A Friend
Moments were turning into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks. But Hoor ul Ain condition was not getting better. The marks of brutality made by him on her fragile body in his furious state were to some extent recovered. But her eyes were still closed.
The spark of life has ended in an instant. He forgets everything even to laugh and eat. The tragedy of Hoor ul Ain has subsided enough the shock of his father's death.
Waking up at 9 o clock in the morning, going to the office without taking breakfast, and at the lunchtime going to the hospital to see Hoor ul Ain, then spending more than two to three hours in the office, and sitting with Hoor ul Ain bed and talking with her late at night has become routine of him now.
Her father Colonel Khalid Rehmani has also lost his life while mourning the separation of Hoor ul Ain. And the death of her father has led him to fall into the ocean of guilt and remorse.
He was not getting how he will inform Hoor ul Ain family about her. As they were already suffering enough. How can he further make an addition to their miserabilities and sufferings? Thinking about it day and night has made him feel he was getting mad.
It was evening time, and he without taking care of what was happening outside, was sitting with her and slowly running his fingers in her hair, while murmuring very slowly.
"Hoor ul Ain..... for God's sake, open your eyes.... looking into my guilty-stricken eyes....then if you want you can distance me from your life, but please....... for once tell me, that you have forgiven me...."
For three months, he spent millions rupees on her. Without caring for his money, he kept on spending her profoundly. Hoor ul Ain treatment was very expensive. But Shanzal Ali Shah was not bothered by his money.
He wants Hoor ul Ain's life in any way and at any cost. In his thoughts, in his memories, everywhere Hoor ul Ain was present.
Most probably, in this difficult, he will be broken apart, if the girl, Zoya Khan, didn't come into his life. With mild features, shining color, attractive look, and confidence look, Zoya Khan was appointed as his secretary.
With her intelligence and efforts, she soon not only makes her place in Shanzal Ali Shah's company, but she also made his business prosper more through her intelligence. She cracked many important contracts with her intelligence.
It's been eight months she is working in Shanzal Ali Shah company. And in these eight months , she never creates an opportunity for Shanzal Ali Shah to complain against her. On the contrary, she took over his responsibilities in the absence of him. And that was the reason, Shanzal Ali Shah's attention was diverted from his office.
On that day, when he came from the hospital he seems to be disappointed. He was looking tired from his face. He feels an extreme need for a friend to put his head on his/her shoulder and reveal the inner feelings and cry his heart out.
A friend who can listens to his heart's agony wipes his tears and gives him some relief and encouragement. He finds such a friend in the form of Zoya Khan. On that day after seeing Shanzal in a disappointed state, she can't stop herself from asking.
"What is it sir.... I see you every day with empty eyes you go every day somewhere and come with teary eyes. Is your pain that much deep that you can't hide it in his heart...."
Her tone was such that made Shanzal Ali Shah startle and look at her.
"Tell me, what's worrying you, maybe I can provide you a cure to your pain...." She asked again after finding him silent. And along with this she brings a cup of tea and put it in front of him.
But Shanzal Ali Shah was still sitting tight-lipped. He still was in a state of restlessness, and rubbing his finger on the side of a teacup, thinking something deeply.
"There is a girl in your life whom you can't get, is it so...."
With bright sparkling eyes, she looks at Shanzal Ali Shah's dim face, she chuckles again, and at the Shanzal surprised look, she laughed.
"You men are very strange, Mr. Shanzal never let anyone know what is going on in your heart till the end? And here we women.....we.... just on your one look we speak our heart out, anyways the pain of love which seems in your eyes now, whether there's guilt in it, or the restlessness which is clearly visible from your eyes, whether it is reflecting your mistake...."
She was a keen observer. Shanzal Ali Shah was really impressed by her geniuses.
"I don't love her...... I feel the pain of losing her..." Taking the first sip of tea, he said it like to more encourage himself than her. She laughed heartily.
"Great you love her, and are worried about losing her.....?" Shanzal Ali Shah didn't like Zoya Khan laughing at this. But he silently keeps drinking tea.
"How's she, is she very pretty.....?"
"Maybe yes ..... maybe not.... I didn't see her ever in the sense of beauty....?"
"Then.... how she is living in your eyes in the form of pain....?" Today she seems to be determined to open him up. On her question, she was disturbed for a moment. Then controlling himself, he said in a slow voice.
"I have been very cruel to her, because of my cruelty she is losing her life like a lifeless doll, doctors are not that much hopeful about her life, and the more worse is that I can't inform her family about her...."
Shanzal Ali Shah's agitation was clearly revealing his inner turmoil. She then said worriedly.
"It's really a tragic story, but as far as I know you should disclose the reality to her family...."
"Yes ... I thought about it very much, but I don't know why I can't feel the courage in myself to face them...."
He again becomes perplexed. He takes a long sigh.
"It's not necessary, that you tell them facts when you face them, you can also say to them that you have just helped their daughter, you free her from somewhere and admitted her to the hospital to do a good deed, this temporary lie will help you in recovering yourself, and in that way you can keep on meeting her in the presence of her family members....."
"Yes....b....but my conscious doesn't permit me to do so...." He becomes depressed.
"Right, but your heart also doesn't permit to let her away from your eyes, and in this heart and brain war, if heart wins then what's wrong, yes if she gains conscious then all the matter will be disclosed, till then it can be possible that many things sort out by themselves...."
Shanzal looks at her in deep thinking, then taking a long breath, he stands up.
"Listen.... can I know the name of that lucky girl, who is fortunate to have her place in your heart...." She smiles while asking him that.
He looks at her with thankful eyes and smiles.
"That unlucky girl's name is Hoor ul Ain."
After saying that he picks up his coat and mobile, and without looking at Zoya Khan, he came out of the office.