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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Jasmine backed away from him as he moved close "leave me alone! She dragged through her hair maybe she was dreaming but this wasn't a dream and she doesn't what whatever was in front of her to come any closer to her. "Tell me you don't feel anything" He reached for her and bend over to kiss her hand.

"No, stop it, stop this, he tried to push him away but it was no use because he was strong like Ice.

"Tell me then, I'll leave you" Jasmine stare at his deep golden eyes and whimpered reminding herself that he was not a human.

"I don't feel anything for you, I want you to leave me, just leave! Longan stare at the woman in front of him why was he not taking her against her will, he wasn't the type to beg or try to reason with anyone but why was he not doing anything?

Without a word, he raised his hand to touch her smooth face, it was so smooth against his finger.

"Tell me you don't want me". I don't want you! Just leave me! Jasmine shook in fear against his touch. He just stared at the beautiful emerald eyes and bend to take her lips in his mouth, she felt herself weaken and cursed herself for not doing and now she was returning the kiss while her hand still clenched beside her and tears in her eyes.

"Just leave me! She whispered and he snapped his eyes open to look at her, he kissed her again to stop her from talking, enjoying the thought that she was kissing him back, till he felt her hand on his chest pushing him away, Logan didn't move or buckled.

Jasmine slumped to the floor almost losing her mind on what she had just done now.

"No, no Her body shook uncontrollably. "No! She cried. "Leave me, just leave me!

How could she? Why would she do such a thing? She was going crazy, she doing really insane.

"What have I done! She smacked her head and looked up to find the pair of golden eyes still looking down at her "I hate you! Logan! I hate you!

Logan stared at the beautiful face on the floor, why was he hurting looking at her in tears, he didn't want to leave without getting what he wants but looking at her now hurt his chest more than he ever knows he could get hurt.

He bent over to her to touch her face "Stay away from me! Just do that please! Just never come back. "I will if that's what you want".

"Yeah, That's What I want to leave. "But that is if you give me a kiss, let's say a goodbye sleep then I'll leave you". Jasmin shook her head in tears. "No, no, I won't".

"You have to choose what you want or I continue coming after you".

"You're a monster! She shook her head, she wouldn't let herself into his arm again, she wouldn't let herself do that Again. She already hates herself and now again, she turned away from him and hugs herself just to calm herself before she runs mad. "I'll never do that again".

"Fine" Logan stood up feelings his claws already out of anger and his teeth almost out, he turned away from her not to scare her again.

Knowing it would hurt and make her more scared, why was he this protective, he dragged his hand through his hair and tried to calm down.

"I'll do it" Jasmine heard herself say and almost regretted it. "And when I'm done, don't ever come close to me ever again! She looked at the solid standing far away from her with his back to her, but what was she even doing?

She just don't want this thing coming after her ever again in this entire life, she stood up in with shakily legs and took a deep breath, and forced herself to move forward.

When she was standing at his back, she slowly moved to stand in front of him. Her eyes met bus deep golden eyes and swallowed and tried to shut out that he was a beast and reached up at his toe hesitating for a while as her eyes searched his stiff face.

Shutting her eyes as she reached up for his lips and placed a gentle kiss and just as he was about to pull away, Logan held her by the side and deepen the kiss not wanting her to leave because she taste so sweet.

He kissed her trying to hide his fang so that it won't graze her lips but he was losing control of himself which have never happened to him with other girls.

Jasmine looked up through her lashes and immediately pulled away when she found the hair on his face right his eyes deepen, she fell to the floor with a sob escaping from her mouth. Logan dragged his hand through his hair as she tried to move toward her a d stopped midway. "By the way my name is Logan".

Jasmine looked up immediately and stare at the empty room, he Had been standing there but... She covered her face with palms forcing herself to keep calm.

"Just take a deep breath but it felt as if everything was suffocating, she stood up and pulled open the exit door.

Maybe being outside would help her, just take a deep breath, she sat down on the porch Wrapping her arms around her and after a moment she touched her lip not knowing what to feel about this.

Was she losing her mind, it was just as if she was completely losing it, why would she kiss the beast?

It was terrifying, she just wanted to hide away in a hole but why did she respond to his list was he saying the truth? Was she feeling anything for that monster, no! It can't be! she would never have any kind of feeling for a monster.

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