Chapter Eleven
Logan howled loudly turning back to.s human and staring at the mascara he and some of the members of his pack has created, they had gone for a hunt but end up catching some predator, the white wolf. Even though they haven't invaded the territory their rule was that if they ever come across each other one must live while the other died.
And it was the sweetest rule ever and he couldn't wait to wipe them all away from the wild. "You look tempting". Jane one of his dangerous hottest female werewolf walk toward him with his Jacket, he stretched out his arm and allowed him to wear it on his naked body. "I think they we'll soon be running and hiding from us. "We're much Greater than them, they won't last". Janet smiled changing her color back and forth.
"I want to hunt for their pack again, it's super fun to kill". "Yeah but let's just keep it this way and let Drake lose his mind," Walker said walking up to them. "You always spoil the fun" Jane rolled her eyes at him. "I need to talk to you" Walker looked at Logan then at Jane. "You can say whatever you want," he said still watching the mascara he created, Walker hesitated to look at Jane. "Jane had been with me for years, say whatever you want to say".
Jane smiled wrapping her arm around Logan and winked at Walker who ignored her. "You know she's pregnant with your baby," Walker said more than a question. "I think I do" "You can't leave her with your child, she's with a baby that's is half human and werewolf and would never seem right fit in to. the human world. "I know that"Logan masculine said without any feelings or concern. "And why would you leave her to keep staying with the human".
"I think I'm not concerned" Logan smiled wickedly "You have a heart and you're not concerned? Jane asked shocked as Walker. "That looks weird, right? He bent over and took her lips in his, kissing her so hard and grazing her lips with his sharp teeth. And immediately they heard a loud bowl clear enough to send them a message. "I think we'll leave this discussion for later," He said and immediately Jumped to the nearby tree as fast as no other werewolf, he was the strongest and this was one of the advantages.
Walker turned to Jane who was licking the blood on her lips before jumping so high enough just so that she wouldn't catch up but she was there in an instant. "Don't underestimate me" she smiled before jumping more higher than him but Walker was already there with a winning smile on his lips. After a few seconds, Logan looked back with a smile knowing that the two behind him would be dead if they were just human.
And still, now he couldn't stop thinking of Jasmine a human was his mate, he couldn't stop thinking about her for months he left her and now he found out that she was pregnant with his child, it was scary at first, surprised that she had kept it and he had planned to ignore the baby remembering the promise he had made to her but when did he start keeping promises... He didn't want to bother himself with a child born of human but no matter what the child must have one of his abilities which were too hard to ignore after Jane mentioned the child being his heir.
And finally, get landed with full force, creating a deep hole on the ground and howling louder and within an instant, his pack was already right behind him to back him off. "Finally, we meet...again" Logan looked up, and instantly the head wolf changed into a human while others remain just the way they were.
"If you hadn't made this call maybe we wouldn't have met" Logan changed too and glared at Drake the head of the white pack. "Of course, I have to make this call" he returned the same glare which was full of rage. "Why? What's so important that you'll want us to meet? Drake turned back to the wolf making a move forward but not dating to close the border separating them he howl loud are Logan, so loud that attract the attention of his crew before turning back to a human.
"What's so important? Drake raged. "You're trying to kill all my pack Logan and that's what's important". "The rules have it that anyone should trespass would be killed and that's what I'm doing" Logan watched Drake with a smile on his face. "There will be a time, where the white wolves would no longer exist in or across the border, and did you know what? He smiled glaring at all of them who were ready to devour him and his packs just by hearing Drake's command.
"We'll always exist and if you want war and never would be packed bowed to you if that what you want" Drake turned to his pack of we loves before looking back at me. "we'll fight to our last blood". Logan walked a bit close before turning back to his wolf he walked so close that all the white wolves waited for him to make the close. "We'll also fight to our last blood when the time comes! He howls before turning and making his way back with his crew right behind him, the time shall come when he'll wipe them all away, just the right time"
He was the ruler and doesn't only want to rule in half of the part territory, he wanted to rule all and now... He was about to have an heir, it was only right that he'll have his heir beside him to take half of the white kingdom, either they accept or they choose their death...