Chapter 3 - Siblings

As we walked through the doors, the scent hit me once again. I followed my nose, and my eyes landed on the boy and Matt’s mate. The girl now had the boy’s jacket on, which bothered me a lot. I tuned into the conversation the two of them were having with Mrs. Dexter.

“Well, Mr. Rivera, here’s your schedule and locker info, and here’s yours, Miss Rivera,” Mrs. Dexter said sweetly.

Wait, did she say Mr and Miss Rivera? As in, they are siblings?

Oh, thank Goddess!

I turned around to tell Matt the good news, but he had disappeared. Just as I was about to mind link him, I heard Mrs. Dexter call out my name. I turned and walked toward her. As soon as I approached, Mrs. Dexter lowered her gaze in respect. She was part of the pack and knew my ranking.

“Alex, do you mind showing the new students to their lockers and first classes? I will write you a note to show to your teacher if you are late to homeroom or any of your other classes,” she asked, making sure her tone let me know I could say no and she wouldn’t mind.

How the hell could I say no? I mean, she just asked me to buddy around my mate and maybe his sister. Hell yeah, I was going to say yes!

"YES! I’m on my way, don’t leave without me," screamed Matt through our mind link.

I need to remember to put my walls up; God knows when Matt’s listening to my thoughts.

“Alex...” Mrs. Dexter whispered. She would have figured I was using my mind link.

“Sorry, Mrs. Dexter, I just zoned out,” I lied smoothly.

“Of course, I will show them. Let me just text Matt first” I pulled out my phone, and right on time, Matt showed up.

“No need, Alex, I’m right here,” he smirked.

“I’m guessing you will need a note, Matt dear?” she asked.

Matt was the sugar-coated hero, and every teacher loved him. He wasn’t just cute and hot, but a nerd as well.

“Yes, thank you, Mrs. Dexter,” Matt replied sweetly and threw in a big smile that made any girl’s heart throb. But right now, he was getting the reaction he needed from that one heart connected to his.

“Alright, here you go, kids.” Mrs. Dexter handed us our notes." and have a good day, Erik and Natalie," she said to the pair.

Erik. Isn’t that just a sexy name? I felt a shiver run down my spine as I repeated the name.

Keep it together, Alex. I reminded myself, and turned my attention to the two people in front of me.

“Well, I’m Alex, and this is Matt” I introduced myself and pointed at the idiot that was staring at Natalie intensely.

Natalie blushed and lowered her gaze. I elbowed Matt in his stomach.

“Ouch, what the hell was that for?” he hissed, rubbing his stomach.

“You’re creeping the girl out. Could you stop with the weird stares?” I snapped.

Matt looked at Natalie, who was blushing even more now.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” Matt replied and rubbed the back of his neck.

A deep, husky chuckle filled my ears, making my body vibrate. I turned my gaze toward Erik, a smile playing on his lips. He looked so cute.

Oh god, what’s wrong with me?! I mentally slapped myself. Erik had beautiful hazel eyes, just like Natalie’s. His well-defined jawline and full pink lips made him look even hotter. The way Erik’s t-shirt clung to his chest, I could only imagine what he was hiding under it.

“I’m Erik, and this is my sister Natalie,” he introduced himself.

Thank god I was right about them being siblings.

“Now, who’s staring?” Matt nudged, winking at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry,” I replied, and lowered my gaze. I could feel the heat rise to my face.

“Isn’t that just cute? You should blush more often, Alex; it makes you look super hot,” came a voice from behind me. I turned and almost gagged at who had commented.

“Go away, James, you're wasting your time like always,” snapped Matt.

I narrowed my eyes at James as he looked at me from top to bottom with a lustful expression.

“One day, she will cave in, and that day she will realize what she was missing,” he replied with a smirk on his face. James took a few steps and closed the distance between him and me.

“Come on, Alex, let me rock your world,” he winked at me and came closer.

I took a step back, not wanting any trouble on the first day back at school. As he lifted his arm to pull me closer, he got pulled back and thrown across the hallway, slamming into the lockers.

“How many times have I told you to stay the hell away from my sister?” a familiar voice echoed through the hallway.

I turned to find my dearest brother walking toward us. He strode toward James and pulled him to his feet.

“Alex is off-limits to a jackass like you. So, I will say this for the last time, James, STAY AWAY! Or I will wipe out your entire lineage. GOT IT!” threatened my brother as he slammed James into the locker.

I would usually just stand by and watch the show go down cause James deserved it, but I didn’t want my brother to get into trouble on the first day back to school.

“Ash, let go of him,” I said as I tugged on his arm. “It’s not worth getting into a fight today.” Ash seemed to relax a bit and let go of James.

