In the next ten minutes, I was rushing to the bus stand to catch one. Thankfully I caught one that was right on time and I was riding my way to the college with all the excitement for the day bubbling inside my chest.

After getting off the bus, I craned my head upward to have an eyeful of the college building standing in front of me. I was still having a hard time believing that I was going to study here. The building was huge! The stone walls were made of red, and the pathway shined with cleanliness.

My heart thudded hard in nervousness as I crossed the threshold and entered the building through the main door. The halls were crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was a couple that was making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. And then there was me, not fitting anywhere and staring at them with blank eyes like a dumb idiot.

Even though from the outside I appeared as I did not have any care in the world to worry about, but from the inside I was wishing and praying to death that my first day of college was going to go as smoothly as it goes for any normal, average girl. But since my luck was so bad, I was doubtful of those chances and was pretty sure that something was about to come bumping into me to ruin my day.

I rushed towards the main desk to get my schedule from the receptionist. After taking a quick look-over at the sheet, I headed to search for my first class that was of English Literature.

My eyes were stuck to the piece of sheet, reading my schedule of the day that was in my hands as I moved forward quickly without looking in front of me. And then, as it was bound to happen for sure, I collided to a wall, hard. Rubbing my forehead with a hiss of wince, as I lifted my eyes up, I found a very cute and handsome boy standing in front of me instead of a wall.

What a luck?!

I had never seen a guy as good looking as him- literally ever in mywhole tiny life! The t shirt he wore hugged his well built frame perfectly. His brownish- yellow eyes were shining like he had dropped right out of a hollywood movie to greet me. He was captivating.

"Sorry," We both said at a same time.

"It is alright." Again we said at the same time.

The next thing we knew, we were smiling at each other stupidly while trying to suppress the laughter.

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