I entered the bathroom of the private room, there were still about forty five minutes left before our flight.

I was feeling anxious, I wondered if father had requested my presence and found out about my disappearance, My marriage to Lucian Castiel wasn't until this evening, I couldn't think about their reaction when they finally realized I had fled away, by then I would already be out of the country, where it would be difficult to locate me.

My eyes caught in the bathroom mirror, I almost couldn't recognize the girl that stared back at me. My once long blond hair was now dyed black, it had been cut short, falling below my chin, I've always adored my hair, but if I would be easily get spotted because of it, it was better to keep it short and dyed.

I started to take off my clothes when Derek entered, I flushed brightly when his gaze lingered on my chest, I had only a pair of bra, covering my breasts, his eyes slowly trailed down to my shorts clad legs and I flushed in a deeper shade of red.

"Like what you see? " I murmured, selecting a different shirt and jeans.

"Always " He grinned, taking further steps towards me.

His finger brushed my now short hair.

"I think this suits you, perfect, you are so beautiful " He murmured.

We still had about thirty minutes before the plane would take off. Surely, if anything was wrong, mother would have called to inform me over my new untraceable cellphone.

Thirty minutes, it felt like forever, with my insides coiled up in a bunch of nerves.

"It will be fine " Derek promised, I nodded praying his words were right.

"I have a gift for you, it's been with me for some time now, I got it two weeks ago but...." He paused to meet my eyes.

"I suppose I could give it to you now "

What he produced next had my eyes widening in surprise, it was a golden locket.

"It's so beautiful!" I cried out.

He slipped it around my neck and I couldn't tear my eyes away from it.

"You like it? "

I nodded, he didn't need to ask that, I've always treasured everything he gave to me, I would this one as well.

"I'll always wear it, and when we get out of here, we will get married, live a quiet little life, maybe get a dog as well, wouldn't that be so nice?" I whispered I could almost see our future in front of us, but it seemed so far away.

His smile reached his eyes, this time when he kissed me, I closed my eyes against his feather-light touch, needing to convince myself that this was real. That our future would be real.

His hands caressed the bare skin of my waist, squeezing gently, I jumped slightly from his sudden touch, we've never gone as far as this before, a few seconds later, I leaned into him.

His hands gripped my butt, lifting me so that I was straddling him, I could feel the hardness of his penis as he deepened the kiss.

All of a sudden, I was overcame by the sensation of being watched, there was an unease feeling tightened up in my chest.

"What's wrong " Derek whispered, probably sensing my change in mood.

"It's nothing " I replied, shaking off the feeling.

There was a sound, Derek's expression gave that he had heard it as well, so I couldn't have been mistaken.

It sounded again and this time, I realized it was my cellphone.

I searched for it hurriedly in my little box of clothes.


My insides threatened to give way from a sudden jerk of panic that seized me, there were still about ten minutes left before our flight would take off, she wouldn't call me unless something was up.

I answered the call with a shaky voice.

"Hello mother "

"Your father found out! He knows that you ran away! " Her voice was frantic and breathless, which was the same way I was feeling right now.

Oh, God!


I didn't have to ask her how father found out, it didn't matter anymore. Right now, I knew he must be searching all around the city for me.

"He already told Lucian Castiel that you disappeared, they are currently searching for you! You have to hide!"

The strength left my knees, and if not for Derek's support, I would have collapsed on the tiled floor of the bathroom.

Lucian Castiel wasn't supposed to find out about my disappearance until this evening at least.

If they were looking for me, have they find out I'm at this airport?

Five minutes to our flight.

I met Derek's gaze with a panicked look, would we make it out if here before they come for us?

The call ended, I wiped the cold sweat from my face.

"What are we going to do! If we get caught, we are in deep shit! Oh, God! What will we do now! Maybe I never should have run away, now you're also caught in this! "

"There won't get us, you have to calm down first!"

"I can't! He's going to find us!" I shook my head vehemently.

"They haven't found our location yet, we have to get to the plane okay? "

I could only manage a weak nod. He was right, they didn't know our location yet, I shouldn't panic.

I started to put on my trousers, in all the panic, I still wasn't dressed.




The sound almost had me jumping out of my skin.

I watched in horror as the door went flying, and then we were faced with the very devil himself.

Lucian Castiel.

I froze where I stood.

I met those frosty grey eyes and forgot to do anything, even to breathe.

From the peripheral of my vision, I could see he had several men with him, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

His gaze moved over my body like hot daggers before returning to mine. The chill there spread a shudder through me.

I was still covered in only my bra and the jeans which I had been struggling to get up my legs.

I quickly snatched my shirt and pulled it over my head and zipped up my jeans.

The way his gaze deeply narrowed as he moved his stare from me to Derek, I didn't want to guess what was on his mind.

Derek moved to stand in front of me and I was suddenly scared for him, for the both of us.

Sure, I knew he was strong, but him against so many men was impossible.

Lucian took a step forward, completely filling up the small bathroom space.

"Come to me! " He seethed and I found myself taking a step back.

I could feel the anger boiling off him even from where I stood, his gaze was dark just as it had that night when I told him I wouldn't marry him.

"You have exactly two seconds!! " He growled.

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