Chapter 4
Zenia's POV
"EJ was always so adorable," I caught Madison say as I got closer to them, "and he's so funny."
The hell?!
Jasmine's eyes landed on me as I stood next to her. She was standing opposite EJ and Madison with Evan on her right, so I stood on her left.
"Oh, Zenia, this is Madison. My most favorite person in the world."
Most favorite person?
"Madison, this is Zenia."
Just Zenia?
"Hi," Madison greeted, extending a hand to me while the other one was still placed on the arm of EJ.
"Hi," I answered back with a weak smile, shaking her hand while the dark voice was screaming "break her hand" at the back of my head.
"It's so nice to finally meet you, Zenia. I've heard so much about you, and I was so excited to finally meet you, and now I have. I'm thrilled." She sounded like she had been planning on saying that her whole life.
"Oh, I wish I could say the same," I said back with a fake chuckle, which made me earn a scolding look from my big sister.
"Oh, well, ummm... Jasmine, I accept." Madison then turned her attention to Jasmine.
"I'm sorry, what do you accept?" I was lost because I didn't catch all details from the earlier conversation between them.
"Jasmine wants Madison to be one of the bridesmaids for the wedding," EJ clarified.
I was trying my best to compose my anger because I had already given the impression that I didn't have any feelings for and towards EJ. But seeing another girl hooked up to him, and not letting her hand go from his beautiful arm, was doing something to me. A wrecking feeling boiled around in the pit of my stomach, waiting to be erupted by the slightest annoyance from Madison. I had no idea who she was, but EJ was definitely warmed up to her.
"Zenia, can I please speak with you? A little girl-to-girl chat in private?" Madison asked.
"Umm, okay."
We slowly walked to the very back of the huge mansion where the swimming pool was visible but secretly surrounded by trees. We sat down at the pool, allowing only our feet into the water.
"Zenia. That's a really lovely name. What does it mean?" She broke the awkward silence between us.
"It's actually a flower."
"Oh, like your sister's name is Jasmine, as in the flower, also. That's so awesome. Does your mom have a flower shop?"
"At one point."
"That's great."
"What is it that you really wanted to talk about? I highly doubt you only wanted to know the origin of my name."
"Zenia, I know you don't know anything about me, but I feel like we could connect with each other, and I'm really hoping we could be friends. EJ and I go way back-- preschool to be precise. We've been inseparable and shared a bond like no other, but all that changed when my family ran into financial difficulties, and I was forced to move away from next door EJ."
Bitch used to live right next to him?
"When I moved, we lost touch with each other, you know? I tried reaching out to him continuously, but I failed and we grew apart. I knew he had his own life to live, and he's a guy, after all."
She gave a light, feminine laugh as she playfully pushed my shoulder.
"Why are you telling me all this?" I finally asked. I wasn't one for empathy, so I wouldn't pretend I actually gave a damn about her and her personal issues.
"I'm telling you this because EJ is a really nice guy, and I can tell he already has a stronger connection with you. All he talks about is you."
Oh, she's trying to put in a good word for her friend.
"Oh, well," I said, and a blush crept to my face.
"I think we should work together. We'll make a perfect team."
"Work together to do what exactly?" I narrowed my eyes at her as I took her in.
She was pretty in the face, and one wouldn't get bored just looking at her. Her beautiful creamed skin screamed perfection, and her green eyes possessed traces of gold around the pupil. Her dark brown hair was cut in a stylish bob, which fell loosely around her neck. She was just pretty.
"Let's work, today, on getting EJ back to me
"Let's work, today, on getting EJ back to me. I had always loved him."
I almost fell into the pool.
Ethan Junior's POV
"You do know that very soon you'll be starting work at HT, little brother, so you need to be prepared. You've already finished your college courses, and I'm so proud you accomplished that at only twenty years old. Took me two years more than you."
Evan and I shared a laugh, and he manly patted me on the back.
I knew someday I would be the COO of Hollen Tower. It was all Dad ever talked about and molded me into becoming. In high school, I was the straight 'A', but popular, guy. I knew I made my parents proud, and I was patiently awaiting the day for Dad to tell me I'd be beginning my COO duties at his company.
He was only hesitant because he knew I would move out of his house, purchase my own, and he wouldn't be able to see me as regular as he wished.
As Evan and I talked about the company, and my upcoming responsibilities, Zenia walked up to me.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, looking at her face and her slumped body language.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can I talk to you for a quick sec?"
Excusing ourselves, we walked underneath a nearby tree.
"What's up?"
"I just had a conversation with Madison, and she wanted me to talk to you."
"About what?" I pulled her onto my chest. I always needed to feel her against me when she was in my presence.
"She said she was in love with you."
A chuckle escaped my lips. "Really?"
"Yes, really. Do you love her back?" I sensed a hit of jealousy from her statement.
"I was always expecting her to fall in love with me." I played.
Her eyes flared at me, and she quickly turned on her heel to depart, but I pulled her back to me. She was very close to my lips.
I lowered my head and claimed her lips on mine, parting them with my tongue to gain access into her wine-flavored mouth.
She responded slowly, but surely, and when our tongues wrapped with each other, I felt sparks shooting up from inside me.
"No. We can't." Her voice croaked out before pushing me away from her.
She turned around quickly again and took off running towards the large tent where the dinner was already being served.
Zenia's POV
We just shared a kiss! EJ and I kissed!
It was just a breathtaking moment, but after telling Madison I had no feelings for him, and that we were only friends so I'd talk to him as a favor for her, I felt I was betraying her already; although I didn't know her.
Dinner was being served when I arrived at the table.
I found a seat next to Madison.
"Hey, did you talk to him?" she leaned in and asked in a low tone.
"Yes, I did." I answered in a tone to match hers.
"He said he'll think about it."
"When exactly did he said that? Before or after y'all kissed?"
Damn it!
Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, I grabbed a bottle of wine off the table and pulled myself off the chair, all eyes on me.
I drank the entire bottle of wine by myself in the darkness of the night, poolside.