Chapter 7: The bouquet

Ok, that was weird, really weird.

Last night was a complete blur. I left the restaurant quickly and came to my house, with my mind blank.

Ethan didn't contact me again, thank god! I felt like a robot doing things without thinking. I took a shower and went to bed...but I didn't sleep, how can I?

I stayed up all night like a zombie, wondering what the hell happened. And I couldn't help but ask myself the logical and not-so-logical questions.

Did I drink too much last night? No, I didn't. Am I hallucinating? Not very likely, but it is a possibility, I mean... that was crazy. Like crazy, crazy.

In the morning, I woke up tired and haggard, with bags under my eyes like a panda bear. I look in the mirror and regret not getting enough sleep, instead of thinking about what happened with Ethan. He kissed me... he really kissed me.

It must have been a mistake. A big mistake. But I'm still not quite sure what happened at that moment in the restaurant... my mind couldn't help but replay that brief moment over and over again, like a romantic movie in my head. His intensity, his closeness, his taste.

Should I stop thinking about it? Should I? I should try to forget it because surely he has already forgotten it.

Damn it, he can't even remember what happened, he'd probably say he was drunk, while I'm replaying the kiss in my head like a fool. And yet a part of me wants to keep this moment, in a remote place in my brain, like a little treasure from the past.

Maybe even like a dream, for the little princess Priscilla. The silly girl in love. Poor little girl.

In the office, I dedicated myself to reviewing the winning design and starting working on it, since it seems I will have to do all the work.

Although I have to admit, without a doubt, that the only thing that really motivated me... was the date I had today with my cute neighbor. Rob will be waiting for me on my doorstep in a few hours.

So I have a lot to do! I have to prepare myself physically and mentally for this date. Mainly because I haven't had one for years, and also because... I really like my new neighbor. Maybe I shouldn't, but I am hopeful for this date.

For a few minutes, I stand in front of the closet, considering my options.

This was always the worst part of me going out into the world, thinking about what to wear that would look good on me.

In general, I have formal clothes, for going to the office, but nothing that indicates that I am a girl who is a good candidate for a romantic relationship.

"Well, I suppose it will work," I said.

I chose a skirt s and a nice blouse to accentuate my torso and not my hips or legs... or ass. I decided to wear high heels that are comfortable at the same time.

I think I look relatively good, I mean it's me. Rob has already seen me, he knows I'm not a model. I put on a little makeup and let my hair down. I'm about to grab my purse when the door rings.

"Wow! Attractive and on time!" I say happily. This date is off to a great start. Not bad, Priscilla, not bad at all.

"Waooo! Hi! I must say I'm surprised because..." I start to say, flirtatiously, and... I am speechless and frozen like a statue when I see who is at my door.

"Hey... I wasn't expecting this welcome, Prissy"

In front of me is not Rob, but a nicely dressed Ethan, who looks me up and down with an appraising look. He's got that side grin I've always loved, his hair slicked back, no tie, and dark blue pants that look great on his long legs.

There is a hint of surprise in his voice, and he looks... happy. I'm still in shock, my hand on the doorknob, my body shocked. I was a statue, empty inside, looking at him.

I didn't even blink, just watched his he pleased? Really? Suddenly I saw that in his hands, swaying nervously, was an elegant but simple bouquet of colorful flowers.

"I... I just wanted to talk to you Prissy. I mean... I want to apologize for yesterday. I guess I wasn't a gentleman, but I never imagined that you would receive me like this...I mean... you look..." he says, while he seems to be pointing at... my outfit?

Do I look bad? I hope you don't say I look like a balloon or a piñata. I should have worn the black pants!

Just when I thought the situation couldn't get any worse or more complicated, I heard someone approaching in the hallway.

"Hey Priscilla," Rob says, sneaking near the entrance of my apartment, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ethan.

What in the name of...? Are you kidding me? It seems that there is a hidden camera in my house and at any moment they will tell me that this is all a joke. They are here... my torment, and my date.

Rob seems pretty calm...maybe even amused by the scene at my apartment door.

My date and Ethan look at each other as if to confirm that yes, they are here for me. One came because he had a date with me...the other came to apologize for the kiss, obviously.

The reality is that I don't feel like listening to his apology, it was the alcohol, I wasn't sure what was happening, one thing led to another, but, it's not you, it's me... to say what we all know: the kiss shouldn't have happened.

Sorry, little Princess Priscilla, it was just a mistake, a silly little dream. It wasn't even my fault.

"And you are...?" Ethan asks with obvious annoyance.

"Rob... the new neighbor," he says, holding out his hand. I witnessed the strangest and most uncomfortable handshake the world has ever seen.

"Ethan, we..." the blonde says, looking at my neighbor from head to toe.

"We work together..." I say before he adds something about how we've known each other since we were babies. Ethan gives me an angry look. Then he looks back at Rob as if trying to figure out what the hell he's doing here.

Rob stares at the bouquet of flowers in Ethan's hand. I like the fact that even though Ethan looks at him with a certain disdain, like he's superior in his big suit, taller and magnificent; compared to Rob's casual look... Rob is not intimidated.

"So Bob... " said Ethan.

"Rob..." my date, correct. I don't know if laugh or be scared at this scene in front of me.

"I was talking to Priscilla, so I would appreciate it if you come back later... for whatever you need from her" he states without leaving any doubt that Rob will leave.

"Oh, I can't" Rob responds.


"Because…we are going out "

"Going out?... where?" Ethan's voice is getting colder and colder, and he already speaks like a furious boss.

"Well, we have a date... I see you're ready, Priscilla. Shall we go?" Rob smiles at me, pointing to the elevator, without further explanation.

Ethan's face transforms into a mask between horror and disgust, which doesn't quite manage to go unnoticed.

"Let me grab my purse!" I exclaim, happy to get out of that awkward interaction and go back to my apartment.

"Ready," I say, smiling and closing the door, standing between this pair of men. Ethan hasn't moved an inch.

"Prissy...please," he said, trying to control his bad temper, while Rob took my hand, and we walked to the elevator that just appeared at that moment. Something good finally happens.

"Sorry... Ethan, you catch me busy... ehhh... bye!" I say to Ethan, waving as the door closes.

Rob looks at me out of the corner of his eye and laughs. It's easy to be with this guy. He's still holding my hand and... I like it. That simple gesture that I miss, being close to a man.

"An ex-boyfriend, I guess?" If I wasn't nervous, I could burst into tears of laughter with that question.

“Not at all. Not in a million years” I confirm with a nod. He looks at me doubtfully

"Really? Because he was ogling you. And… and at the same time, he gives me a dead stare”

"I swear... nothing could be further from the truth" he shrugs, and when we leave the building I see in the street a really nice motorcycle outside my apartment. Well, nice is not the word… It's awesome. It looks like it belongs to a rock n´ roll star.

"Ohh... I didn't tell you, but do you mind if we go on my motorcycle?" Are you kidding? My day has improved from hell to heaven!

“I'll be delighted,” I tell him, and he smiles while he hands me a helmet and in a few minutes I'm sitting behind him, hugging him from behind, on a motorcycle that roars like a lion. Powerful.

As we pull away, I can see Ethan standing on the front steps looking at me with an unreadable expression.

He looks like a model in his designer suit, looking luxurious from here, the bouquet dangling from his hand, his gaze following me until we turn the corner of the street.

And I lose sight of him.

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