. I am not hurt. Are you?" She nodded her head with a no. I decided to start a conversation to make her feel at ease ignoring the circle of people around watching the drama unfold.
"You remember me from school right?" She nodded her head. Hmm, how will I get her to talk I thought when a bright idea popped up.
"Would you like to know my dog's name?" And she nodded since her attention seemed to be on Dior who was busy wagging his tail. He must have thought we were playing.
"But you have to promise to say it out loud" and she nodded again.
"Her name is Dior, can you say it...?" She took a moment before answering with a tiny voice "Dior..."
"Good girl, don't be scared. I am fine. I hope you are doing fine too?"
And she nodded, still looking at Dior. "Will you like to hold him?" And she nodded again.
"You have to say it out loud "
"Can I hold Dior?" Her voice was a bit louder than the first
"Of course " I moved closer, still bending and handing Dior over to her tiny arms. And she smiled, curiosity replaced the teary looking eyes. She gently rocked Dior who went all mute, ears wide.
"Hey, who gave her that hideous thing!" A huge looking man wearing a very black suit asked rudely and I turned to look at him standing up "My dog is nothing close to a rather hideous man like you" He ignored me and went to hold Ava and I stood in his front stopping him from reaching Ava and Dior. "Who are you?"
"Her father asked me to get her..."
"Well tell her father to be more responsible and stop leaving a small kid to wonder around on her own!" I shouted mad at how parents can be careless with their children.
"Who are you to say that about my Boss..." He said authoritatively. Big muscles don't scare me easily.
"Is none of your business.." I bend to Ava's level. "Do you know this man?"
And she nodded "He works for Daddy" and I sighed with relief
"Okay, I will get Dior and you go to your Daddy and be a good girl. '' She nodded hesitating to let Dior to me and I smiled reassuringly. "You will play with him in school, okay"
"Okay, Dior's Mommy" and I laughed out loud at how cute she is giving her hands over to Mr big and rude guy and they left me standing there by now, the crisis has died down and I waved a small bye to Ava and she returned the gesture with a cute smile.
"What on earth happened here Anna," asked Jennifer who looked lost.
"I need to find the restroom, I will tell you later" she scanned my face before collecting Dior from me and signalled me to go ahead with her hands.
"Okay give me a call when you are done. I will get us a seat, hope you are okay though?"
"I'm fine and thanks my guardian angel" I blew her a kiss going towards the end of the hallway. Most restrooms are located towards the end of the hallway right? Jennifer took the elevator leaving me feeling dizzy, not sure if it was from the soju I drank or the fall.
"That wench" I muttered when I saw a guy's profile that looks like Vincent and I staggered towards him to give him peace of mind for stealing my research work and not giving me any form of credit for the work.
I rushed and pushed to the wall with all my strength, not caring if he hit the wall so hard pinning him to the wall.
"You piece of a jerk!" I shouted ignoring his protest
"How could you do this to me after being with you for three solid years, supporting you and helping you to become who you are today! You first betrayed me and cheated on me with another woman. Now you are stealing the first research work that I suffered from Dior to make, don't you have a soul?!" I spit out so angry that a human can be so heartless.
"What did I ever do wrong to deserve this cruelty! I'm so angry at you right now!" I shouted, hitting his shoulders as hard as I could ignoring his struggles to set free. I picked up a throw pillow from the bed and continued hitting him! Even though the room was all dark.
"You jerk! I could make Dior bite off your teeth!"
"I think you have the wrong person, Miss, I don't know you or anything about what you are saying right now" As if I will ever believe any word that comes out from this cheats mouth.
"I am just a piece of rag that you could use me whenever you want and dump me otherwise huh?"
"Miss, it's not me,I think you got the wrong person..." He said still pinned facing the wall
"Well, I have good news for you. I won't let that happen. Not anymore, I will prove to the world that that research article belongs to me! Enough of your manipulations already!"
"And if the big boss is wise, he won't give you that award!" I shouted and then all of a sudden he let loose on me and switched on the light.
Oppss, it isn't Vincent but what are the odds that I will run into Mr Hot guy that was looking for Ava earlier that day. Can today get any more weird?