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Chapter Fifteen

Rita walked around the house locking Ramona in her arms, she had done everything possible to make her sleep but she kept on crying and Jasmine was trying to put Eleanor to sleep, Rita finally saw her walk in with a smile on her face. "Her twin is asleep now, let me carry her, I'll also put her to bed" Rita nodded and hand over Ramona to her.

"I'll go and prepare something" Jasmine nodded and locked her baby gently in her arms "shh, you should sleep now, your twin is now asleep and you should too," she said gently and kissed her forehead head, it had been a week now with that baby, it wasn't easy with both of them but she was trying her best and she knows she was doing well. She cuddled her baby close and looked into her beautiful small face, her eyes were more than appealing.

"I'm going to love you" she kissed her again, she was going to find work down the church so she could make enough money to train both of them Serena had dropped a message that she was coming and she couldn't wait to see her friend, it been a while but she had called in time check if everything was okay. She dragged her hand through her hair, Suddenly the house Vibrated with a loud thud.

What was that? She looked up and saw dust and she had to cover her baby with her body, it didn't stop instead it continues and Rita ran out to meet her with the baby. "What is going on? Rita asked with a worried face. "Is the house collapsing then with have to get Eleanor". "I don't think so" She said silently. "Come let's go and check outside" she turned to Rita and then headed out. What was that noise and where was it coming from?

She came pushed the exit door open and came outside to meet a shift that shook her to the marrow but her gaze fell on the man in the front, he looked all elegant as always and the way he walked forward, was appealing and mesmerizing. Fuck! She screamed in her head knowing she still had her baby in her arms and the last thing she wanted...

"I'm here for my heir" Logan's voice disrupts her thought. "What are you talking about you don't have any about an heir, he walked toward me and I backed away. "What made you think Jasmine that an Alpha wouldn't know when his child was born" he stared at her, it had been long, and he had been this close to her. "I'm here for you all, come with me! "Never! I would never live with a monster and this baby is not yours"

Logan reached out to touch her face, it was so smooth like a pearl, he wanted her to understand that this was his true self but humans will always be clueless, weak, and powerless and that's why they have packs protecting the human. "Then I'm here for my babies". "Your babies, you knew? "I told you theirs no way an Alpha wouldn't know about his heir. "You promise not to come back here, you said you'll stay away and you have broken your promise".

"I don't break my promises easily" Logan smiled watching her rage up, she was beautiful nevertheless and her eyes seem to dance alongside her emotions, Jasmine looked back and saw the four sturdy men all gazing. But she wasn't going to let fear overwhelm her. "I'm never going to allow you to take my children, you're a beast and I'll never let a beast take my daughter for me, never! And you're scum for breaking a promise made, She turned back and ran back to the house locking the door behind her.

Logan raised her hand to the aggressive human beast who was eager for taking his heir from her. He gestured for Jane about was beside him all this while to come with him, she walked elegantly in front of him as she break through the door with her fist. That was why he live her wild and aggressive and always needed her by his side.

Jane walked into the house and spotted her in one of the closed doors, standing protectively over her babies in the cradle. It was time for her the kiss her babies goodbye, she kicked open the door effortlessly and walked to where she was hiding. "Hiding time is over" she licked her sharp fang slowly. "Kiss them goodbye, momma". "No, don't do this, don't touch my babies, they're mine!! She screamed in tears but Have dragged her away making her hurt the floor and grabbed one of the babies who screamed out in tears.

"Oh, sorry baby But I'm about to take you away from your momma" "No!!! Leave my child, don't you dare!! Jasmine picked up a sharp edge of the door that was broken and moved to block have from taking the other baby in the cradle. "Don't you come close or I'm killing her and myself" She turned her glare toward Logan. "Don't you dare Logan, I promise I'll do it"?

Jane smiled, she could slap that off from her hand without her being aware, she moved closer slowly. "I said don't come to any closer" Jasmine weep to look at her baby in Jane's arms. "Hand over my baby to me, I'm not letting a monster take my baby from me!! "Jane stop! Jane heard Logan order and turn to spare him a glance "leave her". "Leave her? Logan ignored Jane's surprised face and walked toward Jasmine stopping, a few feet from her.

"You know so well you can't even draw single blood from your baby, you wouldn't do that but...I'm not taking her away now, I'm going make her come for her sister...

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