He turned to me. “You ok?” he asked and looked me over to see if something was wrong. I rolled my eyes at his typical brotherly action. Asher and I fought and had our ups and downs, but when it came to having each other’s backs, we stood by each other no matter what.

“I’m fine. I can look after myself, you know,” I grumble as I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at Asher.

“Yeah, I know. But you’re still my sis, and I will not let him anywhere near you,” he stated.

Ash was never going to change. I just turned around and walked back to where Matt and the new kids stood. Matt looked torn and pissed, but I didn’t question his expression.

“Erik, Natalie, this is my twin brother Asher. Ash, this is Erik and Natalie. They are new here.” I introduced them, loving the way Erik’s name rolled off my tongue.

“Hey there” Asher put out his hand, and then man hugged Erik, winking at Natalie. Natalie blushed, obviously not used to so much attention from guys, and lowered her gaze. She quickly scooted closer to Erik, semi-hiding herself behind her brother.

Matt glared at Ash and growled, shocking both Erik and Natalie.

Ash took a step back and lifted his hands in surrender. “Wow, dude, what’s up to your ass this morning?” he laughed.

"Dude, cut it out. Natalie is Matt’s mate," I explained through the mind link my brother and I shared.

Since we were twins, we were telepathically connected. Like different radio channels, we had our own frequency we could use to communicate with each other.

"Shit," he thought back and lowered his gaze from Natalie as a sign of respect.

Before Matt could say anything, the bell rang.

“Ash, go to class, and we will see you later” I turned my attention to Erik as my brother walked away.

“Let’s split up. I’ll show Erik to his locker, homeroom, and first period. And Matt can show Natalie to hers. Matt, maybe try to find Esther. See if she has any classes with Natalie that would make her more comfortable.” I suggested.

Esther was Matt’s younger sister and Asher’s mate. Esther still hadn’t shifted yet, and without her wolf, she couldn’t sense her mate yet. Both the parents had decided that Ash was to keep clear of Esther until she shifted. So my poor brother would mope around about not being able to be with his mate. However, he was always there for her as her best friend, which I found very adorable.

“Sure, Alex. I’ll text Esther now. Till then, I’m happy to show Natalie around,” he replied with a big grin.

I knew that’s exactly what he wanted, time alone with Natalie.

I smiled at Matt and nodded. Although, the distress on Natalie’s face made me reconsider my suggestion. She grabbed Erik’s arm and looked up at him like she was trying to tell him something.

“Nat, it’s fine. I will see you at lunch. Go to class and make some new friends. And if you need me, text me, and I will be right there.” Erik tried to comfort her.

Natalie looked torn, but she nodded and looked towards Matt. “Let’s go,” she whispered, looking down at her shoes.

Matt nodded before turning to Erik, “Your sister is safe with me,” Matt reassured both of them.

“Thank you,” Erik gave Matt a tight smile.

Matt motioned for Natalie to go first before following her down the hall. A brooding Erik stood there still staring at the pair as they disappeared around the corner.

“Don’t worry. Natalie is safe with him. Matt wouldn’t let anything happen to her,” I assured him. “Come on; I will show you to your locker.” I turned to head in the opposite direction.


Damn his voice. I turned to look at Erik.

“Thank you for understanding. Natalie is just shy and has a hard time fitting into a new environment,” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“It’s ok, don’t mention it.” I smiled and started to walk toward our lockers.

As we went down the hall, I could hear Erik’s heart rate increase. I looked around and saw that students were staring at him. Erik kept his head down and avoided eye contact.

I slowed down my walking pace and shifted closer to Erik. “Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you,” I said to him and nudged his shoulder.

“You seem to be very confident that they won’t hurt me,” he replied, and looked at me with a wary expression. He looked scared, and this bothered me. My mate wasn’t supposed to be scared while around me.

I put my hand on his shoulder and stopped him. “Your locker is here.” I pointed to the locker next to mine. He smiled at me and walked towards it. Standing beside him, I opened my locker. I pulled out the books I needed and tossed in my training uniform for after school. I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and closed my locker. Erik still had his head inside his locker.

“Erik, what class do you have first?” I asked him as I leaned on the locker.

“AP Calculus with Mr. Josh,” he replied as he closed his locker.

“That’s the same class as mine,” I beamed. The Gods were on my side today.

“Tell me your other classes.”

“Ummm. I have homeroom with Mrs. Beckett, AP Calculus with Mr. Josh, AP English with Mr. Andrew, AP Biology with Mr. Cameron, AP Chemistry with Mrs. Julies, and AP Geography with Mrs. Warren," he read out the list.

He was in all my classes. Yes! Well, that saves me the trouble of transferring. “Wow, you have all AP classes. Someone’s a smarty pants.” I smirked at him.

Erik grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. A tint of red appeared on the apple of his cheeks, making my heart skip a beat.

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