"Painful Memory"

Anyway, holding his hand (more likely, he holding hers) she stepped into the room.

At first sight, she noticed that a total of four people were sitting there.

Strange thing was that Everyone was dressed in black except Rayven, who was dressed in gray.

"Hey, Rayven! A man raised his hand in a friendly way.

Rayven just nodded in response.

Emilia noticed a look of appreciation for her, in their dark eyes.

Everyone of them was utterly handsome. But Rayven's aura was making him stand out from all of them.

"Everyone" Rayven's voice echoed around the room making everyone sit attentively in their seats.

"You're the only one close to me. So, I wanted to share my happiness with you all. Rayven said with his eyes glimmering.

"But first let me introduce you all to her! Rayven eyed her as he said.

"These are my "Mafia partners", little one. Suddenly, Rayven's voice seemed closer to her ear this time which caused her to flinch.

Rayven didn't like it every time she flinched upon their closeness but he bore it this time as his partners were sitting there.

"This is "kara". He pointed at the first person sitting at the right side, who looked around twenty nine years.

"Kara" nodded as a gesture of greeting, so she did.

This is "Bruno". She looked at the person sitting next to kara, who seemed to be in his mid twenties.

He also moved his head as greetings.

"And this is  "Jeremy". Rayven said as he pointed towards the person sitting at the left.

His eyes held the hint of amusement and she could feel the carefree vibe of him.

But the very next moment, Jeremy got up leaving his seat empty. He walked towards Emilia while not taking his eyes off her.

"Unexpectedly, he stretched his hands out and moved forward to hug her but before he could, Rayven held him by the back of his collar to cause him to be stuck in mid air.

"The fuck do you think, you're trying to do! Rayven's voice was dangerously low around his ear.

"Cool down, Rayven! I was just-

"Don't even just! Otherwise, I'll forget that you're my partner or what! Rayven glared at Jeremy causing him to shiver in fear.

"I- I'm sorry-

"Shut up" Rayven left his collar with a jerk.

Jeremy quietly returned back to his seat.

"So, where was I? Rayven starts over as if nothing had happened just now.

"And yeah, "This is "Franco", the trouble maker! He said as he pointed towards the person sitting at the left next to Jeremy. Rayven's tone was different when he introduced him. It was not polite at all but taunting.

Emilia felt that she had seen him somewhere.

Some blurred memories were trying to flash through her mind but she couldn't seem to remember.

"Everybody, meet my little one! "Emilia". Rayven announced as happiness was clear to be noticed in his voice.

"Nice to meet you, Ms Emilia," Kara said with a serious tone.

Emilia was getting nervous while interacting with them, so, just decided to nod in response while looking down.

"Yeah, same here" Bruno said.

"Hm, it'd be a pleasure to have a nice lady like you around!" It was Franco who said licking his lips.

"Stay in your limits, Franco! You know I'm a little short of temper!" Rayven warned him about his actions and there was a pin drop silence.

Emilia looked at that person named Franco again.

Suddenly, a memory flashes into her mind causing her eyes to suddenly get filled with tears.

She felt as if someone had ripped out her heart with a knife. How could she forget such a painful memory!

How could she not recognize who this person was! Who knocked on the door of her painful memories. After years of trying, she was able to get rid of her painful memories.

But today again her painful past was sitting coiled in the form of a snake.

No one knew what had happened to her in the past.

Emilia felt that if she stood there any longer, her head would explode. So, with tears falling, she turned back and ran towards her room without any warning.

"Emilia what's wrong! Rayven, who noticed her tears at the last moment, asked concerned.

"Where are you going, Emilia! She could hear him say behind.

Some lines appeared at Rayven's finest forehead as if he was concerned about what just happened.

"No one will dare to move from their place until I return" Rayven's tone was a warning which made everybody understand that the matter was serious.

On the other side, Emilia locked her room and began to cry hard.

"H...how..can that person come into my life again like  this?? H...how  can  he...be...still alive.???

"HOW...Howwwwwwww! Emilia was screaming and weeping loudly under some trauma. About only she had known.

"It's not possible! No...no! It's  not  possible" she was trying to make herself believe that what she saw was a lie.

Her condition at that time was like that of a deranged mental patient.

"Emilia, what happened? Open the door" Rayven demanded as he slammed at the door hardly.

Loud voice of crying coming from inside was making him worried as hell.

"Emilia, I can't see you like this! Open the door please! Rayven tried to convince her in a soft manner.

But when he got no reply, he roared in his dark tone.

"Emilia, Open the door I said! If I open it myself, the consequences won't be good!! He tried to scare her.

No response was coming from inside. All he could hear was her crying like a mess.

"Do you want me to break the door?! Anger started to rise up in him.

But she was too distracted to notice the changes in his tone.

Nothing was scary to her right now except the reality she was facing all alone by herself.

Outside, Rayven was getting anxious more and more. He wanted to calm her little one down but her no responses were fanning his anger more.


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