Chapter 2

Westley's POV

"Wait! Wait! Hold the elevator!" a voice yelled out as the door began to shut.

I quickly stuck my foot in the crack of the doorway as it opened back up.

A cute brunette girl stood in front of me.

"Thank you!" she said sighing as she hurried in and went to press the button, before realizing it was on the way to the same floor.

She wore a white blouse with a pink blazer and a tight black pencil skirt that showed off her slight curves.

I grinned, she brushed a strand of her wavy brown hair out of her eyes and adjusted her purse on her shoulder as well as the stack of folders in her arms.

She kept her head down the whole elevator ride even once we reached the seventh floor

I walked behind her as she entered the same room I was to be in.

"Ah Mr. Johnson! Thank you so much for joining us!" said the man I had met the other day.

"Desmond? Dom? Dan-" I said guessing his name before he interrupted me.

"Uh Derek sir." he said correcting me.

"Ah yeah, right sorry about that. Derek, you're welcome." I said as I raked a hand through my hair.

"Please follow me. I'll show you around and introduce you to everyone." he said adjusting his glasses.

We walked passed a group of cubicles and glass offices with blinds. Into a larger glass office room, it looked to be a confrence room.

"Everyone I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Westley Johnson, he is the son of Evans Johnson as most of you probably know." he said...

Luna's POV

As I set my folders down and looked up, I noticed the guy I had met briefly at the bar the previous night was Westley Johnson.

"Of course" I said under my breath.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked

"Nothing." I said crossing my arms.

Bella looked at me, creasing her brow and taking a seat.

"Please call me, West." he said

I rolled my eyes.

"West will be joining us on this project for the festival and I would like for you all to listen to him as well as pay him respect." Derek said placing his hands on his hips.

The rest of my colleagues all nodded and agreed while I stood in the back, I wasn't very impressed.

"Great! Now let's get to work.

"Trickson, Trickson come here." said Derek. My stomach churned.

The last time Derek called an employee over to him to speak, was when he fired him.

I looked at Norman who looked terrified, his already pale skin becoming pasty white.

"I'd like for you two to partner with West for this project." Norman's eyes grew wide as he threw out his arms to the side and wrapped them around Derek.

I laughed

"Get off of me!" Derek' ordered.

"Sorry. I just-thank you for not firing me!" He said sighing

"Firing you why would I- never mind. Just go and talk to him, show him the plans for the festival and whatever he decides on...just go with it. Got it?"

I nodded even though I wasn't particularly thrilled with this plan

Derek walked off as Norman an I approached West.

"Hi Mr. Johnson, my name is Norman Christian and this is Luna Trickson, we'll be working with you on this project." he said.

"Great, awesome. But first could you do something for me?" he asked

Norman nodded quickly

"Yes! Of course"

"Great! Could you run to Starbucks and pick me up an Iced Caramel Espresso, and make sure to tell them to put two pumps of the caramel sauce in instead of one. Thanks!" he said handing Norman a twenty and patting him on his shoulder.

Norman stood there baffled and then nodded before walking off quickly.

I stood there in shock, we hadn't even been working with him for five minutes and Norman was already off running errands for him.

"Great! So let's get to business. Shall we?" He said clapping his hands together and looking at me, giving me a smoldering look.

I pushed passed him and stand near the office table as I shuffled through the folders.

"We shall not." I said frustrated.

"Excuse me?" He said, I could feel his glare on me.

"You heard me correctly. Look I'm sure you're not used to doing any kind of work so i'll make this simple for you.

All you have to do is sign your name and then that'll be all for you." I said sliding a folder over to him. It had documents in it that at the end of this project he would need to sign in order for it all to be under way.

"Oh c'mon...did you want something from Starbucks too cause if so it's not too late to add your or-" I raised my hand to shut him up.

"Just sign the papers and then you can be on your way." I said lowering my head, agitated.

"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?"

"What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is people like you."

"Oh yeah what about people

"like me?" "

"People like you, the type of people who get everything in life handed to them.

The types of people who aren't used to working a day in their lives." I said glaring at him.

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?"

"Oh I don't know. What makes you think you can order people around to do stuff for you. Stuff that you are perfectly capable of doing yourself."

I said slamming my hands down on the table and leaning forward.

He cocked his head to the side, an aggresive looked formed in his eyes as he walked closely towards me.

"Listen sweetheart, I can get you fired as quickly as you can walk out that door. So if I were you I would watch which bridge you are about to cross." he said, his voice getting low and husky.

I took a slight step back and glared at him.

"Than I guess I'm going to have to take my chances. Aren't I?"

He looked at me surprised, gritting his teeth. The muscles in his jaw moving as he clenched his mouth shut.

That's when a knock came at the door, we both looked at the doorway to see Derek .

"How's it going?" He asked sounding hopeful.

I watched as West straightened his shirt and cleared his throat.

"It's going great. I think this will all work out...just fine." He said looking at me, with a slight glare in his eyes as he flashed Derek a fake grin.

"Great! I actually need to give you some information about the banquet coming up, so if you could meet me in my office." Derek said as he walked off.

"Sure thing."

West gave me one last glare before heading out and following behind Derek.

I took a big deep breath and sat down in one of the office chairs in the room.

I propped my elbow up on the table and rested my head in my hand.

How was this supposed to work?

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