Chapter 3: Not again

I was wrong. Very wrong. I swear I'm completely lost right here.

The proposal was approved, and we are busy. The first week, we had meetings almost every day, where I'd see Ethan from a distance, and when he came up to me, I'd make up an excuse before he even spoke to me.

He tried to contact me via email, to which I responded professionally, and when he mentioned started to suggest drinking, catching up, or more of that nonsense... I just didn't respond.

I know, I know, Not very pleasant on my part...but what was I supposed to do? And sometimes... he just blurts out of nowhere... like a stalker.

"Priscilla...I just wanted to know if you received my email?" he asked. He looks particularly handsome today, goddammit.

"Eh... oh... email? What email?"

"I was asking you if you already visited that gallery downtown... I think you would love it. It's quite interesting. I know you love art and design. And... if you want..." he started.

" I had completely forgotten to respond, but that I would do so soon. Just let me check my agenda" I said. A complete lie, I never answered.

He kept approaching me until he stopped after several attempts. He looked at me seriously, he intimidated me, and for a moment I was afraid I might jeopardize the project.

I've had such a hard time getting my boss to appreciate me!

But I think he is professional and ethical enough to separate this strange interaction from our work. I really hope so. Yeah... I'm just a childhood friend. Not even a close one.

The truth is, I didn't give him any explanation, and maybe I was being immature by avoiding him and giving him the silent treatment. But you can understand, I was desperate. Seeing him all the time was just agony.

To complicate the situation, I started to receive attacks from another front: Lily Fairfax.

She was determined to include me in her wedding preparations, but for some strange reason, she wanted my advice on decorating the venue.

I'm not an interior designer, but she insisted.

As the interaction with Ethan became more tense, by the second week I was doing everything I could to shift the client-designer relationship from me to my partner Kate, which she was very happy about.

And he... was upset about my behavior, I can tell. But, frankly, I don't know what he wanted to talk to me about, and I don't want to know.

I was happy to stay in the warehouse to look at the materials and I began to put together a design with some designs, fabrics and decorations. This is my safe place.

I was on the floor looking a some material, working on a draft when I heard the voice I least wanted to hear.

"So this is where you hide"

Oh crap. I don't even want to turn around. He got me, it's just him and me. I have nowhere to run and no way to escape. I managed to write to Suzy to call me as soon as possible.

And when I turn to see him, he looks more attractive than ever, if that is possible! His coat hangs off his arm and the white shirt looks like it was sewn right onto his torso.

What does he do with his skin to make it look so wonderful? He is so elegant that it looks like a vision like he doesn't belong here. And I look like a homeless person.

"What?... no, no. this is just the best place for... design," I tell him, trying to sound convincing. He looks at the furniture we have on display, the fabric samples, and the paintings, and smiles as if he likes the place.

"You know? I'm really glad you decided to become a designer, I think you've always liked it. You've always been very creative, you have so a good eye," he says, looking at the wall and laughing a little.

And I just can think that his voice is so attractive.

"I remember so much about our childhood, how you used to collect shells to decorate things, and how you built tents with books in your room. Mom still has an amulet you made from shells and stones..." he says again, smiling.

I don't know what is running in his head. I just fake a smile, just like when I talk to my mom. I try to dissociate from this situation and start to move things around, in no particular order, just to keep myself busy.

"Although I was quite surprised that you didn't go to university," he says, and I look at him in surprise.

Wow... This is a low blow.

"I saw it on your resume" he explains and I feel embarrassed. I don't like to talk about this subject, it was a failure for me. It's still hurting a lot.

"I don't understand why... you're very smart, I'm sure any college would be happy to accept you. I was almost sure that you were the chief designer in this company" he says.

He doesn't say this to me in an accusatory tone, but rather in curiosity. Still, I take it badly. Of course, he is a professional... and I'm just an employee here, with nothing special, with no way to get much higher than to work more and more.

"I... I had a lot of problems at school. I got ill and couldn't attend all my classes, I couldn't get into any college" I confess, as if it's no big deal.

He sighs and comes closer to me with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay now?"

"Umm... yes"

"But you know... it's not too late, you can study... anytime"

Of course, sure! With what money? Besides, I have to work. I fake another smile and nod, mentally praying that he'll go away.

"So... have you been hiding? Avoiding me?" he says.

"Of course not..."

"We've known each other for a long time... I thought this would be a good opportunity to remember the good times" - he suggests, looking at me. Seriously? Good times? I hope he doesn't mean high school.

"It's just that... I'm very busy," I answer coldly, and he sighs again. I feel lean close to me.

"It's an important job, for sure. And Clark has a lot of faith in you. But you do have a life outside of work, don't you? " Damn, his perfume is amazing.


"Lily's wedding is in a few months and she told me she asked you to be one of her bridesmaids," he points out.

Sure, as if seeing him at work wasn't enough! I'd have to see him on the weekends. Oh, no...I am not willing to accept that punishment. This wedding will be a torture.

"I would love to... but I told her she should include her closest friends. I'm sure she had plenty"

"I suppose you don't know much about weddings, but...the bridesmaids have to be single women and almost all of her friends are married. And of course she adores you" he adds.

Great, I'm the single, utterly alone friend, thanks for throwing it in my face.

"Unless you are married, are you Princess?" he mumbles. I shake my head slowly, his eyes are mesmerizing.

Damn, Suzy! When are you going to read my message?

"And... tell you have a boyfriend?" he asks in a low voice.

Does he really have to point out that I don't attract anyone? Too late, my friend, I already know that for sure.

"No, I don't" I snap, and he has a strange look on his face, he looks satisfied. He truly hates me, that's the only explanation.

"Okay... I'll tell Lily that you are a single lady perfect to be a bridesmaid... and that you don't need a plus one," he says with a smile.

Was that necessary? Priscilla the fool, spinster and without a suitor. Wonderful, simply wonderful. He just stands there, centimeters away from me, looking around, and suddenly he shakes his head.

"Prissy... I don't know what happened, but... well, it's all very strange, but..." he begins to say nervously, his eyes looking so sweet and his expression suddenly captivating... when I hear my phone ringing.

Saved by the bell!

"Ehhh...sorry I have to take this call, it is from a client. You know... client is first" and pick up my cell phone.

"Pri? Are you okay, girl? " and I start to improvise.

"Oh God, yes, I´m connecting right now!" I say in a hurry.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but... ok, whatever I can do to help!" Suzy replies.

"Sorry, I have a very important call from a possible provider in... in Japan and I have to take it. I'm so sorry" No, I'm not.

I flee to a small desk in the corner and pretend to make a video call, even putting on my headphones. I watch him leave, crestfallen.

Great, now my safe place has been discovered. I have to come up with a new strategy.

What the hell is wrong with this man?

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