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Cha Seventeen

"How did he even know that I was pregnant, I have traveled far away from him and kept myself away from everyone but what now? He ended up with the truth of my pregnancy and now my child is with....with that monster!

Jasmine felt like screaming her throat out, she felt that her soul has been lost forward she felt a hand on her shoulder but didn't turn towards it. "You still have Eleanor with you". Jasmine turned toward her daughter in the crib.

"She can never feel complete without her twin sister and I can never feel whole and okay knowing that my twin daughter is with the monster, a human who can turn into a beast, I...I have done everything to make sure that I bought them as a human and not like the monster"

"It going to be okay Jasmine, we'll figure out how to bring your daughter back" Serena consoled her friend. She had come when Jasmine has sent her the news, she'll always be there for her friend whenever she needed it.

"We can call the FBI, we'll tell them about all of this, they'll probably help bring my daughter back, I'm sure they would".

"Hey, listen to me" Serena come over to stand in front of her. "Do you know what you're saying? No one would believe you, they won't even take you seriously".

"I don't care, Serena, they have to help maybe one way or the another, someone needs to bring my daughter back, would I be able to live..... I have to report that monster!

"Jeez! Serena stared at her friend who has been looking pale and sick for the past few days, she wish there was a way she could help her, but she couldn't fight this inhuman thing that has taken the baby or even report it to the police it wouldn't make sense to them.

"Tell me, what are you going to tell them? That you had sex with a beast and after a few weeks you found out that you're pregnant for this beast and after you finally gave birth to your twin baby at seven months the beast took one away from you..... She stopped to stare at her.

Does this make any sense to you? It doesn't no one would believe you, they would think you've gone crazy, a mad woman with a baby and they end up taking Eleanor from you, then what else...

Jasmine sprang up in anger "I know that no one would believe, I know it sounds crazy but I have to do something, I have to get my daughter back, you don't know how I feel because you're not yet a mother because if you do you'll even sacrifice your life just to make sure you're child is safe"

There was silence for a while only the sound of Jasmine's heavy breathing could be heard, then suddenly Eleanor's sharp piercing scream filled the room.

Jasmine rushed to her and carried her out of the crib "shhhh, she cradle her baby gently in the arm

"It's okay, mummy is here" Eleanor has been crying uncontrollably since her sister has been taken away, she had tried every possible thing to stop her from crying her eyes out, she rarely feed and it has been scaring the shit out of her.

"It hasn't been a few minutes since she fell asleep....." She broke down and tried to fight her tears "Of course, she felt that her sister has been separated from her, she's also feeling the pain more than I do... I think"

Serena watched as her she paced the room with her baby in her arms, she doesn't know what else you do to relieve the pain she was feeling now, she watched her friend for a while before heading to the kitchen to make dinner.

When Jasmine successfully put Eleanor back to sleep, she sighed in relief and gently lay her back down, her baby is so beautiful.

Just the way what sucks in her lips and thumb makes her smile "I know you feel the absence of your sister more but I promise you baby that I'll try my best to bring her back so that both of you girls would grow up together.

She laid her head on the crib and tried to get herself together, she have to do something but what? She was clueless and she hate being this way.

Jasmine made her way to the kitchen, she fucked up, Serena has been here to help her all through her hard times, she doesn't have any right to say anything bad to her.

"I'm sorry for saying....that, I shouldn't have". "You don't need to apologize, I know you're hurt". "That still doesn't give me the right to hurt the one person that cares so much about me".

Serena turned from the cooker with a sad smile on her face. "I know I might not understand but don't forget I'm always here to help you"

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry" she walked up to her and embrace her. "I'm just confused and hurt, I don't know what you do or how to act now, I feel helpless like a bad mum"

"You're not a bad mum Jasmine, you're doing all you can to be the best, so stop feeling that way" Serena kissed Jasmine's forehead.

"But I still feel like it not trying my best". "And who said so? Jasmine shook her head in tears. "I just want Ramona back" I could never be complete without her"

"It's fine, we'll figure out how to make Logan return your baby to you, I would help you try and convince him" "Hi a monster, and nothing you'll say would change his mind or make any difference".

"Listen to me Jasmine," Serena said holding onto her hands. "We'll find a way", "I'm glad I have to here". "Why don't you go for a walk, clear your head a little, You've been stressed for days now, I watched Eleanor and prepare dinner"

"I'll have to call you my guardian angel because you are" Jasmine smiled as she wiped her tears. "I think I did a walk"

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