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Chapter Nineteen

"Where's my daughter? Jasmine stuttered as she took steps away from her, shivering from the cold, she wrapped her arm around her body.

She didn't want to think about what happened, she was angry at herself, she hated herself but now she didn't want to think of it.

She was going to focus her mind now on rescuing her daughter from that man, the monster she was shamefully attracted to.

"You can ask anything of me but now about her". "You can't be serious, you took my daughter from me, from her mother and you're telling me, you won't tell me where she is or bring her back to me"

Logan made a move toward her but she backed away quickly. "Don't come any closer to me, don't... He saw the anger, hatred, fear, and attraction in his eyes.

How could it be possible for one person to feel all these things and also feel attracted but she would never give in or confess her feelings to him?

He was a monster to her and would always be and taking Ramona from her was something she could never forgive him for doing.

He knows she was hurt and he hated seeing her in pain because some part of him always feels the same pain and emotions she feels.

"I'm going to report you to the police for kidnapping! "That's not possible Jasmine, nothing knew about you being pregnant or that you even have twins nobody would believe you, and if they do where can you find the man that kidnapped your daughter...

Jasmine felt a painful jolt in her heart, she couldn't take this. How was it possible for her to stay away from her daughter, she turned away from him and let the tears slide down from her eyes.

She wanted to fight him but just standing there with a shivering body, she found out that she doesn't have the strength you do anything.

This may affect her sense just like nothing has ever done, he feels like a magnet pulling her towards him and the last thing she wanted was to be close to him.

Being close to him would crowd her mind and make her not think clearly. She still can't understand the reason why. Why would she be attracted to such a man, a man who had inflicted and caused her pain now....he had to take away one of the important lights that brighten her life.

"Please, it came as a whisper, She'll do anything just to get Ramona back from this man even if she has to be on her knees.

"I can't leave without my daughter, you can't take her away from me, please bring back my daughter, she doesn't belong where you took her, she belongs here with me....with her mother and twin"

Now eyes were already crowded with tears, it just hurt so much knowing that all she wanted to do is to drive a knife to his heart, to a man who caused different types of emotions in her.

She felt angry and at the same time attracted to this man and within a blink of an eye, he was standing close to her again.

Making it so difficult to breathe without inhaling his scent. "Jasmine, he called reaching out to touch her cheeks, no she can't allow him to touch her again or even be this close to her.

But again, she felt her gaze fixed on him and lost all control of her sense, what was this feeling? It feels so strange and scary like she would drown in it but still, she didn't see herself backing out or turning away.

She just stood motionlessly "Please, she heard her weak whisper. "Don't take her away from me"

She shut her eyes when she saw him bend toward her, Logan gently placed a kiss on her forehead. He was surprised of himself being this caring towards humans, he never wanted to come back here and see her teary eyes.

He had made up his mind you stay away from this strange woman who had drawn his attention and had now opened the softer side of him.

"I can't do what you beg of me Jasmine, Ramona doesn't belong here neither do Eleanor, they don't belong in this human world, they'll never fit in"

"Of course, they would, I'm a human, I'm their mother and if they don't fit in, I'll do anything to make them fit in, just please don't take her away from me.

"Then come with me, you'll have the privilege to be with both of your daughters and also live your life just the way you wanted"

Jasmine started to pull away again, she would never abandon her humanity to live her life with packs of human beasts.

"I can't leave my life with packs of the beast" "Then you have made your decision and this decision means you must lose both of your daughters"

"What did you mean by that? Jasmine's face became pale, she turned toward her house. "Don't tell me..... "You don't have to be afraid, your daughter saves at home"

"Then what did you mean by my daughters? Are you planning to take Eleanor too, you...beast! She would fight till her last breath if he decided to hurt her even more.

"I'm not the one who's would be taking her but the fate of every werewolf twins, they can't more than their twenty-two years on earth". "Why? What do you mean by that?

"Each day, weeks, months or even years they're apart, the bond between them keeps pulling at each other, it would keep drawing them together, to become close again"

"And what if they never come together" Jasmine stared at him and immediately saw the dark humor on his face "They both die.....Logan saw the pain and anger in her face.

"But death among twins is very rare because at that early stage, the weaker twin would no matter what be united to his or her twin, you'll lose your daughters either way if you keep on resisting.....

" think my daughter would be the weaker one? Jasmine asked already knowing the answer as she clenched her fist tight in fear and anger.

"Yes because she lives among humans...

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