Chapter 3 - Giovanni O'connell
Gwendolyn Jefferson and Wren Aust in have been friends for the longest of times; ten years to be exact, which is why Wren immediately believed what Gwen had said. She wasn't one to joke around, especially with things she knew could have Wren flabbergasted and unable to move.
Like she was when she'd heard Gwen say those dreadful words.
Giovanni and Wren were sweethearts, not high-school sweethearts, no. Giovanni hated school. He was so dumb back in school that after repeating a grade, he decided to give up. He never believed he had to go to school to make it in life. Reason why, as soon as he got the chance, he left Craigsburg without looking back and without informing the woman he'd sworn back then to love even in the afterlife. That was when Wren's mom had just gotten ill and she had to look after her. Then, she was all alone, juggling three jobs at a time and all she needed was someone to stand by her and tell her everything was going to work out for the best. For a while he had, but when Wren's mom passed away, Giovanni never showed up. He never showed up to the wake keep, and neither did he show up when she was being laid to rest. Wren was all alone, accepting condolences and hugs from people with shallow emotions. Wren wasn't only heartbroken for the fact that she'd just lost her mom, but she was also heartbroken for the fact that when she had gone over to Giovanni's house, his dad had informed her that he had left town. For good.
Didn't even have the balls to say it to her face.
So, knowing all of this, Wren knew that Gwen wouldn't joke about something that left a scar on her, even after all these years.
Wren blinked several times, trying to wrap her head over what Gwen had said. She desperately hoped that she'd heard her wrongly. But Wren spoke up, and her fears were confirmed.
"Giovanni, as in Giovanni O'Connell?" Wren asked again, discreetly crossing her middle finger.
"The one and only" Gwen replied with a nod, bringing her bottle of beer that was served to her not long ago.
Wren muttered cursive words beneath her breath. She ruffles her hand through her hair to express her discomfort. She picks up her duffle bag and walks out of the pub, ignoring the stares she received on her way out, as well as Gwen who called out asking if she was going to be okay.
Thankfully, Wren lived in a two-bedroom apartment not far from Teq's pub, because the last thing she wanted was to bump into Giovanni on her way home. That would just make what Wren will often describe as a screwed up night, a royally fucked up night.
Wren recalled the rumours that had spread through the town when Giovanni left. Her family has always been unfortunate, so everyone blamed Giovanni's departure on her, and now, she couldn't help but wonder what they will say about his return and how they will link it back to her. Not that she cared or anything, no. Just amazed by the creative minds of the people of Craigsburg.
As for Giovanni, what was bringing him back to town must be huge, because he did not think it necessary to show up when his father died- not that Wren was hoping to see him, since she'd been standing in the front line, next to his sister. Whatever the case might be, Wren didn't care. She slammed the door to her apartment shut, threw her duffle bag on her jagged couch and disappeared into the room, stripping off her clothes and walking into her bathroom, and for the third time that evening, stepping under the shower.
Afternoon quickly came and Wren was still wrapped under her comforter, which was so unlike her because she was usually up and about as early as eight a.m.
Perhaps it was the fact that Wren had gone to sleep thinking of Giovanni, and had dreamt about him throughout the night that made her didn't want to leave her bed for fear that she may bump into him. Wren was sure by now he must have heard of the changes in town; and by that, she means hearing about her being referred to as the town whore.
Wren felt stupid, hiding away in her room. The town was so small, making it impossible for her to shy away from him. She sighed in frustration, cursing whatever reason urged him back to Craigsburg.
Against Wren's will, night soon came and she found herself walking out of her two-bedroom apartment to Teq's pub.
It was dark and quiet outside and that terrified Wren. She fastens her pace, clutching to her duffle. She swallows in a breath when she bumps into someone.
"Wren," the voice says, and Wren instantly relaxes when she hears Luke’s voice.
"Oh, it's just you," she says, getting ready to walk past Luke, but he grabbed her arm, pinning her on the spot.
"Let me go, Luke," she says firmly.
"I just want to talk" Luke spoke up and Wren could sniff the alcohol in his breath.
"You're drunk" she states, fear washing through her body as she recalled the last time he was in this state. He'd forcefully kissed her, called her names and demanded that she gives him a taste of what the entire town has been receiving from her. Last time, He'd come to his senses when he heard voices.
"I know, but I just want to talk. I'm sorry Wren" he pleads, grabbing her shoulders and forcing her into a hug. Now, alcohol wasn't the only thing Wren could sniff. He smelled like a typical male- sweat.
"Let me go, Luke," Wren says, hating the way her voice wavered. But who could blame her? She was terrified.
"Why can't you love me, Wren?" he asks, grabbing firmly unto her arm, making her flinch.
"Let go of me!" Wren wriggled her arm, but when Luke was drunk, he develops an unexplainable strength.
"You're nothing but a dirty bitch who's slept with half of the town for money. I don't have any money, but I'm going to have you" Luke says, and before Wren comprehend what was happening, her back was on the ground and Luke straddling her. He pinned her hands above her head.
"Don't do this Luke, please" Wren begged, tears rolling down the side of her eyes. Her plea when to deaf ear as Luke started unbuttoning his pants.
"Do you have to force yourself on a woman to exercise your dominance?" a calm voice questions, making Luke gasp and immediately let go of his hold on Wren's hand.
Luke got off Wren in a frenzy, somehow, he'd quickly sobered up.
"Who are you?" Luke asks, panic in her voice.
But Wren knew who had just spoken. It was the one person she dreaded seeing, but right now, she was jumping with joy at his appearance.
Giovanni O'Connell.