Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

When I set foot outside, I realized I might not find George, he had left my side to go speak with his bestie and would most likely return there to meet Romeo. From the distance he stood, I didn't realize it was him until he came closer to me.

I pulled out my phone from my bag in a bit to call my brother but a firm grip stopped me, terror descended on my body. I turned slowly, I nearly collapsed. Romeo again! The fear in me rose to its peak, now greater than before. He trailed me, now he's holding me. I feel helpless, I can't escape any further. His deep blue eyes gawk on me and I feel like I'd burn the next moment. His eyes are lined with a strong desire I can't just explain.

"Why do you keep running away from me, I like you, please be mine, I'll do anything for you, I'll give you anything you want. I heard you'd been transformed by the moon goddess and by rights, you're the one destined for me." I gasped, who told him of what happened recently. My family and most of our pack members hated him, by dad invited him to his birthday just because of the Alpha status he held in his previous life. As Romeo pleaded, the fear in me slowly paved the way for pity. "No girl has ever stayed with me more than a day, I'll do anything for you if you make me yours." A tear dropped from his eyes, I glanced down. He's really breaking my heart right now.


"Graciella!" I heard my name from a distance, I turned. George rushed walking towards us. "I've been searching for you, why did you leave where you stood?" He's clearly angry, he might have had a tough time searching for me, only if he knew who I was standing with he wouldn't react this way, he'd be afraid.

"Good evening, you were the one.." George was cut short of words as he realized who he's speaking with. I watched as his eyes widened and he looked at Romeo in utmost shock.

"Hey, why're people treating me like I'm no ordinary human?" He said in a casual tone. "I think I've been facing this discrimination for quite too long and can't handle it my further."

Romeo put up a dejected look, his face turned gloomy. I remembered I was facing similar rejection, his' was better, it was from people that didn't really know him. Mine was from the same people I called family. It's easier to bear rejection from outsiders than rejection from those belonging to your inner circle, which proves the worst.

George couldn't steady, he exhibited random movements in fear. His eyes were blinking repeatedly, from time to time he stared elsewhere, while Romeo was making some pleas. My mind had gone faraway, very far away that I didn't realize he was still speaking, neither could I get the words he was saying. When I turned George was nowhere by my side. "George!" I shouted his name as he was already racing towards his car. He turned but didn't stop.

I turned to go after him but Romeo held my wrist firmly, I froze. If George left me here, I wouldn't be able to find my way home and I just don't feel comfortable staying here with him. Before I realized, Romeo pressed his lips towards mine. My defenses were overthrown as electricity sparked through my entire body, my hormones went partying at my expense. My legs shook terribly, I'm in great ecstasy, although a bit of fear still exists in me.

He wrapped my arms into a firm grip, "I really love you, you're my mate." I gasped. What did he just say, 'I'm his mate?' I wanted to tell him that wasn't possible. He's a dangerous species of werewolf and I can't risk my life to be with him.

My heart beats so fast that I fear it would stop the next second. George had already reversed the car and was about to zoom off when I tactically escaped the grip of Romeo. I ran the fastest race of my life before something worse would happen. I opened the door of the car and jumped in. George sped off, I watched as Romeo stood there helplessly.

Fear continued inside me, my mind imagined what we'd do if he shifted to his wolf form and ran towards us. That would be terrible because he'd cerainly destroy us, the car and everything. An ultima wolf is very dangerous, even the Alpha, my father is afraid of him. Romeo is the only ultima wolf in existence right now. I can remember when I stared at him during the birthday party, my dad caught me and strictly warned me afterwards to stay away from him. "Romeo is a dangerous species. Stay away from him," he had said little did I know fate would drive me into his arms someday.

At another occasion, I think we were being lectured on some historical facts about our pack, then Alfred asked about something that connected to Alpha Romeo. My dad didn't give a positive response. "He's very powerful and dangerous, I myself am so afraid of him and would dare not stand in his presence." These words of his come flowing into my mind now.

We had covered half of the distance to our castle, it was now really dark. I glanced into my phone and it was 8:01 PM. "It's getting late George, I wish dad wouldn't just lock the gate against us."

"Why would he? He wouldn't." George replied without even looking at me, he was focused on the poorly lit road. The car drove into our street, anxiety set into my mind as I wondered if my dad had ordered the locking of the gate. When we approached it was locked, George horned and horned. After a while, the guard at the gate through the permission of my dad came and opened it for us.

George drove to the garage at the far extreme where he packed, and we came out. He enfolded his arm around my shoulders as we headed to the house, I was stopped right in my tracks. My father stood at the door entrance. George didn't see this as he was carelessly talking about Romeo and the things that happened at Disney. "Make sure you don't mention Romeo to anyone, least we'd be in trouble." He cautioned. I nodded, he was true in his statement. Romeo is a great enemy of the Alpha family, he has created an enmity for himself by what he did in his past life and also fear of him due to his dangerous nature. No one wants to get close nor even talk about him.

"Graciella, where did you go?" My dad questioned in his husky voice. I felt dumb, how come he would question me alone when I walked with George and both of us went out together. "Hadn't I warned you not to stay outside until 8 PM?"

"You did dad," I replied submissively.

"Go on your knees."

"Haa!" George exclaimed, very surprised at what dad said.

"Go inside the house, I'm not talking to you George." I felt pains turn up in my stomach, this' pure discrimination, anger built up in my chest especially as Zarina came forth from the house.

She didn't even ask to know what was going on, "Punish her." She said to my dad, glaring at me with hate. Retaliation develops in me, it's time I stop all these discrimination.

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