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Chapter Twenty


Jasmine shook her head “That’s a big lie, Logan…..She tried to control the anger and frustration that she felt as she stared at this man she was strangely attracted to “I’m never going to lose my daughter, never! Logan, I promise to get my daughter back from you that’s a promise I’m making to you…. monster! I’m going to get Ramona back and I’m not also going to lose Eleanor to you, mark my words.

Logan smiled and Jasmine fought those mad emotions stirring inside her, he watched him as he bent close toward her as whispered gently and seductively in her ears “Very well then if you’re so sure about that Jasmine, let’s watch and see” Jasmine shut her eyes while her body shook in anger and the next moment she pulled her eye open he wasn’t there any longer.

She felt like screaming her lungs out, the pain 0f losing her child was unbearable and the worst part was she was so fucking disgusted at herself for being attracted to the man who had taken her child from her. Jasmine wrapped her arm around her body and screamed out in anger and pain, she felt so stupid.

She found herself turning around and trying to figure out the direction he followed, she was not going to let this happen to her. In the next seconds, she found herself splitting down the forest, she was going to find him, she would never allow him to take her daughter. Although she felt her skin getting split by the sharp leaf and stick, she still didn’t stop.

Logan! Logan!! Logan!!! She screamed at the top of her voice as she ran through the forest, she kept on running until she can’t even feel her legs her head swayed and her body shook due to the cold but she didn’t stop. She would get back her daughter from that monster, she almost fell from the cliff after realizing there was no land again ahead.

Breathlessly, she stared at the bottomless pit and imagined what might have happened if she didn’t stop in time, she looked around and found that there was nothing left again. Jasmine felt tears in her eyes and pain in her chest “Logan! Bring back, my daughter! Bring back, my daughter! Logan!

Her voice echoed in the dark and that was the only response she got, slumping to the ground, she found herself shivering mercilessly but couldn’t help it “Why me? She just felt overwhelmed, empty and helpless like he couldn’t do anything in this situation and she didn’t want to feel this way, she wanted to feel more in control of herself and also the situation she was facing.

“You look horrible! Serena watched her friends in concern “Where’s Eleanor? That was the first word she was able to say when she got back, she wanted to be close to her daughter that was the only way she’ll be sure that she was saved. “Serena led her is still very worried about what might have happened to her “You need to change out of your dress, you’re freezing” “I don’t care if I’m freezing or not, I just want to see my daughter!

She made her way straight to her daughter’s room, half afraid that she wouldn’t see her daughter again but when she moved close, she saw her daughter's angelic face with her eyes closed. At that moment, she felt like holding her close to her body, and she didn’t hesitate to carry her in her arm.

“What happened? Serena who was standing by the door watching the whole episode ask “I saw him again, I saw that monster again…” she looked up to see Serena looking at her with concern “I…want to get back my daughter, I want to get her back from that monster at all cost….but… it seems as if I’m pushing a dead end” Serena walked toward her and wrapped her arm around her and the baby “I understand how you’re feeling” “I feel so helpless, I don’t know what to do or where to look for my daughter? She choked on her tears, Eleanor stirred from her sleep and they both stared at her lovely.

Serena looked up and saw the determined look in Jasmine's eyes “What are you planning to do” “Since I can’t get back my daughter, the only people that would help now are the police, they are the only people that I’ll trust to get back my daughter” “And you think they would believe you? Serena asked knowing that no policeman would ever take her seriously.

“I have no other option left! I have to get my daughter back one way or the other, if I don’t do anything, I don’t think I’ll ever get Ramona back, he’ll succeed in taking her from me and I’ll never allow that to happen, I can never forgive myself if I’m not able to get my daughter back, it would be better if I haven’t given birth to them than allow both their life to get ruin”

“Both their life getting ruined? But Jasmine didn’t feel like explaining more to her, even though it was Serena who understood all the crazy scenario, it still feels so crazy saying it aloud and she also said it would make it seems as if she had believed the words she had been told”

“It's just so confusing, but I’m the mother, I have to be in control and take care of things” she was losing grip of the situation but she would never believe that or give up easily, her daughter’s life was at stake and she would do anything to save her daughter. “Everything is going to be alright Jasmine, we’re going to take care of this situation but I think you need to change first and get some sleep that’s what you need now”

Jasmine ignored her while she slowly paced around the room with her daughter in her arm “I’m not going to allow anything to happen to you my baby and you have nothing to worry about because I’m going to get your sister back from that monster” tears slide down from her eyes and dropped on her daughter’s cheek, she smiled at her beauty and gently wiped the tears from her eyes “I love you” she whispered to the sleeping child.

Serena backed away to bring her a blanket, she was just going to give her a little space with her daughter, this seems so crazy, giving birth in the seventh month, having your daughter taken away from you. It seems so crazy but she wasn’t going to leave her friend to sort this out all by herself she was going to help sort all this out.

“Here you’re freezing, you need this” Jasmine smiled at her friend and watched her leave the room, she was thankful for having someone who truly understand, she cuddled her daughter closely wondering what else would happen, here wasn’t safe for her again.

She wanted to keep her daughter away from that monster but to make this possible, she had to leave from here, a place he wouldn’t find her. Serena took extra precaution as she makes sure that everywhere was locked, her thought was interrupted by the buzzing from her phone.

She stopped whatever she was doing to check who it was “HI, it's me….” Serena half groan when she found out who it was “You left us without telling us where you are, remember we have plans today and you just disappeared” “Look I’m sorry, something came up and I can’t be there” “What the fuck! The voice at the other end swear “You promised! “Yeah, I know but I can’t make it I’m so sorry”

The phone disconnected and she sighed, she really have a lot of things to do, a lot of things she abandoned at home but she just couldn't leave Jasmine all alone like this.

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