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Chapter 5: Catch up

I just can't figure it out... what's the matter with him? What is his goal?

I've been working like a robot on this project, and this is only the beginning.

I randomly change my place of work, sometimes the office, sometimes the warehouse. I even work from home and have meetings outside the office. Just to avoid him. And I have to say, he is very intense.

But it was impossible. He was the new star, the brilliant client. It's like avoiding the sun, is everywhere.

In a meeting, walking around the warehouse as if nothing had happened, but a few days ago... he just seems to stay in prudential distance. I don't know why, but still… I feel him.

When we were in the same place or a meeting, I felt like he couldn't take his eyes off me, listening to me, all his attention on me. At least we are surrounded by a lot of people.

"Hi Priscilla... where were you?" my boss asked me.

"Ehhh I just went to see some curtains for the project... you know, the hotel"

"Curtains... Isn't that supplier located on the other side of town? Did you go there just for that? You know you could just call them..." he says.

"I just believed it would be better to talk face to face..." I was tired of driving there, but whatever it took to get out of the office.

"Well, that's a good work ethic. I have to say… I'm amazed by your efforts, especially volunteering to go where no one wants to go. Kudos!” he adds and I smile nervously.

I sigh while I sit on my chair, and even there…I saw Ethan from afar, talking to Clark, and I heard some girls talking about him.

"You say he doesn't have a wife? Really? I mean, he doesn't have a ring, I've seen him well, but he may live with some super hot model, people don't get married like they used to" mentions one of them.

"Exactly... unfortunately, he is very reserved and doesn't say anything. And believe me, Kate has asked him. That girl won't leave him alone!" says another one, and they all laugh.

"He's a man who has traveled and has money, he must have excellent taste. And Kate is... complicated, but not ugly, I mean… she can try, and he can accept" says another.

"Ohhh, this man makes our days better just by looking at him! Today he looks better than ever…It's a pity he's just a client, and we don't have him here all the time" says another.

They want to see him all the time, and I want him to go away.

As I come back home, and I'm in the elevator, all I can think about is collapsing onto the sofa at home when a hand appears at the door, stopping it from closing.

A tall man with red hair appears, dressed in a jeans shirt and dark pants. He has some tattoos and a piercing on his lip. He has a guitar in a case slung over his back.

Oh, god... he is cute. Really cute.

"Hi," he says, looking at me out of the corner of his eye as I see him pushing the button on the floor above mine.

"Hi, new here?" I ask, and he nods, smiling at me. Cute and nice.

"Yeah, I just moved recently, found a nice apartment here… this place is nice" he indicates, and in the few seconds that we are in the elevator, I find out that his name is Rob, and he is an artist, a real one.

“I hope you can help me with information about the neighborhood, I'd love to have your help,” he says charmingly.

My help? Wow... I didn't see this coming. I don't talk to my neighbors much, just hello and bye. I notice that he comes a little closer to me, he has a delicious perfume and his eyes are sparkling. I like this guy more and more.

"Mmm yes, of course I do! Whatever you need, I live on the next floor, and I know the whole place very well. I live with my best friend" I tell him.

Please, don't think I'm flirting, I mean... I'm a good neighbor, right? You have to be a good neighbor, especially with new ones. And the nice, cute, artists ones.

Could he be flirting with me?

No, no. Don't think crazy things, Priscilla! Although it's been so long since I've been in anything halfway romantic with someone, I really wouldn't know.

"So…I suppose I will see you around, Priscilla," he says, smiling, while I say goodbye, waving my hand like a fool.

"Priss!" I hear a scream and I find Suzy, who surprises me at the entrance. My friend! My sweet friend!

"My God, I'm so happy to see you!" I give her a long hug. Suzy has dark brown hair, freckles and a cute face. I adore her. If anyone I need and can help me at this time in my life, it is her.

We had a nice dinner, and we talked about our lives. Her life is calm and nice, mine... not so much.

"A new neighbor, really? And he's cute... oh my! And you talk a lot for a brief encounter on the elevator" she says.

"Oh yeah..." I told her more about our conversation a few minutes ago.

"Very interesting, I like his attitude, but... please tell me about Ethan, what is going on with your childhood crush?" she says hugging a big pillow.

"Oh Suzy... it is the worst. My workplace is hell, I have no peace. He has told me several times that he wants us to talk. "

“Oh my God! Tell you what? Talk about the past? What the hell?”

"I have no idea, but I don't want to find out. Do you know what annoys me the most? He treats me as if nothing had happened, as if we were close friends who hadn't seen each other in years" I say angry.

"How he dares!"

"It's awful! And besides, his presence is interfering with the best opportunity I've ever had at my job. ".

"And... he is your client, it's a big deal" she adds.

"And Clark adores him! Sweet god! Everybody loves him! I have a wonderful opportunity to prove what I can do, or at least get the attention of my boss"

"But... how is he now? I remember you mentioned that he was pretty hot. Maybe he aged... badly. Did he?" she asks, and I close my eyes. Everything would be easier that way, but no.

"No, he's... he's handsome. Seriously, he was attractive as a teenager and now... he's better than ever. Everybody in the office is crazy about him. Some girls are seriously attacking him".

"Goddamn! And has your sister told you anything? Or what about Lily?

"My sister is in her little world with her supposed invisible boyfriend. Can you believe she doesn't know him yet? She always says she's going to introduce them to us, but he's a very busy man... she hasn't seen him yet... face to face. That's crazy. But the man never comes"

"Lily, on the other hand, is very excited about her wedding and wants me to be one of her bridesmaids and be involved in the planning. And it seems that she and the whole family, want me there beside them, as if I were just another Fairfax. That means I'd have to see Ethan all the time, and I don't think I can. I don't want to. "

"Pri, maybe Ethan wants to revisit the past and go back to those happy times between his family and yours. And his sister's wedding is the ideal moment, don't you think?" Suzy mentions.

At night, I wonder what happened to make him come back into my life like this.

On the other hand... it bothers me the fact that other girls are looking for him and chasing him! Especially Kate… damn that girl… I haven't forgotten about what happened in that meeting. But why the hell does that bother me? He's nothing to me.

Of course, they are right. Ethan has always been... a wonderful man, he must have a girlfriend, a beautiful one.

I'd rather not think about any of this, I'd rather not think about Ethan Fairfax anymore.

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