Chapter 6: Cornered

You have no idea how hard I've worked, all my energy, life and spirit were spent on this project. I was in the office, in the warehouse almost day and night, and my mind was focused on this.

"Priscilla... this is a mess! Could you be more careful? This girl is a disaster..." Kate usually told me. She has done nothing except give me awesome ideas that we can not execute. And then, it was all my fault.

She wasn't helpful at all, but, on the other hand, I have to admit that Ethan has tried to help me, he liked what he saw of the designs and all the options, but in general I have said, very nicely: thanks, but no, thanks.

He gives me a frown every time, I obviously need help, I almost did this alone! But I don't want to be close to him, it's like I feel bad just to be a few inches close to him.

Distance is what I really need from him.

But finally, today is the most important day because we are going to present the first draft of the project to Ethan's boss. Ethan and Clark are very happy, but I'm biting my nails, I'm stressed.

I put on a long, green skirt, a white shirt and some accessories. My hair is tied up in a ponytail and I wear few accessories. Suzy always says that clothes well helps to feel confident. I think she's right.

I feel really nice, a true professional. As I walk outside the building, I'm surprised by the cute neighbor who sees me and smiles.

Good god... Robbie is really cute. I wasn't dreaming at all.

"Hey dear neighbor," he says and I giggle. Am I giggling? What the fuck?

"Good morning," I said and looked after my car.

"You know, I was wondering... would you like to go out with me?" he asks, and I am stunned.

"Go out like...?"

"Like a date" he adds "If you want of course," he says and I blush.

It seems like is a legit invitation to a date. I mean he is not laughing, so... is not a joke. Right?

"Why... I mean... why would you want to go out with me?" I ask.

God Priscilla! What a stupid question! He shrugs.

"I think you're gorgeous and... fascinating," he says with that half smile I like so much.

Gorgeous... fascinating. Waoooo, just waooo.

"Well... yes. Yes," I say confidently.

"So I will pick you up tomorrow night, if that is okay" I see his smile, and I am feeling faint.


"I pick you here in our place" he smiles.

"Our place, yes... because we live together! I mean in the same place!" I say, and we laugh.

Our date is tomorrow. Can you imagine? I have a date, I have a date!

Here I was crying for my luck and a cute guy showed up and asked me out of nowhere.

The meeting went better than I thought it would. Ethan's boss seemed strict but also really happy with the results. Especially the design I did with modern textures and some bright colors.

"It was all my idea," Kate said, trying to take all the credit for my work.

"I'm pretty sure I saw that in Priscilla's notebook" Ethan mentioned, and I almost gasped. My boss is aware of all my efforts. The client was happy.

I'm just proud that they liked what I did and that there will be more projects to come. My design was a success and I have a date! Life is good!

After the meeting, my boss announces that we are going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown to celebrate.

And Ethan is coming with us. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for all his help, but I need to be as far from him, as possible.

When we reach the restaurant, I position myself on the other side of the table, a lot of seats between Ethan and me. The restaurant is really beautiful, and I don't think I've ever seen a place like this before.

The food is fantastic, and I try everything little by little. I'm always aware of my portions like everyone is looking at what I eat. Even if I know it is not true.

When he is around, I go back to being Miss Piggy and not the Priscilla I worked so hard to become. Yeah... I´m pretty messed up.

"Thank you, Ethan, for all your patience... you are such a wonderful client!" I hear Kate saying to Ethan. She is trying to touch him, I bet he wants to take him outside, elsewhere.

But I can see him looking for me, while I talk to my colleagues who are close to me, many congratulate me on my work.

At one point I get up to go to the bathroom, and on my way back I take advantage and see the restaurant. I walked to other rooms and found a small semi-open garden.

It has a little fountain and sculptures, it's very small but beautiful. I stay there, away from everyone, mesmerized by the beautiful garden with flower pots. It seemed like a secret place. I turned my back when I heard a voice.

"You've really gone too far in avoiding me...."

Ethan. He must have followed me. He comes closer and I take a few steps back.

"I..." started to say.

"You have nothing to say to me. I mean... you seem quite talkative with others" He is without his jacket, his shirt has no tie and the top buttons are unbuttoned. I swallow saliva.

"What are you doing here, Ethan? What´s your issue with me?" I ask. What the hell is he asking me? That I don't talk to him?

He puts his hands in his pockets and continues to walk towards me, stopping a few steps to look at the garden.

"I just... I just wanted to congratulate you. My boss and the company are very pleased with your work. You have always been brilliant," he says sincerely, looking at me.

I look into his eyes, that damn color I have always loved, like sand under the sun. And suddenly I remember when he was a boy, the one who always smiled at me. How I loved to see him smile!

"Thank you," I say simply. He sighs.

"What's happening? You always run away from me, you don't accept my help, my invitations, I really don't understand..." he says and takes a few more steps towards me.

Suddenly I'm aware of his perfume, it's fabulous. I look at his face, his attractive features, his golden skin shining, his wonderful eyes. I also know that we are alone here, and I take a few steps back, but my back hits a wall.

It doesn't take long for him to come closer.

"Tell me Prissy?" He whispers to me and I see his lips get closer, a faint smell of wine making me realize he must have had more than a few glasses of wine.

He lifts his hand and tucks a strand behind my ear, taking the opportunity to caress my cheekbone, jaw and chin with his fingers. It feels strangely amazing.

I feel like sweating and almost trembling. I feel spellbound, hypnotized. It's as if my memories of the past are merging with a future that never existed.

He puts a hand on the wall next to me and I feel him lean a little closer. We've never been this close, I'm trapped, cornered. His other hand goes to my neck and seems to want to go to my cleavage, but ends up staying on my shoulder.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He whispers seductively and before I can say anything... he moves closer and places his lips on mine.

He catches my lower lip between him and I feel like I can't breathe. Ethan kisses me. Ethan Fairfax kisses me.

As much as I hate it, he's the only guy I've ever truly loved, and here we are in a restaurant, and we're kissing.

Well, he is kissing me. I'm so surprised that I can't bring myself to kiss him back.

I can feel his chest leaning against mine and my heart beating wildly. His hand goes from my shoulder to my neck, holding me. The movement of his lips is soft and rhythmic, and then, from tender, it becomes more passionate... even though his lips are soft and warm.

My body betrays me, my knees weaken, my chest heaves.

The tip of his nose touches mine lightly, and I feel strands of his hair brushing my forehead. The smell of alcohol and a soft murmur come from his lips.

It's glorious and at the same time... is hell.

At some point, he slowly pulls away and I'm still wide-eyed. When I looked at him, he was as shocked as I was. He must have realized his mistake.

"Prissy... I," he says, trying to apologize. But the damage is done.

"Ah Ahhh... I... someone must be waiting for me" I say, and he looks at me with a sour expression as I walk away.

"Prissy! Prissy! I hear him calling me in the distance, but I leave the garden and the restaurant quickly, not giving him a chance to get close to me again.

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